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<br /> STATP OF NPBItASKA, County of ....................................................:
<br /> --_�
<br /> I`iled for record on ................................. 1�J.......,ut............................ dclock .......... ...t�lFl3RlI�!(A DOCUM[NTARY �
<br /> STAMP TAX
<br /> and reeorded in the I)eud Iteoord ................................. Yuga ...................,.........
<br /> ..............JUL 11976
<br /> .............................. ... ................ �,� ............. .. ................,....
<br /> ................. .................. ........ .....,.....
<br /> Regieter of lleeds Deputy ltegi�te of D ede �
<br /> : � 76� 003�05 � : : �� QY ✓Cy�P
<br /> ,aTF1;1FtdT A7TACN�'
<br /> E1mer H. Hans and Evelyn J. Hans, husband and wife,
<br /> ,herein called the grnntor whetLer ono or more,
<br /> in consideration of Thirty-Seven Thousand Five flundred and 00/100 Dollars
<br /> received from grautees, does grnnt, bnrgain, sell convey nnd confirm unto
<br /> Wayne H. Rieker and Joanne M. Rieker, husband and wife,
<br /> us joint tennnta with right of eurvivorship, and not us tenants in commou, the followin� described real
<br /> �
<br /> '. property in .............Xa11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,._,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,.. County,Nebrnskn: The South Fifty Feet (50') of
<br /> Lot Sixteen (16) in B1ock Twenty (20) in Scarff's Addition to West Lawn in the City
<br /> of Grand IsZand, Nebraska and a tract of land lying South and adjacent thereto,
<br /> being a part oF what was formerly West Seventeenth Street in the City of Crand
<br /> Island, Nebraska, now vacated, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning
<br /> at the Southwest corner of Lot Sixteen (16) in B2ock Twenty (20) in Scarff's Addition
<br /> to West Lawn, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; thence running East
<br /> oa the South Iine of said Lot Sixteen (16) for a distance of 177.9 feet to the
<br /> Southeast corner of said Lot Sixteen (16) thence running South on a prolongation of
<br /> the East Zine of said Lot Sixteen (16) for a distance of Eight (8) Feet, thence
<br /> running West and para11e1 with the South line of Said Lot Sixteen (16) to a point
<br /> on the West line bf said Lot Sixteen (ZG) if the same were extended to the South:
<br /> thence running North for a distance of Eight (8) Feet to the Southwest corner of
<br /> _ said Lot Sixteen (Z6) being the point of beginning.
<br /> To have nnd to hold the nboce deacribed premises together with all tenements, hereditamenta
<br /> and appurtennnces Lhereto belonging unto the gruntees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns
<br /> of the survivor of them forc��er.
<br /> Y And gruntor does hereby covenant with the grnntces and with thoir usaigns nnd with the heirs
<br /> � and assigns of the survicor of them thut grnntor is lawfully seised of said premises;thut they are free from
<br /> `-' encumbrance except easements and restrictions of record.
<br /> F
<br /> i.
<br /> ' that antor has ood ri ht und lawful authorit to convey tLe snme; and that
<br /> 6R' B B y gra��tor ti��arrants und will
<br /> defend t6e title to suid premises against the la�eful claims of all pertions n•limusoc��er.
<br /> �� It is the intention of all parties hereto that in tl�e event of the denth of cither of th� grantees,
<br /> � . ihc entire fce litle to this renl property ol�all cest in tlic survi��ing gruntee.
<br /> i
<br /> v Dnted Jul Z 19 76 , -
<br /> � :'�'�' �'r��.�..�:.. . . ......
<br /> .................... .i:..-.�.'�......... . zz-,-�
<br /> ; ................................................................ . .... ......
<br /> . .................................................................................... ....�:�:,,��I::�..,�.........�:?�l��Y�:...................
<br /> �
<br /> � . Nebraska Hall
<br /> ,: STATE OF ............................................................. Couuty of ............................................................:
<br /> Before me,a notnry puLlic qualified for suid coutity, personally came Elmer H. 11ans and
<br /> k Evelyn J. Hans, husband and wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse of
<br /> the other,
<br /> known to me.to Le the identical perxon or pereons�rho signed the foregoing instrument und ncknowledged �- � .:.-<
<br /> the execution tl�ereoE to Uc l�is,her or their volunt:iry act and deed. '"'"�
<br /> N ,..
<br /> , ! Witness my hand and notnrisl seal on......................r...�LL��":...�...........,,19...1��:.. J � .
<br /> . , � : �L fi '�' �..
<br /> h :
<br />• ....... : .- �^-'�� � � .... Notar Public
<br /> .....,,�.. .l�L: .....�%(.c..:..,�.�� :r.,� y � :
<br />�, �CflERALNOTARY•SteteolNebc �� _� � �W/ _ -
<br /> F70BERT M.FqILING '�
<br />_ -- . .
<br />„� . . . , , ,,,��� _.
<br />; MyGmm.Exp.Mi¢h5.1l70 �fy comimsyion eapires....1.����t:G.':l.�t�.:.....:�......,19.i.1.�.:......
<br /> Form �.2 To be ❑pproved Ly . e ru t�Ftide Boir.lssocint.io❑ }'elWn A Wul(Oo.,Lncdn,Nebr.
<br />,;�
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