� ;°m
<br /> G � 76- (1(),3 51 ti �
<br /> The fra,�tor Nioholas Drug Stnre, Incorporated,
<br /> � ii corporntion or�;nnizcd nnd existinu undcr and by virluc ol Ih�� Li��s n1'tlir Nl:tic of Nc�bruska
<br /> ��stoekeof�the Prantorecorporationein�procese oPedis3olution�, bypprnntoe,
<br /> , reerirod from gcnnti+e�, does Qr�uil, 6nrgnin, sell eoncop nud r,nnfirm m�tu
<br /> Wuyno I. NicholAs
<br /> herciu c;illed the Rruntec whether oue or morc, Ihu follmring described real property in
<br /> ........................$lill............................................Coturt.y,Nebrnalcn:
<br /> An undivided ona-fourtli intere�t 1n
<br /> and to Loi: N'iftec�n (15) and lot Sixteen
<br /> (16) in Ellocic Six �(�6) in fiog�s nnd Ilill�s
<br /> Addltion to the City of Grand Tsland,
<br /> Nebrasku,
<br /> STAMP TAR
<br /> � ��� JUN �9 1976 �
<br /> �..�.�_DY `'��y`�-
<br /> rrarr;�;rr�r nrta;��:-
<br /> �
<br /> 4, 7'n lune �ind tn huld tlie �i6oci� detieribal preiuisrs tn;;ether n�ifh �ill (rnemeuta� hecediGuuentH nnd
<br /> nppurtcuatticea thcretu bclongiuR wito thn �runlrc wul to �trnnfec'a l�eirn ;u�d ns:;i{�u;a fnrc��r,r.
<br /> Z, :1nd tlic gr�tntor for itsclf .uid its surressorx dorn hereby coecnaut «�illi fhn {;r;wtcc aud witL
<br /> c; rruntc��'s h��irn �iud assi�;ns Ili,tt �t:wiur is L•ncfu;lr `ci�;r�l nl'.a:ii�l preniis�•s; Lh:it Uirc nrr Crcr 1'rout encum-
<br /> brnncu�
<br /> t
<br /> t Ihal Hrru�tor L�is�uod ri�;ht imd lu�rful authorit�� to cnu��i�� the :;nmc: un�f lhnt �r:uilnr u;n•rants ru�d will
<br /> "e d��fend 1h�� tillc to snid prcmitics ;iR��inst thc Inn�Pul eluims uf nll pr�rsonti ��hn�occcr.
<br /> In t�ilucsx uhcrenf. Rr�uitor hns hrrcunto �•tni,r�l its rur��nritr ..��nl In br �il'i'ixrd iui�l thcvc
<br /> � presrnts siRnc�l L�� its I'rn�idcut.
<br /> ; U:�i�•�1 June !}, 1��76.
<br /> " il.ichal.ns...Dr.u�..5.t.or.o.,...Incnr..por.ut.ad,
<br /> ,
<br /> : ,�`" �/ �
<br /> )
<br /> . It� ...............!..k....��/�G��'�—.................... 1'resident
<br /> � �l
<br /> ti'I':\'I'I�:I)I�'\'IsItR,1`K,1.Cmnit�� nf ........��.A.�.�........................................:
<br /> RC1'orc nic, n nntury public qunlifial iu .�ni�l rnunty, I�rr.;un.illy cuuu, DC1 W. R,yd01'
<br /> ,c,N5t f i;f• � - 1'mrsidout uf
<br /> 1cho1�'9,"Drug Storc�, Incorporated, ` '
<br /> � �.YU�r'�7ii'. � � ;��:,
<br /> . .�ii"� , ,. ., <�'�; , n rnC�rorntiun. N .
<br /> ktitown to tnt,.fo.br,tLc I'rc�idciit und iilcutical p��rhun ���hu si�ncd tLc forcKoiu�; inxlriuncnt, und iirluim�. � '
<br /> I '•, I�d{nd tL�4oe��jitiuu Ih��rcot lu bc hi.v ��nliu:f:lC��u+t nnd d��ed a•, .urh nfl'icrr un�l th�� rolnulnr�• nrC �iu:1 I ,�,
<br /> '•�It��1 ur .ni�,i ciirpurn � � orule xeul�cus Un•relu nffi�cd b}' i1s �n�Uiorit}�. h' '�
<br />� .. . Carl E Wil43fd cg
<br /> .••,.,;.`1�itil��.tis wy h ttfti�dlkKflbtll��IT����oi .11L1G...�1.
<br />' . . �F t� r.,�.�.......................... 9..Z.4.■..
<br /> tn
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<br />� srnTs oF r enRnsKn ..� �j /.
<br />`.�. eo v,<.�,�w r.�nrn . .. (..V. .......... NoL'try' Pnblic.
<br />� Seplertiber 5, 1919 .
<br />..�'��' counui,.ion expirrv: .......... 1.1.
<br /> . ........................................... ' ...........
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