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<br /> STATT UF NP�,BRASKA, County of ....................................................:
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<br /> � \Piled for record on ................................. 19........ut............................ dclock ........................�.
<br /> ,; 2_ � n � �. . .
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<br /> nnd reeorded in tLe Deed Ra:cord ................................. Puge ............................. � C», Qe
<br /> ` ................................................................................... I3y ......................................:........... ... �.�.,....,��.........m d
<br /> Register of llecds lieputy ltegister af D�e� � �..
<br /> 1 ; �� i `.�- `�
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<br /> ' Roger N. l3ailey and Linda L. 33ailey, husUand and wife, ecali in his and her o�an
<br /> `c right and as spouse of each other ,l�erain called ttte�rantor whether une or morq
<br /> in considerntion of Norty I'our 'fhousand and No/100 Doilars (544,000.00)
<br /> s received from antees, does rant, bar ain, sel! con�•ey aod ewifirm unto Robert 1�. Scltafer and
<br />,. �, sr s s �
<br /> Barbara J. Schafer, husbancl and wife.
<br /> ns joint tenants with right of aurvivorship, and not as tenants in commou, tl�e following deacribed re:il
<br /> `: property in ..................Hil.11..................................... CountY.I�TeLraskn:
<br /> �" The Easterly Half (F'z) of Lot Sixteen (16) and the 14esterly T}iree Fourths (W3/d) of
<br /> Lot Seventeen (17), in Block Nine O), in Park}iill Third Subdivision, an Addition
<br /> to thc City of Grand Island, tlall County, Nebraska.
<br /> STAYiP TAX
<br /> ,:ZaiL;��«ic f�iiACKe� ,�UL � 1976
<br /> � '7`� `Y"U py�/J
<br /> i
<br /> To have and to hold the abo�•e descrihed premises together with nll tenements, hcreditamcuts
<br /> - and nppurtenances thereto belonging uvto tLe grantecs nnd to their assigns, or to the l�eirs and as�igiis
<br /> of the survivor of ihem fore�•er.
<br /> And gruntor does hereby covenant with t6e grantees uud �sith their assigns and with the heirs
<br /> nnd assigne of t}�e survi��or of tbem thnt grantor is luwfully scised of said premises;that they are free from
<br /> enenmbrance, eacept restrictions, easements and righ�of �L�ay-of-record.
<br /> that grantor Las good rigiit and la�vful authority to concev the s.uue; uud tLut grantor �anrrauts :u�d v:ill
<br /> defend tlie title to said premises against the Inwful cluims uf all per,u,is �cLomsocver.
<br /> It is the intevtion of ull parties hereto thut iu the event of the deuth of cither of tiic �rantees,
<br /> the entire fee title to tLis rcal prupi�rtv �hall �•est in ihe survi��ing gruntee.
<br /> Dated Junc 17, 19 7� � �
<br /> .................................................................................... ....�%���........(!f..:.. .. .'.........................
<br />; .`' STA'PE OI' .........t�ttrask.a................................. County of ..........I1a1.1........................................:
<br /> Before me,a notnry public qualified for suid county, personully camc
<br /> Roger PI. Bailey and Linda L. B3iley, husUand and wife
<br /> kno«�n to me to be the identicul person or persons who signed tlie foregoing instrttment nnd ackno�sledged "'� '� '
<br /> the execution thereof to be his,her or their voluntary act and decd• n1 ��•"
<br /> Witness my hand nnd noturinl seal on... -�� �•�•••� 19••�� � i
<br /> �; _ .....'............. ...........T.. .�,
<br /> ��. _ ,..,
<br /> _ Q � �-
<br /> ��' � CENERAL NOTARY•State of Nebr. � .......................j.... ....... . ............Jl. �otuCy YubliC � � ,.'�.
<br /> � . ROBERT J.THOAIAZIN �`� ' p � � �
<br /> � '� My Comm.ExV.Dec.11,1979 v ..�,,�,�..1� �� � . -:.�.� .
<br /> — . 3Iy commission eapires ...... ........................ 19.�/.......
<br /> Form •1.° To be nppro��ed by Xebraska State iinr Association kelbn&Wolf Oo..Ltnca7n.Ne6r.
<br /> �. J
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