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<br /> MOH'fGAGE—Saving� and I.oan Form—(Ulract Crodll Plm) 256-2 (Speclal!
<br /> ��M , � :. MORTGAGE
<br /> �t�- OU35�y �No
<br /> �'. I TMS INDEN'fU1tE,made�hle 28th ,��,o� June 19 F� hy and belween 1
<br /> ORVILLE 0. QUALSETT AND P+1ARY K. QUALSETT husband and wife each in hi� �+nd her I
<br /> 3 own right and as spouse of the other
<br /> ot Ha 1 I rounty,Nebrmka,m moclgaqorS_..and Homo Federal Bavinge aod Loan As+ociatlon of Grand Ieland �
<br /> a rnrporation orqani:ed and e�allng under the laws ot Nebraelea�vith 1ts prindpal oltice and plaee o!bueiaee�at Grund Idaud Nabmska, �
<br /> w mo�tgaqea:
<br /> ' WITNESSETH: That enld mortgagor�.,Ior and ln coneidecatlon of the cum of
<br /> ; TWEtJTY E I GHT THOUSAIJD FOUR HUIdDRED F I FTY AN IJO/100--------------nolla�s ct �__�,____4��IIO P.
<br /> � the reeeipt ot whieh la heraby acknowledged,do_by theee proeente morigage and w�rant unlo aafd morigaqee, IV euccemon md $$$$$$ .
<br /> ' aaaigm.!o=ever,all Ihe lollowlaq deecribed real eetale, Ntuated In the wunty ol Ha I I �
<br /> a¢d 8tale ot Nebiaaka,to-wit: $
<br /> 3
<br /> �� THE 4�EST ONE HALF (Wi) OF LOTS FOURTEEfd (14) APJD S I XTEEPd (16) $
<br /> �S
<br /> v i
<br /> r :
<br /> �
<br /> :, �
<br /> �
<br /> �' �� 7ogethec with all heati¢g, 1lg6ting, and phuab[nq equipmont �d ttrtu�ee,includinq emkun�d bumets,acreene,awn(nge,etoim window�
<br /> �. ±� aod doora,and wlndow ehadee or blindn.uaed on or ia commection with aatd property,whether Wo wme a�e aow located on sald pcoparry
<br /> or horeafter placed thecean. {
<br /> 70 HAVE AND 70 HOLD 7'EIE SAME,together wlth dl and einqular the tenemeub,he�edlt�enta and appurtea�cea thereuato beloag- $ .
<br /> F'� � iag,or fa aaywiee apportaining.torevcr,and wanant lhe tltle to the eame. Sald morlgagor 5 hereby mvenant—with eaid modgaqae $ �
<br /> �, thal_fha..�_ a�P at Ihe delivory he:eot,the lawtul ownerS ol the p�emtaee abova wnveyed m�d dascribed,aad �r�
<br /> r
<br /> i � S aeizad ol a good aad Indateaei6le eetale of Inherita¢ce Iherein.lreo and clear ot all encumhc�cee,aad that�Lo:�L_wilt wanaat�d
<br /> r . j detond lhe fltle Ihe�ero forever againel the daiau and demaadn ol all paiaonn whomeoevar.
<br /> � � 3
<br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS, and lhts Wtrument is executed and dellvered to secure Ihe paymeat o!the eum o�
<br /> S T�'�ENTY E I GHT THOUSAIJD FOUR HUIJDRED F I FTY APlU hJ0/I 00-------------rnlare cc 28,450.00 t,
<br /> ; #t w(1h Intereel therooa togcther with euch cha�gee and advancoe ae may be due and payabte to eatd mortgaqee under the lecme aad £
<br /> � � S condlqona o! the promiaeory aote o! oven dato hacewith and cec�ued hecebp,azecuted by eafd morigagor5—_lo eaid modgaqee,poyabla j
<br /> � - # a�e:p:enaod fa aald avlo,and to eecure tho perlormaace ol all tho lermi and rnadltloaa coatained lhecela. The terms ol aaid nole mo �
<br /> �. t hereby incorporated he�etn by lhle rete:ence.
