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<br /> �tORTCAGG LOAN NQ_—97-91$ —
<br /> IKN05VALLAf1iNI31'THF.SHPRI;SGNTS:That Helene $1fI1pS011, a single person
<br /> Dtorlgagor,whetl�er one or more,in cmiside�ution of the smn o(
<br /> Six Thousand Five Hundred and No/100--------------------------------------------- UOI.�A«s
<br /> � loaned lo saiJ murigagor by 7'he F;quitable Uuilding and Luan Associatiun of Crand Island,Nebraska,M1lurtgagee,upon 65 shares of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate Nu.L 22�z�8 ,do hereby grant,cunvey and murtgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> � describcd real estatc,siluated in Ilall Cuunty,Nebraska:
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> � �.. together witl� all the tenemems,hereditaments�nC appunenances diereunto 6eloneing,including attached(luor coverings,all window screens, �
<br /> . winJuw sh�des,blinds,storm wiuduws,awnings,hea�ing,air tonditiuning,and plumbing and w�lerequipmen[and acceswries thereto,pumps.stoves,
<br /> � , refrigerators,and other(ixWres aud eyuipment now or hereafter attached tu or used in cunnectiun wiUi said real estate. �
<br /> And whereas ihe s�id mortgagnr has agreed and does here6y agrce that thc mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or �
<br /> assessed upun said premims and upon Ihis mortgage and the bund secured thereby before the same shail become delinquent;tu(untish appruved
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on said premises si[uated in die sum of 5(�SQQ.QQ payable w said ASSOCIATION and to delieer to said
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance:and not to cummit ur permit any wasic un or about said prcmises;
<br /> � In case of default in the pedormance ul any ol'�he terms and cunditions of Ihis mortgage or the 6ond secured hereby,d�e mortgagee shall,
<br /> on demand,be entitled to immediate possession ol ihc mortgagcd premiscs and the murtg�gur herebv assigns, transfers and sets over tu the
<br /> � mortgagee all the rents,revenues and income to be derived from the nwrtgaged premises during such time as the murtgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> ' unpaid:anJ the murigsgec shall have thc power to appoin�any a�;_nt or agents it may dcsire fur the purpuse o(repairing saiS premises and renting
<br /> t . the same and mllecting the«nts,revenues and incume,and it m�y pay uut uf said inmme all exptnses of repairing saiJ premises und necessary
<br /> , wmmissimis and expanses incurred in renting and m�n:�ging thr same and of colleciing rentals thereGom; the balance remaining,i(uny,to be
<br /> J��IIP(I(ON'�f/I IIIC lI6LI1JlCC u(said mortgage inJebtedness diese rights o(ihe nwrtgagee muy be e�ercised at anp time during the existence uf such
<br /> � � delault,irrcsprciive uf any tempuran•���airer of the s:�me.
<br /> . 'I�heu Presems,hu�vcver,arc upun the Cundition.Thal il'thc said 1lurtgagor shall repay s�id lu�n un or belbrr die maturit}•of said sha�es by
<br /> � payment:pay mon�hly�o said ASSOCIATfON of tl�c sum specified in the Hund secured hereby as intemsl and princip�l on said luan,on or be(ore
<br /> � the Twemieth Jay of c�ch snd everv munth,umil s�id luan is fully paid:pay all t�szs and�sseumm�ts levied against said premises and on this�lortgage
<br /> f ' 500.00
<br /> and the Bond securcd thereby,bcli>ro delinyuenq�;tiunish approvrd insur�nce upm��he buildinFs thereun in the sum of S 6> payable
<br /> � to s�iJ ASSOCIA"IION:rep:iy�u suid ASSOCIA'I�10\upon demand�II muncy b}'it p�id(ur such t�zes,assessments and insuranca with inurest at .
<br /> � � ihe maximum Irgal ra�e ihereun from datc of paymen�all of which Murigagur hereby agrees tu pay:permit nu waste on said p�emises:keep and comply
<br /> a:
<br /> i�. , with all ihe agrcemcn�s and cunditiuns uf thc Bond for S(�r��� (� this day given bp the said 1lortgagor tu said ASSOCLITION,anJ comply
<br /> u�ith nll the rcyuiremenu uf the Conslitution and By�Laws uT s��d Q$SOC(ATION;then these prcsents shall become null and cuid,otherwise they
<br /> r shall remuin in lidl Ibrce�nd msy be(oreclumd at Ihe optiun of ihe said ASSOCIATION after failure (or dtree ntunths to make any of�aid
<br /> paymen�s ur br thre�•munths in�rraaa in making said moNhly p�yments,or tu keep�nd cumply with the agreements and condiliuns uf said Bond:
<br /> and 1lurlg�gor agrees io h�vc a�eceiver appuinted lurtliwith in such(utecluswe pmceedings.
<br /> If therc is any ch�nge in u�vnership uf Ihz rcal esiate mortgagcd herein,by sale ur utherwise,then the entiie �em�ining indebtedness hareby
<br /> � xcured sliall,at the uption uf The Cyuitablc Building�nJ Loan Aswciation of Grand Island,Nebraska,becume iimneJiarely due and payable wi[hout
<br /> furdicr notice,�nd the�mount rem�ining duc under vid 6ond,and an}�mhe�bond fur any additional adtances made thereunder,:hall,from the
<br /> ! daie uf cacrcix of suid uptiun,bcar interest at the m�ximum Icgul;ate,and Ihis mortguge may lhe�be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> bund,and any uther bond(or additiunal advances,toeether widi all sunu paid by said'fhe Equitable Building and Luan Associatiun of Grand Island,
<br /> i Nebraska for inswance,taxes and asseuments,and abstracting extension charges,with interest thereun,fmm dute of payment at the maximum
<br /> le�l rate.
<br /> Y As pruvidrd in the Bund secured hereby,while�his mur�gage remains in cffcct ihe murtgagee may hereafter advance additional sums to the
<br /> �- . m�krrs uf said Uond,thcir assigns or successors in interesL which sums shall be within the security uf this mortgaga the same as the(unds originally
<br /> 'f . ucured thereby.�lie toial amuunt uf principul debt nut tu exceed at any time the original nmuunt of this mortgage.
<br /> o:,��a����� 25th a�v�f June ,�.n.,���76
<br /> �, /.Y.�:�L��it��!'%-�. > ;.t�l.-�Y.v—r�
<br /> �' Helene Simpson
<br /> STATE OF NEB(2ASKA. ss. On this da of
<br /> COUNTY OP HALL� 25th y June I9]( .before me,
<br /> ti.�
<br /> • � the undersigned,a No�ary 1'ublic in and fm said County,personally came �
<br /> Helene $lfll � ���gie person µ.��� �S persunallyknownto N
<br /> ��� �
<br /> �C�� ' E k�•.RC�'i; .
<br /> me�o be Ihe�Ql�S��fgeF�on i� , �v,f se namr j g affixed tu the above in�trurnent as mortgagor and S he XS�(}EKA1Jj( J
<br /> �' nacknowledg �t e�uid n�5lnhttent tobeP�her raluntary act and deed.
<br />�%' A'I�'�C$S iUy;t��andrtid,� ot '�I Seal the date a(oresaiJ. �� �
<br />� f�r� �1S 4ummasiu, r�ircs,��LG� �i �11�J}� ,LI��/����G�/f t�f�1—
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