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- � . - ::���� <br /> 3 ' � � <br /> z ]fj. <br /> � p ;� 51 � <br /> '19�II's R10R'I'GACOI2 I�UR'PIII3R COVI:NAN"1'S AND AGRRI's9 : <br /> '� 7'liat the Mor��;aR��r will pt�v thr indehlydnesv :t h��rrinbi�fnrr prnvidrd. <br /> 'I'hut � he MortEaFur is Iho uwnrr u( s++id pruperty in L�r simple mid htis �tond ri�;hl �md I:i��•(ul au� hnritp tu sell nnd � . <br /> '. f cunv�ry fhe smne aa�d th:it ihe �ame is Pree nud clear o( nny li�•n nr �aiewnbr�nce: :�nd lhid hfurl�ar,ur wili wo�rc�m� nnd de(eud � h�� <br /> �. lille to s��id premises u4iiinst th�• cliiim3 nf iill pi�rsons whomsnev��r. <br /> . 'Co pay itnm�Yiialely «�h��n duu nnd paynblr ull grn�•r:�l t��xe,. �p��cinl t:uos, sp�r<•fal asve,smrnta. wiu��r chnr�;us. ,rw�• r .er�•- <br /> � ice cl�targa�+, und olher tar�•s nnd charges iq;��inst s:iid proprrly. and all tuz��s li•vi��d uu tlir di�bt se<•ured horeby, nnd tn (urnis6 Ih�� <br /> � hfurtgagee. uprm rehurst, with Ih�� nri�;inal ur duplictite rrceipts Iherefur. Th�� n�tnrlgaqor a�;rei•s tlmt. th��rr �:hull b�• add�d tn <br /> � rneL ntnnlhlY V�+ym��nt requimJ h��rc�undrr ur undi�r Ihi� i�vidi•nce of debt src•urr�d h�•mby :m .unuunt �•�lim:���'d by thr �7nrlga{;ee' . <br /> �u br su0icirnt to �•nahl�� thi� ?�lnrltiu�:er to p:iy� as ihey brrume due, all �axe;. asse,:sm��nls, nnd .imilar ch:�rRv> upnn [ lu� �� r�•u� � . . <br /> � ises subject themto; nny deficii�ncc brefluse uf ILr insullicicncY n ( such addilion�d P�t�mi�nls s6�dl bv forth�+�it6 di�posili�d by iho <br /> � D7urfg��gur �+•ilh fh�• 14url �:�gec iqiun drmand Irv thr 1lurlg:�ger. An}' drfaul� uud��r this pur:i{�raph �hnll 6e� drrinrd a ilrLwll in <br /> � payment o( l:ue.;. iissrssinrnis. ur sitnilar chtv;;r, rrquirrd hrreunJrr. <br /> � 'fhi• 1�Iorty:�aCur acrrc< Ihel thrrr sh:dl al+u h�� addr�d t �� rm�h tnnnthly p��ymcnt u( prinripnl nnrl infon��l r� •quirod hcrr� . <br /> �� und��r �in amuunt cstimat�•d Ly Ih�� �lur����;��e t�� 6�• suflirirnt fn nn:�blr iho A1��rlka�;c�• tu pny, ii.e it bernmva dur. Iho in�ar:m<•r <br /> �. pmmium un any in:ur.�ncr palicy �Irlicrrcd lu Ih�� A1url ::��;rr. rAnc dc(ici�•ncy b��riu�.v o( � h�� iusu(lii•i��ncy o( ,urh nddiiional pa�•- � <br /> . nu�nls .h:dl 6r furihwith drpusifi�d 6�� th�� Alurlpat:��r �.clth ih�� Aturl ;;aqe�� u��nn demand 6c � h�� A1nr� pap�•r. rAirv drf.�ult undrr thie <br /> � p.ira;;rapli �h.dl br dcenu•d u drLmlt in thr pnvmcnl u[ in=ur,�n�'i• prrmiums. 