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<br /> 76- �O,;E;IU
<br /> MORTGACI3I.OAN N0.�?,�Z�
<br /> IKNOWALLAfGNDYTHESEPR[SENTS:That OPV11�2 �. Qualsett and Mary K. QUd�S�tt, each in his
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> . : Mortgegor,whether one or more,in considcrntion of Ihe sum o(
<br /> Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred and No/100---------------------------------------
<br /> loaned to said morlgagur by'Ihe Equitable Duilding and Luan Associatiun of Grand lslanJ,Nebra:ka,Afortgagee,upon 145 shares of srock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22�223 ,do hereby grant,cunvey and morigage unto t}�e said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> described real estate,situated in Hall County,Nrbraska:
<br /> LOT SIXTEEN (16) IP� BLOCK fIUE (5)
<br /> k.
<br /> . together W1��I ��� I�1C tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thercunto�2�011�'Ifl�',incl�ding attached iloor coverings,2��window screens,
<br /> winduw shades,blinds,storm winduws,awnings,heating,air conditiuning,and plumbing and water equipment and acceswries thereto,pumps,sroves,
<br /> refrigerators,and other fixtures and equipment now or hereaCter attached lo nr umd in connec�ion with said real estate.
<br /> And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and Joes hereby agrec th�t the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and usussments levied ot
<br /> ' asseued upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured theceby before the same shall 6ecome delinquent;[o(urnish approved �
<br /> insurana upon the buildings on said premius situated in the swn of 5 �4�5�0.�0 payable tu said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br /> . ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance;and not ro commit or permit any waste on or about said premises; � �
<br /> In case o(de(ault in the performance of any of the tenns and conditions of this mortgage ur the bond sewred hereby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> on demand,be en�iUed to immediate possession o(the mortgaged premises and the mun�gm hereby assigns, transfers and sets over ro the
<br /> � mor[gagee all the rents,cevenues and income[o be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> � unpaid;and the mortgagce shall have the power to appuint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said premises and renting
<br /> o ' the snme and collecting the tents,mvenues and income,and it may pay uut of said income all expenses of repairing said premises and necessary
<br /> � cummissions and expense:incurred in renting and manaeing the same anS of collecting rentxls therefrom:the balanre remaining,i(any,to be
<br /> ? s applied toward�he discharge of said rtwrtgage indebtedness;these rights of the mortgagee may be exercised at any time during the existence o(such
<br /> � def�ult,irrespeclive uf any tempmary waiver o(the samc.
<br /> ti . These P�esents,hoK•ever,are upon ihe Condition,Thal if the said Dtor�gagor shall rcpay said loan on ur bzfore the mawrity of seid shares by
<br /> � paymenr,pay monthly to said ASSOCIATIO`v o(the sum specified in the Uond secured hereby as in�erest and principal on said loan,on or be(ore
<br /> £• ��, Ihe Twenlieth day oC each and every munth,until mid loan is 1'ully paid;poy all taxes and assessments levied aguinst said premises and un this I�iort�ge
<br /> � and�he fiond secureJ thereby,before delinyuency;Curnish approved insurance upun Ihe buildings thereon in the sum of S�4�5��.�� payable
<br /> to said ASSOCIATION;repay to said ASSOCIATION upon dem�nd all money by it paid for such tsxes,assessments and insurance with interest at �
<br /> � �; ihe m�ximum leg�l rate thereon from date o(payment all u(�vhich Afongagur hereby agrees tu pay;permit no waste on said premisrs;keep and cumply
<br /> . wi�h all ihe agreements and ronditions of the Bond for S �(}�5(1�pA�this d�y given by the said Atorlgagor to said ASSOCIATION,and comply
<br /> . with all dm reyuirements oC the Constitutiun and ByL�H'S O�581d AJJOCIATION;then these prcsents shall become null and ruid,ud�erwise they
<br /> shall remain in full force and may be(urecloxd m�he option oC tl�c said ASSOCIATION a(ter failure for Ihree months tu make any of s�id
<br /> payments or be thrae nwnths in nrreurs in making suid monthly payments,or tu keep and cumply with the agreements and cunditions u(said l3und;
<br /> and Afortgagor ayees to have a receiver appointed Ibrthwith in such foreclusure pruceedings.
<br /> {. I(ihcre is any change in uwnership o(die real est�le mortgaged herein,by�ale or othenvise,then[he entice remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> S �CUfC(I SIIJII,a�the option o(The Lquitable kluilding and Loan Assuciation o[Grand Island,Nebraika,become immrdiately due and payabla witl�uut
<br /> further notice,and thc amount remaining due under said bond,and any u�her bund ior any aJditional advances made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> € da�e of exercise uf said option,bear iMerest at the maximum legal rale,and this morigage may then be foreclused to satisfy the emount due un said
<br /> bond,and any other bond(or adJitional advances,logether with all sums pxid by said The liyuitxble Building and Loan Association uf Grand Island,
<br /> Nubraska foe insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting extension charges,wi�h interest tliereon, (rom date of payment at the maximum
<br /> y, legalra�e.
<br /> . As pruvided in the Bond secured hereby,while�his murtg�gr remsins in effect the murtgagea may hereafter adrance aJditional sums tu tlie
<br /> � makrrs of saiJ Bond,their assigns ur successors in interest,which sums shall be within ihe ucurity of this mortgage the same as the funds originally
<br /> . secured thereby,lhe total amuunt uE principal debt not to exceed at any time the original amount of this morigage.
<br /> ���a it��5 .� pthi a:,Y ur June �n.,i� 76
<br /> f � / � // ��/ / ��/
<br /> r�-� :�C -!�-',��«t.-G.t'/ �'i i;2�u,�-f� (_,%i� �r l.,<_r7--
<br /> ville 0. �ualse�t t�ary K.;; ualsett j
<br /> STATE OF NGB[iASKA,�ss. On this 30th day o( June 19 76 ,before mz,
<br /> 4 1' '
<br /> , �he undersi�ned,x Notary Public in and fur saiJ County,perwn�lly came �
<br /> Orville 0. Qualsg�and Mary K. �.�ualsett, each in his and her own right and as spouse of a �,
<br /> of each Oth_P..��S, � ��'�' `�'t�� dP2 personallyknownto y
<br /> � •� t. Gl�<z;�:6. t� . .
<br /> me lo be the idepti�tl��e�Son».,, �,w'hqse name s are �fGxaJ to the above instmment as ntortgagur 5 and they severally a:;. 1�
<br /> , �i,:S • . �., :.
<br />, � acknowledged/,�{p6�� iJL¢etrumen(�to'he J..ti,I121 1' voluntary acl and deed. ' / � .
<br />�,�; '� lY'�I'NFSS iny hand apd N�tarial Seal the dato aforc:aid. �
<br /> a, r .�t�Commiesion expirts /
<br /> ,�. 7��97� �. "�2l/'<G-L
<br />�� .. � kutary Public
<br /> 373�2M ,y, ��., ..j�
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