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<br />`<6 r �
<br /> MOATGAGE—SaWage and Laan Form—(Direct Credit Plm) 255•2 (Spedaq �H . �
<br /> �.`:�^� , , MORTGAGE
<br /> 76_ �1�,��,C)3
<br /> Loun No
<br /> �u� .19 76 by and batween � � . .
<br /> � Tti1S 1NDEN1'URE,mada lhle 151' �QY o� y -- , . .
<br /> DAVID A. REEVES AND SHARON L. REEVES, husband and wife, each in his and her own
<br /> ; right and as spouse of the other
<br /> o� Ha I I County.Nebrmka.�morigagor`'_.,and}iome Fedezal Savingn aad Loan Associatlon ot G:vnd Island,
<br /> a carporatlon o�ganized and ozlsting mder tho lawe ot Ne6meka wlth Ite prindpd oflice and placo ot businees at Grand Iel�d,Ne6meka, : .
<br /> an mod9agee; . " . .
<br /> �;. WIT27ESSETH: That eald mortgagor 5 tor and Sa coneldecatioa ot the eum of
<br /> ` THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND AND NO/100 --------------------------"--- noua�e cs_ 3�.900.00 �,
<br /> �
<br /> ..� tLe receipt o! wLlch Se heroby acknowledqed,do_ by these preeenls mortgago and war+ant unro anid mortgogee, ile succeeaors and � �. �.
<br /> ; Hall
<br /> ��� aastgns,lo�eveq all the fotlowing deecribed real estate, nituated in t6e county oL . . .
<br /> and State of Nebraeka,to-wiL• ,
<br /> S
<br /> ,: ��
<br /> 1
<br /> ;i �
<br /> }
<br /> +
<br /> tt�f ��
<br /> `$j �
<br /> s" Together with all hoaLLng. lightinq, and pl�mbing oqWpmeat and tiz�uros,including etokera and butnere,aaeens.awninqe,atorm windows f -
<br /> >S ond doora.and window shadee ot blinde.used on or[n connettioa wllh aaid proporiy,whethe[lha eomo are now localed on eaid property F
<br /> SSor he�cwller placed thereon. S � � � -
<br /> ? <
<br /> S� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Tf�SAME. loqether with all and ninqular tho tenomonb,he:editamente and appu:tonaacea Ihereuato belonq- � .
<br /> ## ing,oc in anywiee appertainiug,lomver,and waRmt the title to tho same. Said mortgagor 5 hereby covenanL—_with eatd mortgagee
<br /> $S �ha��ho� �7�(.' at lh:delivety hecoof,lhe lawful owne6_ot lho premieee above conveyed and deactibed,and �rP � .
<br /> {t seixed ol a good and inde�easiblo eslate ol inherilance theroin. �[eo and dear ot all entumbrances,and l6al t�to Y wlll wartant and
<br /> $S detond the ti11e the�alo fo:eve:agattut the claimn and demands ol ail poraona whomsoever. t
<br /> � --------------------------- S .
<br /> PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and thin inetrument is oxeculed and deliveted to socute the paymont ot Iho aum ol �
<br /> � TH I RTY—FOUR TNOUSAND AND IJO��nn _ nouare cs �,000.00 �,
<br /> r
<br /> � with ia�ereet thereon.togolhe�wilh wch charges and advances as may bv duo md payablo lo sald mo�tgagee undor the lerma and
<br /> conditiona ol ihe pramiewry note o� oven dale herewith and aecv�od hereby,oxetuled by eafd moriqago[_lo eatd morigagee,payable
<br /> j ae ezpreseed in said note,and�o eecwe tLo pedormance of all the terma and conditiona conlained Ihoroin. 7he termn of eaid note aro . � .
<br /> jhereby inrnrporated 6erein by thie aeleronrn.
