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<br /> t�. . ..r_.�L. �
<br />�'.� � �
<br />+
<br /> 1.
<br /> STATL OF NLBIZASKA, County uf' ....................................................:
<br />,.�' Piled for record on ................................. 19.......,uL............................ o'cfaek ................,....... !sL
<br /> ,'� und recorded in the llecd Rer.ord ................................. Page .............................
<br /> .................................................................................... 13y ..................................................,.............,.......,..,....,........
<br /> Itegister of llcedy Deputy RugisLer ot lleede
<br /> �
<br /> ' R. J. Thomazin, being one and the same as RoUert J. Thomazin, and Constance R.
<br /> �`; Thomazin, husband and wife, each iu his and her own right and as spouse of each
<br /> other,
<br /> ��� , herein called the grnntor�vhether one or more,
<br /> 'i
<br /> + in coneideration of Seven 'I'housand and No/100-------------------���LLARS ($7,000.00)
<br /> :;s
<br /> ,;; received from grnntees, does grnnt, bargaiu, Hell convey ttnd confirm unto
<br /> Roger N. i3ailey and Linda L. Bailey, husband and wife,
<br /> �
<br /> }, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, �md not ns tennnts in commou, the following described real
<br /> � property in .....U1J..1.................................................. Comit}',NcUrnskn:
<br /> .�
<br /> 'j
<br /> Lot One (i) John &, Marie's Subdivision, an Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Ilall County, NeUraska „___.____.
<br /> ' ,�UL 11976
<br /> � �-ra��,,,�Nr nrtACHcn . .
<br /> ,:� � .7o BY��—
<br /> .
<br /> �! ;
<br /> ; To Lu�•e and to hold the abovc descril;ed premises toqether t��ith rtll teucments, hereditaments '
<br /> and nppurtennnces tliereto bclonging unto tLe grantecs nnd to tl�cir assigns, or to the lieirs and assigus � � � �
<br /> of tfie survivar of Uiem fore��cr.
<br /> And grnntor docs hcreby covenant n�ith tLe grantces aud with their assi�ns nnd «'ith tLe }teirs
<br /> and assigns of the survicor of them that grantor is lan��flill��sr.i�ed of seiid prcrnises;tLnt thcy ure frce from
<br /> eneumbranee excepting assessment for 14ater �1ain llistrict No. 317 in tlte amount of
<br /> $1,125.71, and a connection charge for Sanitary Se�acr, Uistrict No. 396, in the amount -
<br /> of 5870.53; �ahich assessements and cliarges the Grantees agree to assume and pay.
<br /> tliat grantor Lus qood right.md lao'tul authority to enn���}' tiie ��uue; un�l tLnt �rautor �rarrants und �vill
<br /> defend the tiUe to said premiseti a�ainst tltc la�sful cluims of nll porsons �cLowsoc�•cr.
<br /> It is t}ie iutei�tion of all partics Lereto thnt in tl�e evm�t of the denttt of cither of the granteca, �� � � �
<br /> Ihe cntire fec title to tlii� rral prup��rt�� ��h;ill �•cs1 in the sm•��icin• �•rantee. �
<br /> Dated June 15, ]� 7b ���,' � J � �
<br /> \__ . — ��
<br /> -
<br /> ................................................................................... ��:.................... .....�.........��................
<br /> , / , .
<br /> �- � � ,
<br /> ,',, .................................................................................... ..!.�..~.�:.Ct.G.C<./.t:l.L�..........:... . .....�t^.f...`.�.�.l.`at�� . . .
<br /> ����.=.: �� .
<br /> '> STATli OF ........Nebrpt,sl:,a................................. County of ............1.1?.1.J.............................._.......: �'
<br /> Before me, a notary puLlic quulificd for said counip, person?illy cume
<br /> R. J. 7'homazin, being onc and thc same as kobert J. 'lliomazin,
<br /> and Consta�ice R. 'Phomazin, husUand and wife, each in his and lier
<br /> own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> .� ..c�r
<br /> kno�en to me to Le the identiciil person or pernons w}�u nigned the foregoin� iustn�ment and ackno�ti�ledged ti � �'
<br /> ; _ � �
<br /> ilie esccution thercof to be Lis,her or their voluntnry �ict :u�d dcecl. , a '
<br /> � tr �
<br /> �Vitness tny h�ind und not�rial senl �,n ......,.::_......,lunc...x,5.................................. 19...7.b......... �:, tu
<br /> , ' � ' ,
<br />.- , , .'�(!c c:. { .�.,/, �J�.�i�-�.`�.......... �'otury Yuhlic . . „ .�.
<br /> Odl[Itlll 110�I1RR•iI�MM�G ..... . / .... ...:..............................
<br />, D11�4tE A.0{MN� , � -.
<br />, , . ' .s
<br /> wWMR[q.IIhnA7L1'� .11c rommi.�ion c�pires ..............T.......r�....................., 19.i:�...`:........ �
<br /> � r•.iw��w�ic a�..t:����,t+r��.
<br /> Purw {:_' . n����ruccil b}• \�iu•a.l:a Sl;rto li,�r:lssnriviun
<br /> � �
<br />