1 ( lh�• polirp m ��nli� u�s dr��-d :irr such as h�nnr . <br /> � u�vnorn ur all riti6 polieu .. and ( hr drpu,�Ls �� rr in.,ulficirnt fu pav � h�� rnfin• pr��mium. Ihr A�1� rl .iFr�� ina� �q�ph tha diqiu�it tn <br /> pac pn•miums uu ri,ka requiri•d �o br imurrd by 16iti murl �;m,;r. �. <br /> i' <br /> Pavmenls made be thr D{or�;;a};ur nnJrr ihr nLa��r p,ir.q; ruphs mat'. ni � Li� �iplion ut ihu Vort�;;��;ee. 6r L�4d In� i� �u�d <br /> . i�umntinFlyd with o� hrr curli fuuds ar it, u�rn funds lur tho �rn•inrnt of sui•h ib �rn:. :md un� il .n applied. .urh p;rvrnrnts :� rv }�rreh}� <br /> � pl�•dy;��il ns .i�curily fur th�� uu�riid 6ulnncr u( thr murlt�ar�� imlrbt��dne;s. . <br /> _ '7'u �irucur�•. drlivrr I� �, and m:�in���in fur � ho hrnrlit u( iLi• Alurfrnqor durinK ih�� IiG• �d ihis murl �;:i;:r orii�inal pnlicir.; nnrl <br /> rrnr�c;�ls then+ d. drlivcri•d nf I�snl �rn d:n': b�•furo � hr �•zpir.itiun nf .un' surh p��licii�.. iusurint; at;nins! firr nnd nthi�r uuur:�Llr <br /> � haz;vds. casualtie;. �md cuntin���nci��s ns th�� :\turtga�;ec m :ey requiro, in nn auwunt ��qual lo Ihr ind�.ldednrss srcurrd by � his � <br /> �. 11ort�agr. und in cump+�nii�s :+ccrpr�hlc tu lhc Nortca�t��'. �sfth lu:s pny��blr cl�msr in I;n'ur uf nnd in fnrm nci'eplublr tu thr Jlnrtka- <br /> . µec. L� IhE� event any pulicy is nut renr�v�•d nn or Lr(ori� li�n d:�y� uf i[; �•�pir:ifiun . [L�• \�Iont;.iR�'�• may prncurr insurnnc�• on � he <br /> . imPruvi•ntenls. pny thr premium Ihrndue imd ,urh sum sfmll berntn�� imrncdiaa�ip dur ;uul payaLlr wi� h inl��re.� at lh�� rnt �° ��cl � <br /> ;. . furih in s:iid nule urdil paid :u�d shall Li• .rcurod 6p t}�i�; rour� ;;:r;�•. Failuro nn ih�• purt uf �lu� \Inrl ;;:�„ur iu lurnish .;urh n�ni��v:tis <br /> i . ns ar�• }�emin nv�uin•d ur (:iilure to p:ty nuy >um� a�kanrrd hemundrr shall . nt ih�� np� ion nf ihr \I��r� ,nKrE�. i�nn.titutr ;� J��fault . <br /> �' � wiJ�•r lhi� tcrms n( Il�is mnrl �;+;:�•. "I'hr dr•liv�� n' n( ,;uvh polirie.; �icill. in Iho rvrnt n( dcf:iulL ��nn.tituti• :in ���.:i ;;nmont n( thr un- . <br /> . ��:irm•d premimn. <br /> � :1nc :um+ reci•irrd hy fhr :AIur�I�nR�'�• L>� rous�m ut lo.,: nr d;una��• iir.ured :�t�aittsL mac 6e roL�in��d by � hv Aluri ;;:�Re�, . <br /> fi . :and aPPlird tuwun! ihr p:�ymrnt ul t6r J��bt hrrrLy :rcurrd, ur. :�l Ihe upliun n( tlu� A7origa;;�'u. such su�ns oillior ���hully ��r in <br /> �; � luvl rnay h�• p.�id uw�r tu lh�• \lurl�aRur tu bo u��•d ��� rrpair such buildiugs ur fn build n�•�v Luildin�s in ! hrir plar�� ur tur nnc . <br /> '� uih��r purpi�se ur obj��r! salisfacAon' �u ILe Vurf ;;upor withnut +dTrc(in�: ihr li�•u un thv mnri �al:r (nr thr (uIl amown .rrur.