<br /> # 11 ie Ihe Inlenliou and agroamenl ai the pa�liea he=eto that thls mortgage ehall also eocure any future advancen made to eaid
<br /> � mortqagor—by eaid mortgagea,and any and all indebtedneee in addltlon ro Iho amount above etated which eaid mortgagoxe, or aay
<br /> of thcm,may owo to eaid mortgagee,however evldencod wbethe�by note,book aaoun�oc otherwine. ThL+martgage sholl iemain in lull
<br /> lorco and ellect belween the partiee herelo and lheir heira, pe[eonal mpreaentaflvea, succeeaora and aseigm, until all amounte secu[ad �
<br /> .. �+ he�eunder,lncluding luturo advancee,axe paid Sn full w(lh inteeeat. �
<br /> The moitgagor 5 heroby aeaiqn_to eaid mortgagee all reate and lncomo arieiag at anY and aq timea lrom eaid pcopeRy aad
<br />�'.. � hereby autLorisa eaid moctgagee or ite agent,at ils option, upon dalaull,to take charqe ol eaid propeny and cotlect ol]renta and income
<br /> there4om and apply We eamo to the payment of Inleronl,p[incipal,lnaumnca premlume.I�ee,mnaeemenle, repaite oc improvomente necoa•
<br /> eory to keap eaid property in tenanlabla condflion,or �o olher chaigee ox paymonle provided!or horein or in lho aote heteby eecurad TWe
<br /> $ iont aeeignment nhall continue in force until lhe unpaid balance of eaid note is tully paid. 7tio takinq ol posseanion he�aundet ehall in no
<br /> $� monner prevent or:etard aaid mo�tgagee!n tha mlioction o! eaid eume by toiacloaure or o�herv+iee. .
<br /> $i i'he faUuro of �ho morigagee to aaee�l auy o! ite rightn hereundei at any timo ehati aat be conelrued ae a waiver o(ite right lo aeeeh �
<br /> $ the eame at any lale�tima,�d to imtetupon and.enloice etdc!compifance with all tLo tarme and ptovieione o! eaid note and ot lhle
<br /> 3� mo�tga9e. , � .. ... .......: �
<br /> ff II naid morlgagoc 5,ahall,eausa to be.paid lo said mortgagee tLo entice amoun�due It heceunder,and undor tha lorme and provisioni
<br /> $$ of said no�e 6areby tecuted..iaclddln9lutuio advmcae,and any eztendon�or :enowale lherea( In accordance wi�h tha terme and provldooa �
<br /> 2� lheteol,and tt said morigagor S ehall comply�+ilh aU!he provieioae ol nald note and o!thla mortgage,then theee proeanU eLall ba vold;
<br /> �� o�henviae to remain!a lul!lorce aad elfoct,and eaid morlgaqoe ehall be entltled to tho poeee�don ol all ot emd propecty,and may,at Ite
<br /> si opllon,decla�a the whole o!wid note and a�Indebtedneu repre�enled theroby lo bo Immediately due and payabio,and may foiecloee lhi� +� -
<br /> �� mor�gago or taka any o�6er legal aclion to p:olect Its r1gh1, aad fiom the data ol�uch dulault all Items ol indeblednees eocuced 6areby {+
<br /> t# eholl diaw inlareet at 9°ro par annum. Appraiaement wnlvad j -�
<br /> $� Thie moc�gage �hall be b(ndiag upoa md�6a11 anure to the b�neflt ol the hsin�e:acuton,admlaletcatou, �ucco�aon and meiqns d _ N P �
<br /> L j Iho re�pecliva partla�he:elo. I � �
<br /> f# � Ve th�I� ha¢d�tho day and year fl�et above �
<br /> �iN TNFSS Wf�AEOF,'w1d Morlgagor �a_ heceunlo ■st ti �#,'�
<br /> w Ileu.� � (� .
<br /> ,{ _._ ��/��{�f�/�/'/��I�,cS_:;7- .\����n- •.��: '� /���l�i' J.l.,� -. � �i� .
<br /> �i David�.—Teeves -t�ti3ron L. Neeves
<br /> S� ._....__....,.... .,�........�...,,.....�...• .,........., t
<br /> � � J
<br />!
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<br />