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- .a <br /> f <br />� i � <br />� <br />� <br /> 76-0 0 3 5 3� AGREEMENT FOR PROTECTNE COYENANTS <br /> RESTRICTIONS AND CONDI'PIONS FOR <br /> CAPITAI, HEIGHTS EIGHTH SIIDDNISION <br /> LOCATED IN HALL COUNTY� NEBRASKA <br /> IKNOK ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTSt <br /> Yhareaa� E. Dean Wolfe arid Judith A. Holfe� husband and xiYe� are the oxners <br /> of all the lots in "Capital Heights Eighth 3ubdivision", a Subdiviaion in Hall Count � <br /> Nebra�ka� located on a tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW;� <br /> of Section Two (2), Toxnship Eleven (li) North, Runge Ten (10) West of the 6th P,M.� <br /> in Hall County, Nebraska� more particularly described as folloHs� <br /> Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot Thirty Fois (34)� Capital Heights <br /> Seventh Subdivision� said point being Eight Hundred Thirty TKo (832.0) feet <br /> north and Sixty One (61.0) feet xest of the southeast coruer of sairl Northxest <br /> Quarter (NF1�)= thence xestsrly along the northerly line of sairl Capital Fieighta <br /> Seventh Subdivision ar�d parallel to the southerly line of said Northxest Quarter <br /> (NW,�-,)� a dista.nce of One Thousarx�. Three }iundred One and Fifty Five Hundredths <br /> (1�301.55) feet� to the northwest carner of said Capital Heights Seventh Sub- <br /> division; thence deflecting right 89°13'!0" and running northerly, a distance of <br /> One Thousand Four Hundred Seventy and Thirty Fo�m Hundredths (1�4�0.94) feet, to <br /> the southerly right-of-tray line of Highxay No. 2; thence southeaaterly along said <br /> right-of-xay 11ne� a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred FiYty Nine and Nine <br /> Hundredths (1r359.09) feet� to the xesterly line of Independence Avent�: thence <br /> southerly along the Nesterly line of said Independence Avenue� a distance of <br /> One Thousand Ninety Five and Ninety Txo Hundredths (1�095.92) feet to the place <br /> of beginning and containing 3s.339 acres mare ar less. <br /> , Whereas� it is the desire oP E. Dean Wolfe and Ju31th A. Wolfe, husba.nd and xife, <br /> to imprmre the said "Capital Heights Eighth Subdivision" by encouaging the sa.le ef <br /> lots and the construction of modern and desirable dxelling houses� a� to instn:e the <br /> use of the property for attractive residential ptaposes only� to prevent nuisancea� to <br /> prevent the impairment of the attractiveness of the property, to maintain the desired <br /> toae of the community� and thereby secure to each site oNner the full benefit and en- <br /> 3oyment of his home� xith no greater restriction upon the free and undistt�bed use of <br /> his site than is necessary to ins�se the same arivantages to the other site orrnera= <br /> N04l, THEREF'ORE� in consideration thereof, and in consitleratiott of the mutua.l <br /> benefite to be derived by the oxners o±' Subdivision and any suhsequent p�schasar <br /> or p�schasers� their heirs� administrators� executors, and assigns, E. Dean Holfe and <br /> Ju3ith A. Holfe hereby stipulate and agree that each of the lots in said Subdivision <br /> shaZl be sold, transferred arid herea£ter conveyed only subject to the follosring cove- <br /> " nants, restrictions and conditions, each a� all of xhich sha.11 be and remafn in full <br /> force and effect as covenants� restrictions and conditions running xith the ].and as <br /> folloxa� <br /> 1. No noxlous or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot� nor <br /> � : shall anything be done thereon xhich may be, or may become� an annoyance or nuisance <br /> 4 to the neighborhood. <br /> t 2, No structure sha11 be erected� altered, placed or permitted to remain on <br /> any lot other than one detached dxelling designed for use by not more than txo families. <br /> Each dxelling shall have at least a txo car attached garage and shall be permitted to <br /> construct or erect a detached garage or secondary building of a maxim� Fo�s Hundred <br /> � square feet arxi shall have the same type siding as the dxelling. Each deelling' shall <br /> � have a minimum of one thousand square feet of living space, not including the attached <br /> g��e. <br /> 3. No structtse on any lot shall be erected� altered, placed or permitted to <br /> remain closer than forty feet (40') from the front of sairi lot� nor closer than ten <br /> feet (10') f�om the side of any lot. <br /> 4, Dwelling constzucted in another addition or location shall not be moved to <br /> any lot xithin this Addition, except far a nex FHA approved structure. <br /> 5. No trailer� movile home, basement� tent, garage� barn, shack or outbuilding <br /> shall be used in said Subdivision as a dxelling or residence at any time, xhether . � _ <br /> tempasarily or otherxisei no� ahall any structise of a temporary character be used as <br /> cp`;, <br /> a residencs. <br /> � L � � <br /> � <br />� <br /> � . <br />� <br />„� I <br />- � � <br />:� <br />� <br />� <br />; <br />