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<br /> MORTGAGE—Saviag� and I.oaa Fomi--(Dtrect Credil Plm) 255-2 (Spedal)
<br /> ....«..... .�.,.. ""'..'........""""""""' . �
<br /> � (?(1`3 5 f�� MORTGAGE
<br /> 76- ��No �
<br /> �� I TH13 INDENTURE,mada thi. 29th ��, oL J une .ls��by aad between �
<br /> JOHN R. HALL, a single person
<br /> S3
<br /> $• o� Ha I I Couaty,Nebraaka,�mortgagoi—.and Hnme Foderal 3avinqe and Loan Aesodatioa oi Grand lel�d,
<br /> a rorporatioa organl:ed md e�dat(ng under t6a laws oJ Ne6iaeka wilh lu princtpal oltico and placo ot bueineae at Grand lel�d,Nebraeka, �
<br /> aa mortgagee;
<br /> ; �. WITNESSETEi: That eald mortgagor�Sor a¢d in conetdocatfon ot Ihe eum af
<br /> THIRTY-THREE THOUSAND SEVEfJ HUfJDRED FIFTY AND NO/100 ----------- not�aie ls 33,750.00 � �
<br /> the raceipl of whlch ie here6y acknowledged,dn eS 6y thoee presente mongaqe and wmrant unto eaid mortgagee, ita eucceasore and #f
<br /> asalgne,torever,all the tollowlag deacrlbad real oatate, attuatud in the wunty ot— H��� 3f .
<br /> �- and State ot Nebraeka,to-wit: $ :
<br /> 2�
<br /> � $
<br /> � NEBRASKA
<br /> �£
<br /> � ��
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> i. . �
<br /> �� '
<br /> ' �l Togelher with all heatlnq, lighq¢g, aad pl�mbiaq equipmeat aad fiztuioe,indudinq etokero ax�d humere,eaeoas,awninge,elorm wtadowe � �
<br /> F and doore,aad window ehadee or blinda,uaed on or ln cor_nection with eaid proporty,whethar t6o eama are now lxated on eaid property
<br /> $i or bmeafter placed thereoa. fyS
<br /> �� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD 1TiE SAME,together with all and siaqulac the tenementa,horeditamente and appuitonrmcee Iherounto beloag• >$
<br /> � ing,or in anywiee appe�taining,torever,and wanant the title to lhe eame. Said mo�tqagor—here6y covenan�_wtth enid mortqaqeu
<br /> ' �f that—hc— �5-at the delivery hcreo4 ihe lawtu!owner_ol tho premisce above rnnveyed and deecribed,and I 5
<br /> 3
<br /> � �f seized o!o good and indeleanible eelato o!inheritance the�ain,lreo and clear o!all encumhrancen,¢nd that�io—will wanant m�d
<br /> { .. � delond the title�hereto foTever against�ho claims and der�ande ol all porsons whomaoever. t
<br /> � � YAOVIDED ALWAYS, md thie inatrument is oxecuted and delivored ir sacu�e the paymant ot 1ho aum d SI
<br /> � THI RTY-THREE THOUSAP�D SEVEN HUIJDRED F I FTY AND PlOi I 00 - nolla:e ts 3�,750.00 �
<br /> �� w11h intereel theroon.togother wilh euth chatges and advancoe as may bo duo and p¢yablo lo suid ma�tqaqeu undo= the temu and
<br /> � condi�ionn of Ihe prominsory aote of aven date heiewith and eecurod hexeby,ozeculed by eaid morigagor_to said mortgagee,payabla
<br /> ' ° ae ezpreseed in sald noto,and lo eecure the pedormanta ot all tho torma and coaditioae cronlmned Ihocoln. The terme of sald note aro
<br /> j . t he[eby incorporated Lerein by thfa reto[ence.
<br /> $i It ie tho intention and agreomenl ot the partiee hcreto that this mortgage ehall alao sacuro any tuture advancea mado to eaid
<br /> Sk morlqagor__ Ly aaid mortgaqea, and ¢ay and all Indebtednone in addilioa to tho amount above eloted which eaid morigagora, or aay
<br /> $ of t6em, may owa to eaid mongagee.however evidenrnd whether by note,book account or otherwise. ihis moAgaqa shall remain ia lull
<br /> � f lorce and e(tect betweon the parties heroto and their Leire,peraoaal repreeentativee, eucceeaors and uaaiqnn, until all amounte wcuead
<br /> j heieunder.in;ludinq futu:e advancea,ara paid in lull with lnte�eel.
<br /> � 7ho modgagor—hereby aealg��to eaid mortgageo all renle and iacome arieinq at my and all timee fiom eaid propedy and
<br /> �. horeby au�horize said mo�tgagoo or itn aqenl,at Ite option, upon dolaul6 to take chazga ot eaid piopertp and collect all renta and income
<br /> tLerolrom and apply tLa name to Ihe paymenl ol intoro¢t,principal,ineucan[e premlume,tasea,aasoeemonta, repaire or Improvemeate necea-
<br /> na�y to keep aaid p[opo�ty in tenanl¢ble condllion, or to othor chaxgea or paymente piavidod lor herein or tn tho note korehy cecured. 7hls
<br /> ; . ranl ausignment shall cvatiaue Ia fo�ce until the uapaid balance ol eaid nota is(ully paid. 7ho taklag o!possesnion haroundar ehall in ao
<br /> t mannor prevent or[otard sald moAgagee in the wlleclion o! eaid eum9 6y locecloauro or olherwlee.
<br /> ' �S
<br /> The lailure o! the mortqagee to aenert aay o! lta Hghte hecaunder at any timo eholl not ba connwod aa a walver ol ite right to meeA
<br /> i� �; tLe eame al any later time,and lo Im[el upon and enforco etdc!rnmpllance witS nll Uto terma and provisione of eald noto and ot th(e f
<br /> . � mortqaga. {j
<br /> % j If nald mo:tgogor—ehall cauea to bo paid to eaid mortgaqee the entlre amount due it hereunder,and uadnr lho torme and pmviaiooa �
<br /> t ol eaid note horeby eacured includinq lutuce adrmces,and any aztendona or ronowaL thereof 1n atcocdaaca with the tarmi aad provintoai f
<br /> s S$ }
<br /> t �horeof,and i!wid mortqaqor_ehall rnmpty with all the providone ol sald note and ot thin mortqaqo,then theno presonle ehall ba vold: 1
<br /> f otherwtee to remain la tull lorce and etfen,and eaid mo:lgagea ehall be eniitled to tha poaso�sion ot all ol aaid p�oporty.and may,at t�s { �
<br /> S± opiion,declare�ha whele ol w1d nole aod all indebtedaees ropre�satad lhe�eby to be Immedlately dua and payablo,and may forccloee�hie $ ; I, . : .
<br /> �� mor�gage or take any olher legal action to protoct ft� dgh4 and !rom tha date ot�uch dofault aL ltems ot tadobtedneas socu�ed here6y � .;...,.��
<br /> � ehali diaw Intereat at}d cl pe,j annum. Appraleemeat walved. ; � N����.�;.
<br /> I tI Thie modqage �hall be�binding upon and�hall enure to t6e b�nellt ol ihe helr�,ezoculore,adminbiratore,�utcaaaore and aaelqae oI j � , �, ��
<br /> i�$$ tho ro�pective parilee hereto. 5 .•.
<br />� $$ IN TNESS WF�AEOF/ wld Mortqaqor _ha— heieunto �et ���� hand—tho day ond ycar firet above �� ��'
<br /> Sj 'wrluen 1 � � �I' .�R
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