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<br /> -- --- n�oirrcACl:LOAN N0..� _ 22,210 --
<br /> iKNOWALLDIENUYTHESC:PR8SGN1'S:Thu1 Sam Grimminger and Kay Grimminger, each in his and her
<br /> ovm right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> �todgagor,whether one ur more,in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Twant�pn Thnucanrl Civ Niinrlra�l anrl Nof�OO---------------'----------------------=DOLLARS
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The fiyuitable Building and Lo�n Asuiciation of Grand Island,Nebraska,Murtgagee,upon 216 shares uf stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Ce�tificata Nu.L 22 r2�� ,du he�eby gront,cunvey and mortgage mtlo the said ASSOCIATION the fulluwing
<br /> dcscribed real estate,situated in liall Cuunty,Ne6raska:
<br /> � iogether with all the tenements,hercdilameNs and appudenances thereunlo 6elonging,including etlached iluor cucerings,all window screens,
<br /> � � winJow shades,blinds,slorm winduws,uwnings,heating,air cunditioning,anJ plum6ing and water cyuipmenl and acaswries themto,pumps,sWves,
<br /> ; -�. refrigarators,and uther fixturcs unJ eyuipment nuw m hereafler attached tu or useJ in cunuecliun with said real estate.
<br /> AIIII WIICIC9S llll`WI(�fllOf�gB�'O(II�S OgftGll 8111I dUC5I1CfCb}'0�`fCC Ill:ll lllt'I71Uf1�'86Uf 5�1���and will pay nll taxes anJ assessments levied ur
<br /> � assessed upon saiS premises anJ upun this mor�gage and lhe bond secured ll�ereby bcli�re the same shall become delinyuant;W fumisli approved
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on said premises situatcd in ihe smn uf S z�,6��.�� paya6le lo said ASSOCIA'fION and lo(ICIItlCf l0 5811I
<br /> ASSOCIATION lhc policics for said insurancc;and nol lu commit ur pcnnit any waslc on or about said premises; .
<br /> In case uf Jefault in ihe pedbrmanee of any u(U�e terms anJ conJiiiuns o(diis mmtgage or the bund ucurcd hereby,lhe mortgagee shall,
<br /> � on demand,be rnliUed tu immediate pusmssion uf lhe mortEaged prcmises and Uie morigagor herebq assigns, Iransfcrs and sets ovcr lo lhc
<br /> ' mortgagee all lhe rents,revrnues and income tu be derived from the morlgagrJ premises du�ing such tinte as dic morlgage inJebtedness shall remain
<br /> �, � U0�1811I:�IIII�I1C IIIOflK:1�'Cl'SI18II I18V1'IIIC POIVCI l0 8�1�111I11�OY 0�l•11l Uf B�;CIIIS 11 t119Y IICSIfC�Of lI1C�IUI�H1Sl'U�(CrAI7Lls 5811I NIl'11115C5 JIIII fBI1IlI1�'
<br /> I�1C S�IIIt�Il�CU��CC1i11�'I�IC ICI7lS,�CYCIIlICS�I7�IIICOIiII'�0(Il�Il IPII}��J}'tllll O�5�I� Iill'UI71C 8��expenses of(C�181fIIlg said prcmises und necessary
<br /> commissiuns and expenxs incurred in renting;�nd managing lhe same anJ uf collccling rentuls themfrom; the balunce remaining,if any,�o be
<br /> �� � applied tuward tl�e disch�rge o(said murtgage indebtedness;these�ights of Ihe nwrtgagee may be exercised ut any time Juring the existena of such � �
<br /> . defaull,iuespec�ive uC any tempo�aq�waivtr of lhe same.
