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<br /> AfORTGAGI'.LOAN N0._L ZZ,222
<br /> KNON'ALLAfGNUYTIIL•SIiPRLSGNTS:'Ihat Gary M. Jacobs and Susan J. Jacobs, each 1fl h15 and her
<br /> ' � own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Mortgagur,whether one or more,in consideration of Ihe sum of
<br /> ' Twentv-three Thousand Two Hundred and No/100-------------------------------------- �oLLA�s
<br /> loaned lo said morigagor 6y The L-quitable tiuilding and Luan Assuciatiun of Grand Island,Ne6raska,pfortgagee,upun 232 shares of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Cerlificate No.L 22 Z9Z ,du liereby grant,convey and nwrtguge untu the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> ' described real eslate,situaled in Ilall County,�IveTirask�:
<br /> LOT NINE (9j IN BLOCK TEN (10),
<br /> r .
<br /> � � tugether x�ith all the tenements,he�editsments and appunenances therewrio belongin6.including attached �luor coverings,all window screens,
<br /> window shaJes,blinds,s�unn winduws,av:nings,healing,air cunditioning,and plumbing and water eyuipmen[and accessories thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> - re(rigerators,and other fixtums and equipment now or hercalter attached to or used in cunnec�ion wilh saiS real estste.
<br /> And whecexs�he said mungagor has agreed and dues hereby agree th�t the mottg�gur shall and wil�pay ulI taxes and assessmenis levied or
<br /> . asmssed upon said premius and upon this murtgage and the bond secured therebt�hefore thr same shall become delinqurnt;to furnish approved
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on zaid premises si�uated in ihe:um uf 5Z3�2��.�� payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policies lor s�id insurance;and nut�o commit or permit any waste un or about said premises;
<br /> t�, I
<br /> In case of default in the perform�na of any of the terms�nd cunditions o(this mortgage or the bond secured hereby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> : on dcmand,be entitled m immediate pussession ol�he mungaged premises and ihe mortgagor here6q assigns, transfers and sets over tu the
<br /> . murlgagee all the rcnts,rcvcnues and incume to bc derived f�um the mon�ged premises during such time ns the mortgaee indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpaid;�nd the mortgagee shall have Ihe power tu appoint any agent or agents it mav desire for thc purpose of repairing said premises and renting
<br /> the same and collecting ihe rents,revenues and income,and it may pay out ol'said income all cxpenses ot repairing said premises and necessary
<br /> -� commissions and expenses incurred in reming and managing tl�e s:ime and of collecling rentals therefrom; the balance remaining,if any,to be
<br /> �. applicd to���ard the disch�rge of said mongage indebtednesr,these richts uf the mungaeee may be exercised at any time during the existence o(such �
<br /> ; defauli.irrespective of any temporary wai��er of the same.
<br /> Thesc Preunts,huwe�cr,are upun�he ConSition,That if Uie said�lortg�gor shall repay s�id luan on or be(ore the maturitv of said shares by
<br /> ��. payment;pay monthly to said ASSOC(ATION uf the sum specifieJ in die Bond secured hereby�s interest and principal on said luan,un or belure
<br /> � ihe TN•enticih day of each and everp munth,until said loan is fully paid;pay all t�xrs and ai;essments Ievied against said premises and un this�1ortgage
<br /> t � and ihe Hond securcd therrby,before delinyuency:(umish appruved insurance upon the buildings dirreon in the sum of S 23,Z�Q.Q(baYuble
<br /> � tu said ASSOCIATIO�:iepay�o said ASS(H:IATION upon demand�II muney by it p�id fur such taxcs,assessments and insurance with interest at _
<br /> � the maximum legal ra�c�hereon(rom date uf p���ment all of whi�h 9lurtgagur hereby agrces to pay;permit no w�rie on said premises;keep and cumply
<br /> i
<br /> `e. " a�ith ail We agreements and conditions ul the 13ond for 5L3�Z�.Q �Q thi:day given 6y Ihe said ptortgugor tu said ASSOCIATIOV,and cumply
<br /> �: �. wiih all the reyuircments of the Cunslitution and By-Law�s oi said ASSOCIATIO\;then these presents shall become null and vuid,otherwise they
<br /> s: � shall remain in full furce and m:fy be forecloud at thr up�iun u(the said ASSOCIA7'ION .dter failure (or three months tu make sny of said
<br /> - � payments or br threc months in�Ifl'8fS III f118F:1i1�S81(I�IlOIlIIIIy'�J1YI➢CI1IS.U[N keep and mmply with U�e aueements and conditions of said Bond;
<br /> . and 1longagor agrees to have a recttiver appuwled(urttnvith in such(ureclu�ure proceedings.
<br /> If there is any change in ownership of Ihc real estate mongaged he;ein,6y sale or othenvise,then the entire remaining indebtedness he�eby
<br /> . ucured shall,ai the option of Tl�e Gyui�a6le t3uilding and Loan Associatiun of Grand Island,�ebraska,becume immeJiately due and payable withuut
<br /> fu�thcr notice,anJ the amount remaining duc unJcr said bund,and any wher bonS for any additiunal advances made thereunder,shall,Gom the
<br /> date of exercix uf said optiun,Uear inte�es[at tl�c maximmn Iegal rate,und this mortgage may dien be lureclosed to satisfy the amount due on sxid
<br /> z bonJ,and any other bond for additiunal advances,tugether with all sums paid by said The fquitable 13uJding and Luan Association of Grand Islxnd,
<br /> Nebraska for inmrance,taars anJ assessments,and abstracting extensiun charges,with interest thereon, fmm d�te uf payment at the maximum
<br /> �� legalrale.
<br /> As pwvided in the Bund secured hereby,while this murtgage remuins in eC(ect the murtgagee may herralter advance additional sums to the
<br /> � makers uf said Bond,their:�ssigns o�succeuors in interest,which sums shall be within the security oC this mortgage Ihe same as the(unds originally
<br /> � secwed Ihereby,Ihe ro�al nmoum of principal debt nut to exceed ut any time the original amount of this mortgage.
<br /> n�«a u��5 30th a�>-„r June n.o.,i� 76
<br /> ;� ,�, c;w�
<br /> ary co ,
<br /> v l ..,.. ,.c.
<br /> Susan J. Jaco �
<br /> STATE OP NIiBRA5141, SS. ���p��t 30th ��Y o� June �9�6 ,before me,
<br /> COUNTY Of HALL 1 I
<br /> the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for said Counry,personally came � - �
<br /> Gar�,cobs and Susan J. �acobs, each in his and her own right and as spouse of . N�,r
<br /> �`'h0 are peaonally known to
<br /> ff� ��` � �
<br /> I ���e W,bqrth�' e j h�person.5 whose name5 are ���xed Io the above instrument as mo�tgagor S anJ they severally � ,
<br /> Y
<br /> p[�.howledge�jti said'lPstrument to bc thei r �'oluntary act and dced. �.
<br /> a � �, t I;�T�'! 0.'l�1QSS my hand and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. , � �
<br /> � ... �.�..Ir J �• �
<br /> � �_y. � F %ty Cy�mrtnss�an expires �
<br />� �5 ,�: r: vV 2� Ic1,�L �� �� � _
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