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<br />- � . . '�,v!�w
<br />.' 1' �
<br /> O
<br /> � '17�IL 1170RTGAGOR Fl1RTHTlt CC)VTNAN'I,S AND AURI'sI?5 : �� �� l� c� t) � �
<br /> �. 7'hat thc Murl�ta�;or �vill pay �he indvb���Jnotis as hi•rrinhrfnm Prm•idrd. � . .
<br /> -�... � 'I'hat lhc ninrtgagur is thr uwner nf said propt•rly in (en siruPl�• and ha5 �:ual ril:6t aud Inwful authorily fo s��ll and �
<br /> cnm�ev lhe stune and that th�, s�me is free �md clenr of nny lien ur �•nCumhrnnei�: amd ihal n1��rtgag�rc �rill µ�arrnnt and d�dend � he
<br /> tilli• lo said pn•mises ti�;ainst tLe ��luims nf nll prrsons ��i�omsue�•er. . � �
<br /> '1'u puy immeditduly \L'I1Pf1 Juc �md payehle all t;�'ner:d tazes. special taars. sprcial u.�rvsmenis. w.der rhar;.� ti srx�er si�r�•- . .
<br /> ire charges. and other �axcv and churges agt�inst said pruperty, and all taxr.s levu�d un thi� dcbt secured hnrrby. and lo furnish Ihr•
<br /> T1or�Kagee, upun re��uest. �vilh tlur nri�;inal ur duplicatc receipls tht•n�fnr. '1'he �tort�;agor agreov IVIJ� �VIPCP SIIiIII V1P HII�I�•II to . . . .
<br /> eacl� monitdy paymmit required Li�mundnr oc und2r lhi• evidonce of debt s��cured hereby an :unuunt e�limnted by ihe ;�1nrt�agr�' � .
<br /> In 6e tiu0icicnl tu nuable the ?�9orlgaFvr tu pa�y. �ix they become dur. all luzi�s. awsi�ssments. and similar c0arti<�s upon � h�� pr.�nr _ . .
<br /> ius subjec:t lhen>lu; any deficioncc hecnuse o( the insulficiency u( such ��dditional pa� monts shall 6�� (urth�cith d�•po,�l�•d 6�� fhr ;
<br /> Alnrlgagor with �hr 11orty;agrc upon di�mand by lhe \lorlgugee. Auy drfault wid�•r ihi. p��r;u; nipL +6;d1 6r dormrd a drfaull in
<br /> payment o( uixi�s, aa=cs,mcnlc, nr .�imil��r rh:vc�s n•ynirrd hi�r��undre .
<br /> '1'he ti9nrt{:n�;or n�;rers lL�rt fhere shnll alsu hr adJrd tu oarh mnnihlv p.�yni��nt of prim�ip.d :ind intrr��sl r��yuired hrrn- . .
<br /> tmder :m arnuunt ��stimalyd b}' th�� \lnrigagcr Iu 6i- nuffirient �u rn;i6:�• ihr Nurig.+l:�'�• ��� P:�7' . ��� il brcunv�: du�•. ihr inwrutt�r .
<br /> ' premium an any insuranco pulicv doli��rred tu Ilir �lurtt.a;:i�o. :lnv d� hcirnr: h� raus�• of Ih�• in.ufficu�nev nl =urh ❑ddiliunal Puy .
<br /> m��nis shfill 6r forthwiW depu<il�•d by Ihr 41urt�;a�nr �vith fhr �I��rl �;a,;rc u�iun drm��nJ Ly Ilio Ah �rt{;.�,��r :1 �ry di•Gmll undr�' � his
<br /> � pa:s�r:iph shall Ix• drv•m��d n didaull in Ui�� p:�ymi�nt ui in+ur.mri• pr�•miums. If lhi� pulicc � �r polii�irs Jvpu:itr�l ar�� such �ia hum�• - � .
<br /> nwn��c, or all rixk puli��icy, �and ihi• dopmils nre insuflirient in p:n' � h�• rutir�- ��rrn�iwn, t6r \lurtK����r m;n� npply� Ih�• drpusit tn � , .
<br /> puy Pr�•ntiunis un risks rvquirrd ta bi� in:urrd h�• Ihis murh;a�v.