�d hrn�- . <br /> . hv br(nrr such p:�yntrn� c�'vr � nuk �dar��. <br /> � 'I'�� prumpllc rr�r.iir. rrslnm ur rrbuilJ :uiy buildiui:; nr impruvrmrnt. nnw ur lirn•�dt�•r on thr prrm6i•v which mnc L+r . <br /> ;. � rnmr d»nm;;rd ur d��;� ruyrd : tu kri��� xaid pn•misr.; in Rund cnn�iitinn .md rrp:iir nnd frr�• frum nn}' im•rhanir's lirn or ��IL�� r firn nr <br /> ; � rinirn rd lirn nnt ��x irr_.sly vuhnrdinnt��d in ih�� li��n hrn•� ��: w ,t tu .ufSiv nr p��rmi � um� unl:��rful u+.r af or ;m}' nui•��nrr tu ��:: i.l nn . <br /> � <br /> ' . c:iid propi•r�y n�ir ta prrmit �c:urr � o� :aiil pri•ini.rv. nnr lo iL , :�nc ulhor nct •.cluvrbV ihr prup�•rt }� hrrrh�� cnnvi•crd zhall brrumr <br /> � � - . . . � - � �� nr� � �r � �iui"inn tn �i��r. in ��nmpl }� •,��iih :ill r��quirrmrn[s uf Lne u�ilii r� •:pri•t <br /> L�:s valunblr. nur lu dinuuuh � �r im �;nr rts ��nlur Lv an, <br /> } lu Ih�• rnnrp:at:rd pn•mi.�•. o�ud � h,� u<�� th�• n�� �F. � <br /> 6 <br /> i '1'hn� sLuuld th�• prriui,r; or :�nc ��nri thrr��ul br � nl:�•n �� r dnm:�„vd Lc rru=nn nf ;� nc public imprnvrmrnl ur condrmnutiun <br /> ; � prucei•dinti. ur undcr tlu• ri�:fil ���( r�ninont dum;iin. �.�r iu :ury' ul6cr m;uuu�r. th�• \lurlga;;ro shall b�• rnliUrd lu nll cnrnprusntiuns. <br /> � :�ward.. nnJ mry uihrr pnynu�nl ur ndiof iLrndur .uid .liull Li� rnli� lod . :it ils uption. lu rurnmoncr. �ppoar in aud pr�,rti�ulc in iL . <br /> mvn n.nnc am acliun ur pru�rrdint;, ur tu mul:r :ury i�umprnmi.,o ur +ctUomrnt in runm�clinn wi� h .uch t.ikin;; nr damnc�• All such <br /> {. � rumpc�maliun. �na:irJ�, Jmm�;;r<. ri�h� ��f :u�ti��n :wd pru<����Klv �irr lu� rrl�c ns;i;:ni•� i w ihr \t ��rtcae��c. �.�i�m m�}�. ;d� i�r dcductin�; <br /> � � � h�•r��(nnn all ilc i•sprns��.. rcl�ro.r ;m}' mnu�•p�. .�r rrrr�i��rd hc rt � � r n��pl}- th�• =anu� nn :� n>� indrbirdnr�ss .orur�•d hrri�bv. �Ch�• \turt - <br /> ` , :;n�;nt �ierw•� tu rsocul�• sueh (urthrr ��•.i�;nnu•ntti of nnr rnmp�•n;�rti�m. menrrl�, il;unnAr.. ;ind ri �h� v uf ,�r� iun :u�d precr�•d, a, ihr <br /> \L �rl �:��.;rv� m;�}' mquirr. <br /> i 'I'hat in cn:+e ol G�ilum to p�r[orm nny o( Ihe cneenanis hemin, the Murl�;agcu mi�>� dn on the Alurtgugor's la�6n1( ecerY' <br /> � thing so cu�•emmted : thut thr �lortgat;ee may also do any ael it may d�rm necessnry io protect lhr lien Ihereof: that the Mort� <br /> �;ngor will repay upon drmmid any moncys paid ur di�:bur.ved by fho MortgaR�'e tor aqv o( lh�� ubove purpaticv, and vuch moneys <br /> . ingether with interest thrreon ut tho r�te pruvi�ied in said nolr shall bmnne su murh indebtcshiess herrby srcured mid <br /> rnny Ix included in ��m� decrer foreclosini; thic mortM1nge and be paid out uf thc rc��ts or pr<�creds of sale o[ said