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<br /> ](a. QQ3551 .. �s��fISrLr,7�ro;; or r��,:?7�c-..cE
<br /> ---- — 726-091341-1
<br /> FOR V:LUE �RF,CEIVED� the uhdersigned GUVI;i�i:".;h� t]kTIG?7AL I•:uFe'!'GAGE hS�GCIAiIC:I, a c�rpereticn :
<br /> o:�cnized w�der nn Act of Con�;:ess end existing �.u-�ucnt to �it�e III af tne ;;at.iur.al
<br /> Iio�sin�:Act� d'oes hereby certify thnt e renl esta�e *vortga�e ncr ouned by it, dated
<br /> Octo6er;31, 1952 � made. by HARRY W: COX ANO MARIE 'L COX, Nusband and Wife, as joint
<br /> tenants, each in his own right
<br /> cs �or�ga�o.�, to DON J. McMURRAY C0.
<br /> ts ao:t�a�as, :�nd recorood ns Doctu�ent Tto, j ;n Book t•Q, 97 ,
<br /> Ps�e No, : 485 , in 'the Ol:ice of the Register of Doods Hall County,
<br /> State of Nebraska and �he nortga�a is wi'ch ihe indebtec-;ess tihereby
<br /> secured, �ully paid, satisfie3 und dischargen, �nd the Register of Deeds =8
<br /> hereuy suthoriszd �1d directed to relocse �d discha:ue the s<ucz n�o; reco:d.
<br /> Lot One Hundred Thirty (130), in Buenvista Su6division to the City
<br /> of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska as surveyed, platted and
<br /> recorded.
<br /> Subject �c,r��ege zs�d A'o�e t�as vested in �.»� ecoLred 'ty -�ne GOV�3?d;�9T I2hTiC?JL_L
<br /> '•;Jrciu^GE �SSOC��TIOh, S�ptzmbar 1, 1^>58, pLr�uent tc ine pTOYlsions of Public Lau 90-�8,
<br /> tne ncusing and Urbs,n De��elopm�rt Act of 1955, noiice oi uhich :ras published in the
<br /> reder� Regisier e� 33 F. R. 1103j. �
<br /> � 4�iiPa�SS tha execui=on �ereo� by the GO;�'Rn?�ni .�'.!:'!'I�i�A?, ?t�R1GkGE;fSSOCIFiIOy ut Chicego,
<br /> �llinois, th:ouUn its duly au�horized 3i�orney-in-F�ct, whose appoin�mant y�a�published
<br /> p �.r. the Fed�:�l Register� codified in 24 C. F. R. 30G.11, as �*�nded ��is /
<br /> � dsy oi �d1� , 19 Jri.
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<br /> t CY,icago� Ill�aois 6Co06
<br /> STn1E OF ILL�:�OZS )
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<br /> no ?:ereoy ce=tify ��t,at !'HPl1 � J9HKOYSBL , rz_sc�a?l;/ ?.nctim �o ne to b.: ;.':e s�-�
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<br /> ac.:nc�l�n�ad caaz �e� ce`_r.g t'ie'_e•anio dtuy uLtho:i��d, �- - : �.n ce_iae.�c �aid ..- .
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<br /> vcl:u7ta:y� �c�, fc: il:e us�s end p•.:rposes taareia �et �o:ih.
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<br /> :3 �ca ess s 'S0 Scu;,h ':�� t•c: D/Tive� C:ics�o, Iil_� 's OoCS
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