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<br /> � _ , . . -�
<br /> 76- �+�3�5E�
<br /> 1` James D, Pirnie-and Catherine I. Pirnie, husband and wii'e, as Grantors, f'or
<br />. + ��,� �p1..,.�.,,,r.�CZ consideration,
<br /> .a ° receipt of rrhich is hereby acknowledged, hereby �rant and convey unto i;he
<br /> a municipal corporation in Ha11 County, Nebraska, as Grantee, a perpetual easement and
<br /> xight-of-way to construct, operate, m�.intain, repair, replace, and remove overhead and
<br /> underground electric utility power lines, utility poles, anchors, cables, a.nd otYter
<br /> eppurtenances connected therewith, upon, ubove, within, undernea�h and through a tract
<br /> of land 1oca�ed in part of' the Southeast Quarter of' the Northeast Quarter (SF'uNE,i—,) of
<br /> ' Section i'iiteen (15), Township Pleven (11) North, Range S7ine (9) Y�est of the Eth P.t4.,
<br /> Ha11 County, IQebrasks, more particularly 3escribed as follows:
<br /> The northerly sixteen (16) feet oi the southerly seven hundred i'orty-
<br /> one (741) feet of' the westerly trro hundred ninety-six (296) feet of the
<br /> easterly three hundred torent,y-three (3�3) feet of' the Southeast G�uarter
<br /> of the NortheaNt Quartex (SP;P1E;) of said Section P'ifteen (15), and the
<br /> westerly sir.teen (16) feet of the easterly three hundred trrenty-three
<br /> �323) feet of the northerly two hundred eleven (211) feet of the sautherly
<br /> r seven hundred forty-one (741) feet of the Southzast C),uarter oP the Northeast
<br /> C�uarter (SE;NE,i—,) oi' said Section I�'ifteen (15), said tract containing 0.18
<br /> a.cres, more or 1ess, as sho�an on ti:e plat dated G�17�76, marked Erliibit
<br /> °A" attached hereto a.nd incorporated herein by rei'erence,
<br /> to¢ether with the follawinp, rights, nemely, urirestricted in�ress and egress to the lend
<br /> above described for the exercise ef a11 the rig�ts herein grante3, including clearin�
<br /> a,nd keeping clear of n11 trees, roots, f'ences, buildin�s, and other obstructions thereon.
<br /> Any such appurtenances placed by the Grantee underneath, on, or above ihe tract of
<br /> land above described sha11 remain the property of ihe Grantee.
<br /> 'i'hn Grantors, for themselves, their heirs, executors, adminisCrators, successors,
<br /> and assi�ns, hereby covenanc tY!a.t no structure �hs11 be erected on cuch easement, r.nd
<br /> th� right� herein granted sha11 run s•rith ihe title to sueh traet oP land and sha11 be
<br /> binding upon the Grentors, their heirc, devisees, personal representative, successors
<br /> and assigns.
<br /> Dated /, -��/- 7l
<br /> �.�
<br /> ..-.,���.< ;-)•�'-��. �
<br /> —�-..__.,
<br /> James D, Firnie _�'
<br /> r''= ;'f'�." f�� .y '�, � /�11.t.c._
<br /> STATE OF R�nI2AS:CA ; CaLherine I. Pirnie
<br /> ) ss
<br /> COUNTY OP ]IALL )
<br /> Bef'ore me, a nat�ry public qualified fur said County, personall;f cam� J�unes D. � ^w'� e'�+' '
<br /> Pirnie and Catherine I. Pirnie, husba.nd and .rife, ;cnown to me to be the identicWl persons N '"''"�
<br /> who si�ned the foregoing instri.iment nnd acluiowledged the execution thereof to Le their �e '�''
<br /> voluntary acts and deeds. i� �_'
<br /> � :
<br /> WITNESS cqy nand and not�ri�1 seal this „��!�< </y .- ,��i„� /�i C �n
<br /> � �
<br /> � A PAUI McKEE � �" ���.�7c.:. ..
<br /> ��• GED�ERAL NOl q(ty
<br />' � i � II. r.r,y 'vblic
<br /> �� St�t�of t1��hra;kn
<br /> F� ��!� �dy Cnmmisclnn Erplres j
<br /> � "'�n"`� December 7,!97�} _;
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