prrmiscs if nat. <br /> �rthen��is� p:�id: and Ih�d \Surl�wtur �h.ill not incur mi>• pi•rsonnl liability tx�enus�� uf ancthint[ il mnp dn or muit tn dn hereunder. <br /> � In iLi• e.vrnl nl Ihi� def�wlt b}� �lorlrt��ur in thi• pia�nu�nt u( nnp in�� ;dlmrnL :is n•yuired b}� tl�i� loio wrurrd Lr�� �•bc . nr <br /> in ihc prr(urmru�cr n( iL�• ��Llipiiliun in thiv murl �;u�;�� ur in ihr nntr. srrurrd lh��mby. fhc Alurt ;;a;:r�• sh.�ll he• �•nti� lyd in d��rinrr thr <br /> ; debL v�cun�d hr•n•hy du�� :u�d p:�y.iblc with��ut nulicr. �mJ lhi• 11nrt;:n�;r�• shall hr i•ntitlyd :i( its u��liun. �.��ithuut nuli��r. i•ither b}� it.oll <br /> nr bv :� rec��i�rr tu br nppuinunl hy lht� enurl lhrmu[, and ���ilhnul n•�:tird fu the ndequncy � d :iny� .��rurilc (ur thr indrbfi•dn�•�s an. <br /> rurcd himeb�, tu �,nti•r uPun iind lak�• pn;zr�;.viun n( � 6i� mnr[�;uqrd prrmi:+rs. �in� ! In t�nllrr( :�nd rrrcivr th�� n•nl:. ia.u,�a :md prnfil� <br /> :� � h��reof, :md apply tlie s,imr. li�.: en�ls uF uperntinn .ind rnllecfion. upun thr indrin�•dnr:, =��eun•d hp ihis mnn ��a�;o : s:iid rrnts. <br /> ictiui•a and � �rufil. brinc hrrclrc a;si!;nod tu thr 11nr14�ecr :is iurihcr ���rnrih� fnr ih�� �r.n'mrnt n( ;dl imb•btrdrn�<s .rc�un•ri hen•6c. <br /> 'I'hi� Afurh,:uucr sludl hnvo 1hr pu�crr i�> appuint any a{;rnr or ai:rntc it m:ic d�•=in• fnr � h�� purPo=r ul n.� �airint; s:tld �, n•m- <br /> ' iv�c rentin�; the ��m�•: cull��rlin�; thr• rvnl.. rocrnu��w :md inc� �me. ��ud it may p:ip ��ut ��i �;ud inc��mr all �•�p��n�r: inrurred in rrnl - . <br /> in�; und mana„inl: �}�<' �ami� :ind uf r�rUi�ctink � hc rcntal< thi•n•[ ro�n. "I�h�• b;il�ncr rrm;iininF. ii any . sh;Jl b�� :qqJird luw:trd thr _., � <br /> :t._: . <br /> ' di�ch.�rge n( thr mnrt�;agr inJrbl��dni�ss. "I�hic :�.xignm�mt i� tn t�� rmin:u�• :md Ix�r� nnr null �ind v� �id npun rrL�:n�• � �f this m� �ricn�:�'. � �:;., '='r: . : . <br /> N i+ <br /> L "Cfu• \lortg:�tic�• ma� culk � l .t "lat�• cl�ar�r. nut 1� irrced Fin• ( 'rnl. ( 'rcl (ur rnch dnllur IjLWI nl �•:uh f� �tnl in� �nuJc j ' , <br /> � mym�•nt mun• thnn I .i dnc� m :vrrnn 1�� � o� rr iho i� c� rn � xpi n�r invnlv�,d in h�ndlint� dolfnqnrnt :iccnunt=. �K <br /> a ° , <br /> All p:�y�mrnL, madr und��r � hr pruvisiom nf lhi= nwrtt;a�;c or � hr nnir h��rcb�• srrun•�L �nhiri� inay bi� vuu.lrurd :�, inlrrr:i . t� <. : ��, <br />, � � iudl naf . in � hi� a�;4riq:ati• nvrr � In• Irrrn lhi•r�vL �•sn�ed thr r:it ,• � hu� m�c mnv b�� In�,vfullr runirscl ��d fur in �critin ;: . � . � <br /> F1� _ <br />�� <br />-,� �_ � � <br /> > <br /> , <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> � <br />