<br /> � Pavm�mis ntttde h}' Ihr .11urlFaRur imdrr thi� +�h��c�• p.iraCr:q�h> ina7 . al fh�• up�i� m ul' Ih�� 11uriKu;;er. L�• hrlrl hy i� and
<br /> ruinnrin�led a�ith uthrr .uch (unds ur it. mcn (und., lur thr pnpmi•nl � �( .urh ilrms. ;uid unlil su :ippli��d. vurh �r:�yrn�•nl . .irr hi• rrb�� .
<br /> � . plydF:rd :iti srcuriip fnr ih�� w�p:iid lu�liuiri• u( � h�� murt,:��;r indrb�vdnrc,s, �
<br /> . 'Cu prncun•, d�•licrr I� �. and nwiutniu fur tho Lrin�f�� �it lh�� Alurt ���ipr�• during ihr li(r nl thie mnrl �;a;;r ori;;inal puli��ir: ;uid
<br /> � n•nr�vzils Ihi�rt+iL drlicrrwl .d I��:i�l trn duys beforc Uu� rzpira� ion u( auy �:uch pulicir=. insurin;; ;ig:iin+t ❑rr ❑nd uthrr insur.�bli•
<br /> . . hazards, c:uui�li���s. aud i•md.ingcuri�•� aa Iho �IurIF:�Rac m���� r��quirc. in an anmunt rqunl In tlio indi�hti�dnos� srcun•J bc ihi�s .
<br /> �lurt�agi�, and in cumpunirs arrrplabli� i� � ! hi• illurtRuger. �vith lu<; � m}�able el.w.,e u� f:ivur nf :md in furm .�rre�:7xblr Io thr Alurt �a� .
<br /> f` . ;;i•c. In th�� vcrn� ;my p�dicy i. nul rrnr�erd un ur 6rfnrc Irn J:ip: u( it- r:: pir:diun. thr A1url�ay;i�i� m:�y Prururc rosur:�ner uu ttu�
<br /> � imPrucemenls. pu}' lhr pr�•u.�iutn Ihrrefur. and such ,wu +h:dl bec.�nu, inm�e�li.dely' dur :md puya6l�� �cilh inl�� resl :il f6�� r.de �rt
<br /> Y (nrlL in .nid nuu• un:il paid and ,IrJI Lo sr��urod b>� Ihis mnrt�;a;;��. Failurr un � h�• part uf � ho til��rt�n�ur lu furnish sueh mn���rJ=
<br /> � , ac an• hrrrin rryuir�•d ur failum lo pay an)' sunu ad��anccd h��rrwidrr �halL a� th�• rrptinn u( Ihr tifnr� ;;n���e. rnustiiutr n drfe�dt .
<br /> - undrr Ihr t��rtns u( lhis m�'.rl;;:��r. �I9i�� drliw�ry u( .urh Pulicirs sh.dl. in � h�� rvi•uf n( dr(nul� . run>tiLit�� :m :�..i;;nmrnl nl ! hi• un- .
<br /> . ��nrned prrmium. �
<br /> � Anr sunu n•rrivr�l bc ihr• 9lnrlqn�:ir bc ro:unn uf lue< nr dnnn�i�i� in:urcd a;;ainst m��y hr r���tiiu��d hy Ilio Alurl::aprr �.
<br /> �. �� and a��plirJ tuH�ard Ihr p:+cmcn� nl th�� drb� hi� rrhv :rcured. or. ai lhi� upGon ni � hr \iurl�;n:;��c, such sunw �•i � hrr whuily ��r in . �
<br /> � pur( mu>' be paid ovrr tn tlu� 11urt ;;at;ur in br u=�•d tu rrpnir +uch buildint:s or lu build nrw Luildin;:� in tlu•ir � daro nr �or .my � .
<br /> nt6rr purpns• ur obje<•t suti=[:iclun• In � L�• �Inrlp��qrr •.cithoul :�li��rtin� ( 6i• li�•n un U�r mnrt�;nl;e (ur th�• full nmuunt u•curril her<•. .
<br /> � Ly 6r(nre• surh paynu�nl ��vrr tuul: plurr.
<br /> � "I'� � prnniptly r�•p.� ir, r�•,;turr � �r rrLuilJ :ui �� 6uil�lin;;s ur in�pru��rmrn4a nnw � �r hrrr:dirr un Ih�• prrtni ;��� �rhi��L n�n}� L�� .
<br /> F. .