<br /> .. Tlieu 1'resents,huwever,are upun ihc Canditim�,�IILI II Illl'S�III nIOfI�;J�Uf YI18II IC�f:I)'SdIII IO�II UII Of bL'IOfI`the ntalurily of said shares by
<br /> `� paymenl;pay munthly�u said ASSOCIATION uf the sum specitieJ in the Bund secured he«by as interest and principal on said loan.un ur befure
<br /> 4 � l�il`TWCIl11C��11�8Y U(l'�l'�l'JIII�l'VCf}'IllUfll�l�Illlll�SBII��U;111 IS�ll��}'r�l�;P8)'8��I�XCS:Iill�eSSt'SSII7C1115�l'Yll'l�J�;elI15l T811�PICII115C5 817�Ufl 1�115��Uf16:1�C
<br /> 4 and�he Bond secured thereby,befurr delinyuency:furnish appruved insuranre upmi�he buildings qicreun in the sum u(5 2��6��.�� payuhic
<br /> � to said ASSO('IATION:�ep;iy to said ASSC�IATION U�1llp tIL•III�t1lI�II I11UIlC)'IJ1'II�)811I�O�)lll'II l'JXl'S.�SSC551IlCI1l5 8I1(I insurance with inleresl a� �
<br /> tI1C 1178%Illllllil Il•�;:II fB�C lI7CfPOf1�fU111 llelC U�p8)'llll'ill'JII U�Wllil'II AIUfIKJ�;Uf IICfCb1'��Il'l'S Il)�l�ly:pennil nu wasle un said premiscs;kcep and cumply
<br /> � wi�h all the agreemen�s and cunditiuns of the Hond for S Z��60�.�� this Jay gi��en by the said Alurtgagur tu 5811I ASSOCIA�PIOi�,BIIII cumply,
<br /> with all thc�equireutenls uC lhc Cunslitu�iun and By-Laws u(said ASS(H.'IA710N;�hen Ihese prescnu shall becumm�ull and vuid,uthetwise thcy
<br /> shall remain in full I'urce and may be furccluud al lhe opiion uf Uie said ASS(X'IAl'ION afte� lailure (or threc munihs lu make any ol'said
<br /> �. paymeuls or be lhree munlhs in atrears in making saiJ montldy payments,u�tu kecp and cump�y with tl�e agreements and cunJitions ul S�III BUIIII:
<br /> ❑Il���Uf�sJ�l)f AKfI'CS[0�18Y1'�ft`l'l•IYl`(J�PUIIIICI��Ufl�1N'll�l III Slll'�I�Uft'l'�USIIfC�1fUll'L'1�111�5.
<br /> ` If�here is uny chmige in uwnership uf lhe real estate murtgageJ herein,by�Ic ur othenviu,thrn the enlire remaining indeb�edness he«by
<br /> f ucured shall,ai thc opliun uf Thc Gyuitabic Uuilding and Loan Associ�liun ul'GranJ Island,Ncbraska,becunm immedialely due and payahlc withuut
<br /> lutlher noticc,and lhe amouN rcm�ining due w�dcr said bund,and any uiher bund for uny additional advantts madc tlicreunder,elmll,Irum�6e
<br /> date uf exereise of said uption,bear intcrest ut U�c mazimum Icgal rule,and this mu�lgagc may�hen be foreclosed to salisfy Ihc amuunl Juc on saiJ
<br /> bond,and any olhcr bund fur additional advances,togelhcr with all sums paid by saiJ Tlie Iiyui�nblc 13uilding and Loan Asmciatiun of GI�I1lI ISI8111�,
<br /> Nebrasku fur insurantt,laxes and assessments,and abstracting extensiun cliarges,with inlerest thereun,Gum Jate u(payme�u al�hc m�ximmn
<br /> legalratc.
<br /> F
<br /> ruvidcd in the Bond secumd hereby,whilc lhis mortgage remains in effecl ihe murtgugee may herca(�cr adrance adJilional sunts to thc
<br /> �i . er of ssi Dond,U� assigns ur suaeswrs in inleresl,whicli sums shall be within the secu�ity ol this uwrlyage the same as lhe funds uriginally
<br /> � lh r y, he I amount u(principal debt not tu exceed al any time Ihe uriginal amu nl of Ihis i rtgaga ! .
<br /> � c� ���5 2'8th Jay u(' June � .n i�i 76 1 �-,
<br /> `� , .
<br /> Sam r , Y.a n
<br /> � �
<br /> STATG Of NHBRA$KA,1 28th �;,,�,� June � � i�, 7
<br /> ) ss. On this } � . ,befare me,
<br /> COUNTY OF HAt�I/J ,
<br /> the unJe�signeJ,a Notary I'ublic in�nd(ur said Counry, �nunally came �1;�•
<br /> Sam Grimminger and Kay Grimninger, each in his and her own right and as spou of N>.;;
<br /> 2dCh other tP�7O are p��sonullyknuwnlo } -r.
<br /> I �__— � 1� ��. ..
<br /> � me to be the iJeniical pe�son 5 whose name 5 dpe a(tixed to the abovc insljMlient asil�ortgagur$ anJ they sevcrally �,. + ,
<br /> � � h
<br /> ,�-acknuwledgedlhe said instcumenLln be the i r voluntary act xnJ decJ, / / . - .
<br /> i � �� '��WITNCS9�fiiy6'an�and Nutarial Scal thc datc a(uraaid. �� `�/����/ - {�j
<br /> i , �
<br /> � f.,,� n�i Pty Gopunissiynp�pires ��/. �, ;
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