<br /> ;
<br /> � ; It I�the iatention and agreemenl o!lho partiee heielo that tlile morigago shall aleo eacure any luture advancee made lo edd
<br /> 4 � � moctgagor�.by a�d mortgagee, and ony md a]! inde6tedaoea ia addltlon to the amount above etated�vkdah evid moAqaqore,ot any
<br /> ot t6em,may o.va to said morlgagee,howevei evidenced. whether by aole,boolc account or otherwiee. 'hls morigage ahall remala ia lull
<br /> ,y forco aad eHect between the partiee horelo aud their hein,pereonal iepieaentalivea, �ucceeaore and aaaiqn�, unul all amouaW wauod
<br /> � . t hurcuadez,iacludiaq lututo advanoea,aie paid in!ull wlth Iatere�t.
<br /> . � ihe mortgagor—herevy aaaiq�—to eafd mortgageo all iente and lacome arieinq at any aad all timae 1rom aald propeRy�d
<br /> hereby authorke eaid mortgagan or Iu agenL at ita opUon, upoa dafaull,to lake charga ol wtd p:operty�d mllect all reate and Wwms 1
<br /> t6eral�om and apply the eamo to Ihe payment ot tateroat,priacipal,ineurance promluma,laza�,aasesemen�, repair�or lmprovemanta necee-
<br /> tt eary lo keep aald propady in tenamable rouditlon,o[ to othar ahargee or paymmU p:ovlded!or hereln or in the note hereby�ecvred. Thls
<br /> S rent aedqnment ehall mut[nue la force uatil tho unpatd balaate o!�ald note L fully patd The takinq ol poeaeuio¢hareunder eLall la ao
<br /> } mamer proveat or retard eafd mortgageo In}he collectioa o1 eafd sum�by toreclonue or olLerwiea.
<br /> f T6e falluie ol tho mortgaqea ta aerert any ot iV rtghis herounder at�y time ehall nol be conatrued aa a waiver ot 1tn right to mneri
<br /> t ae e
<br /> ' � lhe wme at aay lalar time,m�d to iml�l upon and eaforce�tdIX comptiance with all lhe terme and pcovfelonn of eaid aote and of this
<br /> p motlgaqe. . •. $$$
<br /> ;; ll eaid mo�tgagor 5 ehall cauw to be pa(d lo safd moctgagee t6e entUe�ount due it hereunder.and under tha torms and providon� �
<br /> � � f ot wid note hereby ieeured.Includiaq tulure advaacea,and any e:temtaw or ione�vaV �he�eol in accordanco with the �erm� �d provWona {
<br /> r 3 thereot,�d i!wid morigagor 5�Lall cromply wilh all!he p[ovtdon�o(w1d aole and ol thla morigage,lhen lLe�e pie�anb�hall be vold: f
<br /> fotherwLe ta remaiu in lull lorce and elloct,md�atd morlgagee ehall be eatl�led to the po�xuioa ot all ol soid prope:ly,and may,at It� �
<br /> � opUon,decla:e the whole o!�ald nole aad all indebledneu repre�ealed Ihereby to be lmmedlatsly dua and payable,and may loreclose 1hSs S
<br /> S{ modyage or take any other leqal actlo¢lo pioloet Ib dqb6 �d Irom We date o!�uch delwlt all ltemn ol lndobtedneu secured hereby 3 �
<br /> ys ehall draw iateraet al 9%per amum. Apprui�emeal wdved ^1"
<br /> f$ Tlile mortqage �holl be bindinq upon aad�hall aaur� lo ths b�nefil ot Ihe hdn.ezecuton,adminlsUaton, �uttsew:s�d auiqn�ot �y '.��;-
<br /> f$ tho re�psctive partlm he[eto. � %
<br /> l ' �
<br /> � IN W[7HE4S Wl�REOY, �a1d Moriyagor ���e 6ereualo �et the i r hQn�_lhe day and yea�llnt above
<br /> wd0en. i7� �� �� �
<br /> �' �7 /// �/ � � �_ /.,�,. � _./.� r
<br /> i-�,`LC���� (l.G. L� �—, / � � L."�� t�Rl
<br />� 0 ville 0. Qual ett 1ary h. Qu�lsett _
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