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<br /> � . M1fORTGAGIiLOAN NO.L ZZ.213
<br /> ' I �owALL�1GNIlYT1iGSBPRESL'N7'S:That Stephen R. Moseley and Norma M. Moseley, each in his
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> M1tortgagor,whethcr one or more,in wnsideretion of t}te sum of
<br /> Twentv-four Thousand Eight Hundred and No/100--------------------------------------vot,�n�s
<br /> � IuaneJ to said mortgagor by The Gquilu6le 13uilding and Loan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,A1ortgagee,upon 248 shaces of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.1. 22�Z�3 ,do hereby grant,cunvey and mortga@e untu tLe said ASSOCIATION the following � .
<br /> ' dcscrihed real esta�e,situatcd in tlall County,�ebrsska:
<br /> ;
<br /> � �ogethe� with all the tenements,hereditaments anJ appurtenances thereuntu belnnging,including attached Ilour coverings,all window screens,
<br /> � window shades,blinds,swrm winduws,awnings,heating,air conditiuning,and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> re(rigerators,and otlmr fi��ures and eyuipment now or htreafcer�tt�cl�ed Io or us•ed in connection with said rcal e;tate. �
<br /> � AuJ wl�ereas the said mortgagur has agreed and dues hereby agrce�liat the mortgagor shull and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br /> . �esessed upun said premixs and upun Ihis nwrlgage and ihe bunJ sectueQ q ereby hetbre the same shall becmne delinquenC to furnish approved �
<br /> � insurance upun the buildiugs on s�id premises situatcd in the sum uf S 24 0��0.�� payable to s�id ASSOCIATION and to delivor to said
<br /> ASSOCIATION the pulicics lor soid insurance;and not lo commit or permi�any waste un or about said premises;
<br /> In case uf delault in ihe pedbrmance of any uf the terms and cunditions oC this mortgage or die bond sewred hereby,the mortgagte shall,
<br /> � on demand,bc entidcd w immcdiate pussession of the mortgagcd premises and the mortgagor herebp assigns, transfers and sets over to the
<br /> . mortgagee vll lhe rents,revenues and incume to be dcrived(rom the morigaged premises Juring such time as the murtgage indebredness shall remflin
<br /> . unpaid:and the mongagee sh�ll have the puwer tu appoint auy agent ur agznts i� may desire for the purpose uf repairing:aid premises and renting
<br /> die s:ime and cullecting the rents,revenues and income,and it may p�}•out uf said income all expenses u(repairing said pmmises and necessary
<br /> � conunissions�nd expenus inc�rred in renting and managing d�e s:ime�nd ul collecting rentals therefrum; the balance remaining,if any,to be
<br /> ' � applied tnwarJ the disch:��ge of said mungage inde6tedness:thes'e rights o(the mortgagee may be exercised at any time during the existence of such
<br /> 1' - default,irmspective of any tempora�y waivcr of thc same.
<br /> K
<br /> These Prescnts,IIUR'l'YCf.8IC U�)VII Illl'CUOlI1h011.TII�L 1�I�IC SHId�IOfI�'J60(SI18II repay said loan un or befure the mawrity of said shares 6y
<br /> � payment:pay munthly io said ASSOCIA7l0:�o(the sum SpecifieJ in Ihe Bund secured here6y as imerest�nd principal on said loan,on or betbre
<br /> , the Twenticth day o(eacli and cv�ry month,until saiJ lu�u is fully paid:pay all taxes and assessments levied against said pcemiscs and on this 11or�gage .
<br /> 7
<br /> _ and the Uund secu�ed there6y,before Jelinyuenc}•:li�rnisl��pproccd insurance upon Ihe buildings thereun in the sum of� 24�$��.�� payable .
<br /> � 10 S811I ASSOCIAIION:ff�J9}'IU Sel(I ASSOCIATION Il[10f1 1IC171811tI 8II IIlOI1CY IlV Il�81(I IUI SUl'II 13SC5,:ISS2)SI11CI11S JIl(I II1511f817C0 WI1I110lCICSI 8[ �
<br /> the mazitnum legal rate thereun(rom Jaie u(payment all uf wliich�torigagor hereby agrees to p�y:permit no waste on said premises:keep and comply
<br /> - with all the agreements and condi�ions u(�hr Uond fur S 2Q�80��OO this day gieen by the said lfortgagor to said ASSOCIATIO'J,and cumply .
<br /> wi�h all the reyuirements of the Cunstitutiun and By�Laws uf sa�dAJ50('IATION;then these pmsents shall 6ecome null and roid,othenvise they
<br /> shall remain in full lu�ce and m�y be(u�eduscd at the uptiun o(the s�id ASSOClATIO� after failure (or three months w make any u(s�id
<br /> � a ments ur be ihrce mu�uhs in 9IfCH15 III III:IV:1116 S811I I110111I1I)'�A)'illl'i115.Of LO ICl'C�BIIII cumply witL�he agreements and conditions of said Uund;
<br /> {�)�
<br /> and�iortgagur agiees tu have a receh•er appointed ib�th�cith in such furecluswe proceeJings.
<br /> + 1(�herc is uny change in owncrship o(Ihc real cstatc mortgagcd herein,by salc ur utherwise,then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> sccureJ shall,at Ihe opiiun uC The Lyui��ble Iluilding and Luan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,becume immediately due and payable without
<br /> (urihcr notice,and the amount tmaining duc under said bund,and any uthe�bund for any addilional advances made!hereunder,shall,(rom the
<br /> date uf exc�cise u(saiJ optiun,bear interest at the masimum Icgal rate,and tliis murtgage may then be focedused to satis(y the amount due on said
<br /> bund,and any olher bond(ur additiunal adrences,tugether witli all sums paid by said The f-.yuitable Building and Loan Aswcia�ion of Grand Island,
<br /> Nehraska fo�insurance,taxes und assessments,and abstracting extension charges,with interest thereon, from dace ot payment at the msximum
<br /> r Icgal ratc.
<br /> As pruvided in(he Bond secured hereby,while tliis murtg�ge rem�ins in effect ihe mortgagee msy hercafter advance adJitiunal sums to the
<br /> � makers of said I3unJ,their avigns ur succcssors in inlerest,which sums shall 6r�vithin the security ot this morlgage the same as lhr tunds originally
<br /> secured Uiereby,�he lotal amoum o(principal debi nul lo rxceed a[any lime�he uriginal amount o(this mortgage.
<br /> ��«a�t��s 28th ��v��� June n.n..ie 76
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<br /> � �tep n R. osel y fJorma . Moseley
<br /> STA'TIs OF NEI3RASKA, ss p��this Zgth daY�� June I I ]6 .before me,
<br /> tlie undersigned,a Notaq�Public'n and(or said County,personally ca e � ,-�'�i���
<br /> Stephen R. Moseley and P�orma M. Moseley, eac h in his an d her own rig�t an d as spouse o f e a c� �N ;;
<br />� , � OtheP� whu dre Personallyknuwnto � +� ,
<br /> x- me to be�he identical person S whusc name s are aflixed to ihe above instrumcnt as m�gor S :�nd they sevcrally �,. �_
<br />,, acknuwledged ihe said instrument to be thei r ���uNary act and deed. � J — �`- . .
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