<br /> rutn�• dnmu�;rd nr di•>truyrd �, tu (;rrp .:ud prrnusi�: m ;;nud runJilian :uid rrp:iir und fn•�� (ruin :mc morLanic's lii•n nr atlivr lii•n ar
<br /> �. � anid��Pn�u�r[c��iuir �l�u ��mnnit� �cadv� m; .-aid � prorrii,r: , nnr � n iln :mv mhrr ��ri wh��rr�c unl :n��(ul uir nl nr nuc nni.:nu�e �n �•sist un �
<br /> t i�� u 6� � rrr�lt nol t � � ,.idT� � � ��r �rrmil m ,
<br /> � - iy � hr im ivrly lu�rclp' cum�r��rd sh:dl IH•i�urnr .
<br /> : . ��•;s v:Juablc. nur In dimiui,h ur imp:iir it ; c;ilur b}' :ury� nr� � ;r „mi .:ion h � :irt : in rnml �Ic �vith ;dl rrrpnrrnn,ut: u� I:nc ��ilh n�:prc� � .
<br /> �i' in ih�• murica�;rd pn�mi<ra w�d � L�• u.r thrri•uL .
<br /> � "1'h;u �6uuI�I Ilu� �artui:i•= ur auc p;ir( ih�,rr� �l b� � t :d:rn ur rl:unup�•d L>' rr:�.�.iu ul nny publir imprummro� or �nndrmuu� iun
<br /> > pnK�•cilin�. ur und��r � hv ri;: L� ul �•tnin�•n1 J� �nruu . ar iu :mp u� h�� r tn�muor. lh�• 11nrt �:��:�•�• .rh�dl br rnUll��d tn ;dl i�untpon.:fuuns. �
<br /> ;� , awards. tind uny uthcr pa>'iurnt ur rrli�d t6rmlor. �wd .hall hr cnli� l�•d , nl i �> npliun, tn rnmmrncr. appt�ar in :md ��rusiY:ulc in i �s �
<br /> " nwn nnm,;• anc :�cti�n� � � A . ur lo m:i6r ;ine ri,m rzami;r ur nrt � lvm��ni in runnrction �� ilh such I:ikin� nr dnnu�gr'. :\ II yurh
<br /> t. ' nr mucredin I
<br /> ' cnmprna.uiun. nw:u'd., �Iam:�A�•:, ri� ht � �1 :ietiun :uul prui�rrd. :in � h��rr6v ;issi{�n�-J tu tln. \ lorl ,::icro, whn in;p' , a(tar drdurlint:
<br /> �� Ihrrefrum :ill it , rzp�•n.r. mlra.r �u� v m u� y .� .n n n ici�d L� i � �� r apph ihr s:nnr nn :nn ind� btedn��ss .�n�urod hrrrhY "I�Lr �1urt -
<br /> i ;:ag��r u�;nr. to rxrcuu� =uih furlhi r �� �<i„nm� �uh ��f �u��� r� �mpi•n.�itinn .��� :ird:. d�ioi.i.:i .. .wd n .;ht: nf �u�tinn :iml pn rv��.il, a; ti�r
<br /> \1nrf ;;:��r�• may rrqwrr.
<br /> : '1'hat in ca�;e nl fnilun• lu prrfunn uny ut lhr i'urenunts hen�in. thr \Sot(tia{;ce n7ay du un thi• \lurt�;agurs M•II:III evrrV -
<br /> Y. � ihint; �o cuven:mled; that thc \farlga�;ee m�ry aleo do any nct il may deem necessary tu prulect the licn Iherru[: that !! .e Atori-
<br /> x
<br /> ;;:igor will n•�ray upun demand any munry�: puid ur dis6ur.ed by the J1urlR�F�•e G�r any of the ubori• purpv�;e,. ond �uch monry�
<br /> �: . toge(hrr w�ith inh•re�st thereon ut the rate pru�•idod in said nute sh�ll biYwme so much additional indrLtedness hi�rchy secured mul
<br /> � muy Ix included in nny drrnr turitilosin�; thiv mnrt�;a�e .�nd l�r pnid uut ot thc rcnts or pr�x•ecdv of snle u( uiid prrmisee if no�.
<br /> � �dherwi�e paid : and �hnt Atortt:jU:�+• �hall nnl inrar an}' pi•rvmvil liabilily Ixcanst� oI :mylhinl: i� mnq do nr omit tu do Ler��imder.
