<br />� � � -� �
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<br />�;,
<br />�� MOATGAGE�—SaHnge aod Loaa Focm—(Dlroel Credlt Plan) 2553 (Special)
<br />��� .+V........ .,....,.�.�.,......,... ...........................
<br /> � MORTGAGE
<br /> :�'6- ()035i�t)
<br /> �ao No
<br /> ' I TttlS INDENTUAE,mode thl ��'th �ay ol_ �Ufl(; .19�G by and betwaea �
<br /> RICHARD E. BELLOWS AIJD BARBARA A. BELLOWS, husband and wife each in his and her
<br /> 3 own right and as spouse ot the other
<br /> - �I a� Ha I I Couary,Nebraaka,ae mortgagor 5 and Home Fademl 9avingo and Loan Aesoclation ol Grand[elund
<br /> a mrporation organtzed and esietlng uader tha lawe ai Nebcuelca avtih!to prindpa!otlico aad place of huat¢ees at Crand lel�d,Nabraeka,
<br /> ae mo�tgaqea:
<br /> :
<br /> WtTN£SSETH: That ea11 morlgagor S. loc md In rnneidacation ol tho aum oL.
<br /> EIGHTY-FIVE THOUSAND APdD NO/100 ----------------------------•�-- notlnre (5_ 85.000.00 �,
<br /> �. the recelpt of which 1e horeby acimowledqed, do—by these preeonte mortqage and wanant unlo aoid morlgagee, ite auttemore and
<br /> aeaiqnn,lorever,all lhe lollowing dnncribed mal eelate, ellualed in 16o counly o!_ --H`�—� �
<br /> � and State ot Nebrmka,to-wit:
<br /> ,A tract of land comprising a part ot the Southeast Quarter (SLµ) of Section Tweni�y-Six (?b)
<br /> �Township Twelve (IZ) North, Ranqe Eleven (II) 4lest of the 6th P,P�1. in liall County, Nebraska
<br /> more particularly described as fol�ows: Beginning at a point on the east line of said
<br /> Section Tvrenty-Six (26), said point being T�,ao Hundred Sixty-One and Eiyhty-Five Hundredfhs �
<br /> (261.85) feet south of the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE�), also beiny a #
<br /> _ point on the southerly right-of-way line of the Burlington-Northern Railroad; thence south-S
<br /> : ��erly along the east line of said Section Twenty-Six (.6), a distance of Eiqht Hunured Eiyht�
<br /> ' �One and Twelve Hundredths (881.12) reet; thence deflecting right 91�55' and running westerl
<br /> � a distance of Seven Hundred One and For-ty-Fuur Nundredths (701.44) feet; thence deflecting �;
<br /> right 41°08'15" and running northvresterly, a distance of One Thousand Five Hundred Seventy-
<br /> Eight and Seve�ty-Three Hundredths (1,578.73) feet, io the north line of said Souiheasi�
<br /> Quarter (SEu); thence easterly along ihe north line of said Southeast Quarter (SE��), a
<br /> distance of Nine Hundred Fifty-Nine and Forty-Two Hundredths (959.42) feet, to the southerl
<br /> �right-of-way line of the Burlington-Northern Railread; thence southeasterly along said
<br /> ;; railroad riqht-of-way line, a distance of Nine Hundred Twenty-Seven and Foriy-Three
<br /> �Hundredths (927.43) feet to the place of beginning. �
<br /> . S 7ogelher with all hoalia9, lighlinq, and pl�mbing eqWpmenl and tiztucue,including elolcon und burnete,aneona,awninge,etorm windowe �
<br /> �S and doors,and w:ndow ehadee or 6linde,uead on or in rnnnection wilh eaid propa�ty,whather tho samo aco now localed on eaid prope�ty $
<br /> S or hereafler placed thereon. {
<br /> #T TO HAVE AND TO}iOLD TtIE SAME, loqelher wilh all and eingular tho tenamonle,horedilamentn and¢ppuctanancee Iherounto belong� }>
<br /> }F
<br /> }� inq,or in anywiee apportaintnq,lorever,and warrant tho title to tho eame. Said mortgagor 5 horeby covenanL_ with eaid mortgaqee �ft
<br /> S �hal�.ho `�_ ���e .a�the dofivery herool,�he lawfu]owner.S of Iho premisae abovo conveyod and doncribed,and ��� 3$}
<br /> �'� � neizad ol a good and indeloaeVble eetato o!inheritance lhewin, 1�ce ond tlear o!all encumbmacen,and t6at�o�will wanant m�d �+
<br /> n delend tho qlle therolo locever agaiml tha daima ond demandi o!all pereona whomeoover.
<br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS, and lhie umlrument ie executed and dolive�ed to socuro Ihe pnymenl o(lho eum ol
<br /> � ____________________ _______ t`j5 00�.00 �.
