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<br /> �� ' By This Instrument �;,,_•;�
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<br /> 5;+�,�. ; John Fi. Rohrer, a siciglc person, __ _ � %
<br /> 1�S -- S.
<br /> ; ;
<br /> : f `'••;1
<br /> ; fl . --------------- - -..__---------��-- -.._----------- i0`.ci .
<br /> 9 r;;t . . r:i5z1�
<br /> �`''� o(the County of_ F�"11 __—anJ State of �ehraska
<br /> r • hereinafter called party of the first part, in consideration of �`���3G.00 ,r�.����
<br /> : . y . _'..___._—_"__-___— ; 'j .
<br /> .,�
<br /> s �''d`�`.; ': !line Tliousand Six Elundred T}�irtti• Si:c and no/100 - `� �'
<br /> �_ ----DOLLARS, .`
<br /> , <_ . :, -----=-------- — — ._ .x .
<br /> - � ;. -— ;ci4�:�
<br /> ' ' in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and con��ey unto the Grand Island Trust �;z+ ,'
<br /> 4� ' . . '' r .,
<br /> '�} Company of Grand Island, Nebraska, and its succcssors and assigns, thc following real ��
<br /> . .`� '',C 1���
<br /> L� r, . estate,situated in__.___i��l].--_----County,State of--__.Ns:6taska__. _,towit � "`
<br /> , d f_.
<br /> `;3`,c` 'tIL1CT td0. 1: A tract of land in Lot Four (4), Island SecCion Eleven (11 t. :;i
<br /> �. - and [he Northwest Quarter of Che SouChwest Quarter (:7,dSSldl�), Laland Sect -
<br /> .)�.�,I
<br /> '" Eleven (11), all i� Townshlp Ten {10) Nor[h, Rnnge 'Pen (10) West of the �, ;t. ,
<br /> .;-_;`•`;,;��; Sixth Princlpal Meridinn, Hall County, Nebraska, and more purticularly
<br /> i�� descri6ed n, follows: ileginning nt the {Jr_st Quurter Corner of said .
<br /> Islnnd Sec[ion Eleven (11); [hence :V 0°23' [:. along tt�e West line of a+i +"��ti''
<br /> , Island Sectlon Eleven (I1), tiine Hundred Twenty and Seventy-four hundredt a i
<br /> (920.74) feet; thence S 89°37' F:., a di5cance of Six tfundred T'hirty-Stved �`
<br /> and :r'o Hundredths (G3?.00) feet; thence S 0°23' W., a distance of Elevenp
<br /> !?andred Ninety-four and ltden[y-two Hundredths (119/i.2?) fert, [o r_hm :
<br /> z,4 ` cen[erline of a Thirty and nv Ilundredths (3�).00) feec wide easemene for
<br /> ;�¢' roadway purposea; thence S SO°O1'3Q" W. alonq ch� centerline of salu ��;
<br /> Ttiir[�� Foet eascr.:enl, a ciis[.!nce oI TFo llundred F'ive snd Eiglity-1liiie ��
<br /> ` t Huctdreths ('_OS.ES9j fret; [henre con[inulug on tiie cen[erlinc uf sald
<br /> �`'q 1'hir[y Foot easement S 72030' �'., u d1s[uncc of Fivc liundred and Fifty � �
<br /> 'i Five Hundred[hs (500.55) ieet to :i polnt on [he West linc of said 1sl�nd
<br /> � Section L•'leven (11); tlience 'r;orth alon}; the West line of safd island (Co �3�` '
<br /> - i > > ' � •ind .ill covenants in all th� ���=`'
<br /> ToKether with all the appurtenances thereunt�b�lc ngm�„ . �
<br /> .,: ,.� tide dceds runnin�? with sai� rcal esr;�te, anJ all thc rents, issucs and pro�its arisinR ,�:'1��`
<br /> � � therefrom aher default in perfonn��nce uf:iny co��enant or cunelition herein contained tff, :, �
<br /> + and warrants the tide thereto per(ect un� dear except fur this murt�;a�;e. j{ ` ,`,
<br /> z `� �J �
<br /> During the timc this mortgagc is in forcc the murt�;aKurs cigrcc: f[
<br /> ,;`:•'�'`I
<br /> s. ;�; . First. To pay all taxcs and spccial asscssmcnts levicd aK:unst said prcmiscs, in � ::jT'
<br /> eludinK all taxes anJ :isx�.sments le��ieil u��un this mc�rt�;,i�;c, ur the �cbt secu�c�l by
<br /> f� ;:i4, 1
<br /> �;.`' this mort�a�e. vt�s ;
<br /> ^.s'r+i!�''.. � ' ' r,`�,,
<br /> :.�!,, . ScccmJ. Tu kccp �ill biiildin{;s thcrcon insurcd �i};:unst li�ss by firc, li�;litnin� ancl '�.:.
<br /> .�. tornadu in somc cumpany, tu � ��E,pr��vccl Uy thc s;�icl Crand Islan� Trust CompanY ' ,,��;`��.i
<br /> ` i � o( GranJ IslanJ, Nchr:tska, m the sum ��� $_lnsura�le J;�lue , for thc bcncfit u( ' � '
<br /> ��''� ;'r� �`,
<br />•� Jt ` thc siid Trust C:cm�pany, ancl its succrs,��rs��r a.�i�ns:,irnl tu�epc�srt saicl ruLcics with � � ' �
<br /> �< <���' sai d Tru s[ G�m pa n y, a n d s h a ll n u t cu m n u t c�r suf�cr an y waste un said prenu�cs, ancl �}����� a�,•
<br />��" ..� �'': ��x�d order. ��'�'`''j I �
<br />� � shall put and kcep said re;�l estatc, buildin�s and impruvctnents in � � J �
<br /> �
<br />� f 4 ��:13`� �° .
<br /> ��; . � u�
<br /> 1 ,�..,.. � • •.w' .,.-n...•y-:f-+�-.-u-.�.,.-r � - -+1-+r--n--.�.e--+--.-+( . J�f'�.
<br /> i . C��4�� �. r �� . �
<br /> .ti >w�i �y �A fs��� �.���'�tii. � W .,�rJ tiQA w .;'�"t.. : ati �+,��d v��s �k t�� ����,+r � .�w tiN N,. .. �
<br /> ��i �'•�tF v, ���ij r�4.',��il�rr.,�:�( ti Y�,;ht ti"l f,;•tl�� .?,�lJ h,7�Jf+' ...'�t'��.'� v'..itir ? ., I�` r�...1j,+'
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