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<br /> MORTCAG[i
<br /> AfORTGAGIi LOAN N0._ L ZZ,190
<br /> KNOWALLMGNBYTiIESEPRESGN'IS:That Ronald A. Kucera and Mary Lou Kucera, each in his and
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Mortgagor,whether one or more,in consideration of tl�e sum of
<br /> TwP���p Thousand five Hundred dfld NO/�OO-------------------------"'---""""--""DOLLARS
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The Cquitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,�lort�gee,upon �25 shares of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIAT(ON,Certificate No.L 22��9� ,du hereby grant,convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> described real estate,situated in Hall County,Nebraska: �
<br /> together witli all the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto 6elonging,including attached Ilour co��erings,all window screens,
<br /> - window shades,blinds,storm window:,awnings,heating,air conditiuning,and plumbing and water equipment and acceswries thereto,pumps,s[oves,
<br /> �efrigerators,and other fixtums and equipment now or tmreafter attached to or used im m�nection with said rea!estata �
<br /> And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asussments levied or
<br /> asussed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and lhe bond secured therebv be(oce the same shall become delinquent;to Curnish appmved
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on said premises simated in A�e sum ot S iZ�5��.�� payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br /> i .: ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance;and nut to commit ur permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br /> � In case u(default in the performance of any of the terms and wnditions u(this murigage or lhe bond secured hereby,Ihe mortgagee shall,
<br /> � on demand,be entiUed to immedi:�te pussession of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assign:, translers and �tts over ro the
<br /> � murtgagee all the rents,revenues and income to bc derived from the mort�aged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpaid;and the moctgagee s}�all have the puwer to appoint any agent or agents it may desim for the purpusa of repairing said premises anJ renting
<br /> . the same and collecting the rents,rcvenues and income,and it enay pay out oC said income all cx{xnses of rep�iring said premists and nectsury . .
<br /> wmmissions and expenses incurmd in ren�ing and managing the same and o(collecting rentak therefrom;the balance remaining,iC any,to be �
<br /> � applied toward the discharge o(said mortgagt inde6tedness;tt¢se rights o(the mortgagee m:+y be cxercised at any time during the existence uf such
<br /> � default,i�respective of any tempocary waiver o(the same.
<br /> i � These Presents,however,ace upun the Condition,"Chat iC the said Stortgagor shall repay said loan un ur before die maturity of said ehares by
<br /> � payment;pay monthly to said ASSOClATION of the sum epeci�ird in the Bund sccured hereby as interest and principal on said luan,un or be(orc
<br /> �. the Twentieqiday of each and every month,until said lu�n is fully paid;pay all taxes and asussments levied against said premises and on this Ato�tgage
<br /> �F, and thc Bond securcd thereby,bafom delinyuency;Cumish appruved insurantt upon the buildings qiereon in the sum o(S IZ,5�0.�� payable
<br /> �� �, to said ASSOCIATION;repay to sxid ASSOCL\TION upon demand all money by it paid for such taxes,assessments and insurancr with interest al
<br /> 's . the maximum legal r:�te thereon(rom date of payment all of which blorigagur hereby agrees tu pay;permit no waste on said premises;keep and comply
<br /> , with all the agreements and conditions o(thc Bund for S1 9 n�7 this day gi��en 6y the said I�fortgagur to said ASSOCtATtON,and romply �
<br /> `t with all the requi�ements of the Constitution and By-L•aw'Sbt�Q�rtSSOC1A1'IUN;then these presents shall become null and vuid,othenvise they
<br /> shall remain in full(orcc and m�y be fureclosed at thr uption of thc said ASS(X'IATION alter failure for ttvee munths tu make any of said
<br /> . payments or be thrce months in arrears in making said monthly payments,or tu kcrp and comply with tt�e agreements and conditiuns oC s:iid 13onJ;
<br /> and Mortgagur agrees to have a receiver appuimeJ farthwith in such fureclosure pruceedings.
<br /> If there is any change in uwnership of the real estate mortgaged herein,by sale o�oiherwisc,then tl�e entire remaining indebtedness hercby
<br /> � sccured shall,at thc option of 7he Equitable Building and l,oan Association o(Crand Island,Ncbras}:a,becume immediately due and p�yablc without
<br /> further notice,and the amount remaining due under said bond,and any ather bond for any additiunal advances made thereunder,sl�all,from the
<br /> dale of exercise of said op�ion,bear interest ai the maximum legal rate,and this mortgage mxy then be foreclosed to satisfy the amuunt due on s:�id
<br /> bond,and any uther AonJ for additiunal advances,tugether with all sums paid by said Thz C•quiteble Building and Loan Assuciatiun o(Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska fur insurance,Ixxes and xssesements,and abstracting extensi�n charges,with interest thercon,irom date u(payment at the maximum
<br /> legalratc.
<br /> As provided in the Bond seared hereby,while this murtgage remains in eCfect the tnortgagee may I�ere3fter advance additional sums tu the
<br /> makers o(said IIond,their assigzts or succeswrs in in(erest,wfuch sums shall be within the ucuriry of this muetgage tLe same as the Cunds uriginally
<br /> securcd lhereby,the wtal amount uf principal debt not to exaed at any time the ori�inal amuunt of this mortgage. �
<br /> ' Dated diis 2�5� `�ay°t June �1.U.,19 76
<br /> y_.
<br /> ���rJ• �"��t<.-<rt _ l�Yln,�;^,•.,,��-����4,�_,
<br /> Ronald A. Kucera Mary �Y.u�`�
<br /> 4
<br /> STATE OF NGDRASKA,�u On this da uf 19 ,bcfurc me,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL 2�S t Y JUfle 76
<br /> h,undcrsi n d,allotaryYubliCip olla�dS�County,personallycame �'� �
<br /> Ronald A. Kucera and Mary Lou Kucera, each in his an�'�er o�+ri r�griti N ;,
<br /> S(10U52 of each OtheC ` `°�1O are personallyknownto �
<br /> Ime�o be the identical perwn 5 whosrnante S are �ffixed ro the abure instrument as mortgagor S and they seve:ally d
<br />��' acknowledged the said instrument to be•tTl21�r;� voluntary act and deed. ///��� � ��
<br /> R7TNtSS tny hanS and Notanaf Strxl the date afuresaid. / I ,� �
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<br /> ro� t�fy�ommis:im�expuu U.E'(. ;�� /7 7� � �-r� .(`��,/ ,.
<br />�: � � G/l!l�,1 , ,-�1�JvzE�
<br /> Nutary Pub ic
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