<br /> �
<br /> f: In ll�r i•vrnl uf Nu• drf�udl I��' AInr� �;i�ur in Ih�• ����ymrnt nf :iny inslidl�nrnL t�. rrquirrd b�� ih�. Xoti• .��rur��d hi�n•by. ur
<br /> . in tL�• per(nnnunci� u( thi� obli�;a� iun m � his rnurl�ngr ur in fhr nnl �• s��currd U�en•hp. lhr Vort �;a�;e�� .Lnli b�� ��ntill��d lu d��rlan� thr
<br /> ^� drbt securnd hrrrLp dur• ;md puy�bl�• �eflhnul uulii•r, and � ho klur� ti«{;ri• �hull Lr ontid�-d at itc nptiun. aith� mt nu� ier. ��3 � hi�r bp i �.�df
<br /> ur bv a reoeiver tn b�• nppuinted 6y Ihi� i'nurt IhrreuL nnd e�ilhnul rr�;arrl t� � lhi� ndvqua�'}" „( nnc .��curitc lur ilu• Ind�•bl��dn���+= �..
<br /> - runnl hrrcbY. fu t�ntrr �q�nn nnd lakr p� ��<��s,ion u( fh�• mnrltia�;��d Pr�:mis��.. :md tu �,dl����t nnd n�c��tcr thr rrnt ,. i.:ur�. ;md I�roSc:
<br /> . th��rcuf. :md :y�ply lhr �':unc. Ircn cuel. ul uprrutiun ;uid <vlli�c� inn. uPu�i t6�• ind�•Ltrdnc.; �r��urrd by tlii. nu � rt„:q;i� : �:�id rrn�s.
<br /> i.s�urs autd prnfils iH�ini; 6rrobp a,.i �;n�•d tu thr� \lurt �n�;��r u. (urtlicr ��runtv fur ihr• pai ��m�•nt ��f nll indrlrt�vlu�•s. .��i��invl hcrrhy.
<br /> , 'I�lu• hlurltia�;c�• .}uill 6:n�e Ilu� pn,.v�•r �u ��p�iuin[ any u�;e�LL ur ag��nls ii may di•,im fnr flu• purposi• � �I n �l�airmg �;�id Prrrn -
<br /> � izcs: rcnting thr samc: eullrr� in{; Ih�� n�nls. rrtrnucs �uid incnniv. :md il mny pa}� uut u( .vnid inrumi• nll ��s � n•n.rti incurr�•d in n•nt - - � ..
<br /> , in:, �.^.d m;muginF �he 4amc :uid uf cullrclinl� t6c n•nlals lhcrr( rum. 'Chr b,ilnncr mm��inin�:. i( any, sh;tll Li• appLrd �uw,ird thr .
<br /> disrh��rgr at the muriRage indrhl�•dni•s.. �I�hi= a.vsi�;nuirnl is in irrmin:rfr :�nd IH�rnnu• null nnd •:uid upun ml�•�ni• of Ihi. m� �rlc:iEr � . "„ �:-:•, .�
<br /> N ,-+-
<br /> . .
<br /> I � 'fh�• Afnrl�;ager m;n eollei. l a " luti� chnrt;�•" nnl 1�� rxcerd Fi� �• ( '��ut� ISi. I fur ��urh d��ll:�r l` L(NIl � �( ra��h t� dnl rn� mtldy . �
<br /> � Vupnu�nt tnuro ihnn IS days m :�rn�an In r� n�rr Ihr i•ctrn ��vprnsr me� �hrd in hunill� n,; � I�•linquont ncrmnJz. � . . . •..-
<br /> �
<br /> �„ i '
<br /> :111 payrnrnts madr und�•r Ih�• prueisinn< n( lhi; murlFUR�• � n' ih�• natr LorcLr vrrumd . �cliirh m:n' L�� rnn.Ituod a. inl��rr<I . � � .
<br /> �hnll n��t . in Ihr n�;grrgnl�• nc�• r th�, t��nn Ifionv�i, rzre���i Ihr r.il �• ih:�t m:n� ouw U� � la�� fully ennfrirli•d f� �r in wriiiiq-. 1t1 � �
<br />*� _
<br /> 4�
<br /> F.,�
<br />^�� � � J
<br />�. � '
<br /> -iy
<br /> !
<br /> x
<br /> i
<br /> 1
<br />