<br /> E IGHTY-F I VE THOUSAND AND PJOI I00 ---- ---Tollare IS
<br /> wilh inlereel lheroon,togolher wilh euch thargee and advancoa as may 6e duo and payablo lo eaid mo�lgageo undor �ho lorms and
<br /> tordilione o( Iho pmmissory note of even dale horowilh ¢nd oecured hemby,o:eculod by eaid morigagor—to eaid mactgaqoe,payablo
<br /> 3 as oYp�easud in eald nma and�o eecure Iho pei7ormonca of all�Lo to�me and conditions contoined thorain. 7ho terms o! eaid no�e aw
<br /> � hereby inmrporaled hereln by tLle[elocence,
<br /> Il Ie the inlenlion ond agreumenl of�hc pa�lien hcrelo lha�Ihie morigage ehall aleo eeturo any lulure advancee made lo eaid
<br /> i +
<br /> f morlqagor 5 by eald mo�lgagee, and ony and all Indebtedneea in addition lo lho amounl above elaled which eoid moclgagors,or any
<br /> j o! them, may owo lo eaid morigugae,howevor ovidenced. whelhor by note.book account oi otherwi9e. 7hfe morlgaqe ehall tomdn In!ull
<br /> j lorte and ellod belwaen ihe partiee horelo and lhair heira, po�eonal repreaentalives, eucceeeom and meigne, unlil all amounte xcurod
<br /> tt hcreundnr,Including luturo advancce,are patd in Iull with intareat.
<br /> j� T6a mortgoqo[—hereby aeniga—to aaid moqgagee all reole and fncomo arieiny al any and a4 limen Itom eaid p�opeAy aad
<br /> i � hereby autho�ize eaid mortgaqeo or ila agenl,at Ite optlon, upon defaufl,to lake c}iacge ol ea(d properly and collacl all rente and lneome
<br /> (( Ihcrelrom and apply the samo lo the paymen�o!inleront,pdncipal,Sneumnce premlume, tazoe,asnosemor.le, repai�e or improvomenle nocoe•
<br /> � eary lo knep aaid pmparty u� lenanlable condilion,or lo olher chaigee or paymvnla provlded lor harein o�!n iha notv hereby sacured. 72ils
<br /> r eent aselgnment ehall continue in lorce until �ho unpaid bnlanco ol eaid note ie Iuliy pafd. Tho�akinq ol poseeeeion horeunder ehali In no
<br /> .y � mannor prevant or retard eaid moclgagee In the colloctlon ol eaid nume 6y Iorecioeuro or olhorwieo.
<br /> = Tho latlure of the morlgagee lo aane�l any ot Ite righle he[eunder at any Qme ehall nol be connirued aa a walver ol�le dght lo meecl
<br /> $I Ihe eame al any laler time.and lo lmlet�upan and enlo[co el�lct cromplionce wilh all Iho terma and p[ovielona o! said note and ol ihle j
<br /> - $j mo�igaqe. {
<br /> I� _�S# II eatd moitgaqor_5 ehall cww to ba paid to sald mongagee the entlre amount dua I�ha�eunder,and under�ho torm�and provbtow
<br /> ol eaid note hecaby eocured.[ncluding lutu�o advmcoe,and any extansione or �anewala the�eol !n acco�danca wi�h tha terms and pcovidoas
<br /> �' thoraof,and il eoid morigaqor 5, ehall comply wtth all the yrovintone of sald nole and o[thie motlgago.Ihon Ihaee preeenb ehall bo void;
<br /> othe�wi�e to mmain!n ful!lorce and ellai,md�aid marlgaqee�hall ba ent:iled to Iho poeeaaion af all ot aald prope�ly,and may,at Ite
<br /> �. opHon.declare �he Mhole ol�ald note and all tndebtadnees cepre�enled thereby to bo lmmedlalely due and payabie.and mny lorecloea this �
<br /> ;2 mo�lgage or �ake any othor legol allon to ptoloct!Is right,and Irom Ihe dola ol euch delault all items ol indobledneea �ocured heroby ' � ��•�
<br /> S ehall draw Inleraet at ,�°",o Ip�[mnum. Appmteemen!wnlved. ���"��'
<br /> P N .
<br /> $j Thie mortgage �6alt be btndlug upon md�hall anurs lo !hs b�nelU ol lha heR�� e:ecutou.adminblraton, eucce�eoce md aseigm d � '
<br /> I $i Iho�eepeclive parUet berelo. I � ,"_
<br /> IN W[TNFSS Wf�AEOF. Wd Mortqagor�-1�a.Ve hereunto ■el— thC I 1" ��nd_`' tho day and year Ilmt a6ova J `3 �
<br />� �� wdltot�. �.. . �. .
<br />� i� ,, r ;���, y �,-� _ �
<br />� �.G�- ` . -' � �� -- �� --- -\-' � — �
<br />�� Richard E. f3ellows �`G',�rb�,r�� H. ISell��ws
<br />;�� ��, --------- ---- ___--- -_».»...�»..�.............
<br />`� �� . .�.y....... _.w...�.�... .�...w ��_�.�...�w.. � �
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