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<br /> 76- 0034'7:3
<br /> h10R'ICACL
<br /> �fORTCAC;GL0ANN0. L 22rZ�� MGIC
<br /> KNOWALLA1GN6YTHL•SEPRL'SGN7'S:That Michael K. Sall and Catherine �. Sall, each in his dlld
<br /> , 1�
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other, Aturtgagor,whctheroneormore,inconsideredonafdusumut
<br /> ; Twenty Thousand Two Nundred F9fty and No/100-------------------------------- -----[>o�LnRs
<br /> � lomied to sald morigsgor by'Che Cquitable Buiiding und Lo�n Association oCCrand Islvnd,Nebraske,htortgsgee,upon zOZ shares of stock uf
<br /> �_3� �
<br /> said ASSOCtAT10N,Certiticuta No.L 22,217 MGI��ilo Le�eby grant,convey e�id mortgage umo the said ASSOCIATION the fullowing
<br /> 1 1 described ceal estnre,situnted in I1n0 County.Nebrnska:
<br /> ,;;;
<br /> f
<br /> `: ;
<br /> ,{ �oge�her widi all the tcnements,hereditaments and appurlenance�thercunlu bclonging,incluJing uttaclied tlour cu�wrings,all window screens,
<br /> winJuw shades,blinds,storm winduws,awnings,heating,uir conditiuning,anJ plmnbing nnd�vater cyuipment und uccessucies tl�erero,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refrigerators,anJ uther fixlures and equipment now ur herealler sttached tu or used in cunnectiwi with s;tid real rsta�e.
<br /> 7
<br /> Md elicreas the said mo�tgagor has ag�ecd and dues hcre6y agrce d�al thc murtgaguc shall and will pay all tuxcs and ussesstnents IevieJ or
<br /> assessed upun said pretnises and upon lhis nwrtgage and ihe bunS scwred there6y belore the same si�all become delinqunu;lo fumish approved
<br /> inwrance upun Ihe buildings on said prcmises situated in Ihe sum of S 2O�25Q.�Q p�)'at>Ic to said ASSO(;IATION anJ to delivcr tv wiJ
<br /> ASSOCL�TIUN the pulicies fuc said insurance;and nol to cummit or permit any wusle on or about said ptemises;
<br /> In case of Jefoull in the performunce of any uf'tl�e tenns and conditions o(lhis murigage or Ihe bond ucurrd 6ertby,ti;e murlgagee sh�il, � � � �
<br /> on JcmanJ,Ue cntillcS tu immcdiate p��ssession uf ihc mortgaged premisrs nnd the murtgsgor hercby assigns, tranil'ers and sets uver w Ihe ,
<br /> mortgagec all�hc ren�s,revenues aud income w be derived Irom the mortgaged prcmises during such time as the tnortgage inJe6tedness shall rcmuin . �. . � �.
<br /> unpaid;and die mu�tgagre stiall have the power tu appuint uny agtnt ur agents it may Jesiec Ibr�ho purpuse uf repairing said pcemises and ronting . � .
<br /> the same and wllecting the rents,rc�enucs anJ inromc,and it may pay out of saiS incume all expenses oi repairind said premises aud necessary
<br /> mmmissiun:and exprenxs incuued in rcnting und mannging�he s�me vnd o(collecting rentals therefrom;:ho balance remainLtg,if any,to be �
<br /> applied toward lhe 111S1'Il:1I�'C U�581(I I7WIl�':Ibl'Illl�l'�(2(IIICSS��hese�ights of the mungagee muy br exereised a[any time Juring the e:eistence uf such .
<br /> �C�llU�I,IIfCSPCClIYC U�ell)'lCill�)UfJ()'W�IVef��l�lC S�Ii1C. ' . �
<br /> 7'hcse Prescnts,iw�revcr,arc upon the Cundiliun,'I hat if tlir s�id A1or�gagur shall repay said loan un or befu�u tlit maluriry of mid sli�res hy
<br /> payment;pay nwnthly to said ASSOCIATION of lhc sum specified in ihe Bm�d secureJ hr.eby as inlercst and principul un said luun,un or belom �� � ' �
<br /> ihe T�venlieth day of cach anJ e�•ery month,until said luan is(ully paid;paq all taxes and assessmenls levied agninst said premises anJ un lhis Atortguge �
<br /> �nd the Uond ucurrd d�ereby,bc(o�c delinyuency:(umish appiu��ed insurancc upun tl�c buildings tlicrcun in the swn of bZO�25�.�� payablc
<br /> ' 10 5�1�ASSOCIATION;fl'P8y'l�1)JIII ASSOCIATIOy U�10fI lICI71�I11I dII IIlUI1CY AY If p7�ll IOf SUIII lllXl'Y,iS5t55I17tI7I5 8I1�IIISUIBlII'C WIlI11fllCftSl 8l . .
<br /> . �IIC II78%Ilillllll ICFBI f�lC lI1CfCUi1�fUlil�IBIC 0((1�)'illrill 8II U�H'IllCII�IU[IF��`Uf Ill'(C�V�(;fCCSIU�:1)';(lfffllll IlU WBSIC 017 5811I pI[II115CS�kGCP 3fll{NIIIP�Y � � � � �
<br /> with all the ag�eements mid condiiions uf the I3unJ fur S 2Q�ZSO.00�his day given by rf�e v�id Mmigagor tu said ASSOCIATIUN,and comply
<br /> with all We reyuiremenls o(the Cunstituliun und ByLaws ul s�id ASS(X 1AT10N:lhen quse prcstnts shall becomc null and euid,uthcrwisc they � � �
<br /> ' shall remain in full furee and may b�•fo�ecluxJ at the optiou of tlie said ASSOCIATIUN after luiluu for lhme monlhs W make�ny of sald . .
<br /> payments or be�hree munUis in arrea�s in making said munlhly paymrnts,or t��keep and cumpty widi the agreemants and conditions u(said IlonJ; � � �
<br /> nnd Murtgugor agrees tu have a receiver appuinted furUiwilh in such futecluswe pruceedings.
<br /> If there is uny change iu uwnc�ship of tlie rcul es�ate mortgaged hereiu,by s�lc u�othenvisc,then the cntire rcmau�ing inJcbudness hemby
<br /> sewrcd shall,at thc option uf Thc l:yuitablc duilding unJ Loan Associatiun uf Grund Isle�id,Nebraska,becomc immediately due undpayable withuut ,
<br /> furlher notice,und the amuuN remaining duc undcr said bunJ,and any olher bond for any additiunal udvanas made thereunder,sltnll,from die
<br /> date oC exercis�of saiJ option,6ear in�eccst al the maximum legul ra1e,and tliis morigagc may�hrn be(urcclosed to satisfy the amount due un said
<br /> bond,unJ any olher bund Cor addi�iunal aJ�ances,�ogether wiih all swns paid by s:iid 7'he liyuitable Building and Loan Aswciatiun of Grand Isl�nd,
<br /> NebrasAu for insurance,tuxes unJ asussmen�s,and abstr�cting estensiun clmrges,wi�h interest thercon,from date of p�ymem nt the mssimum
<br /> le�l ralz.
<br /> As proviJeJ in the 8011(I SCl'Ufl'lI IICICbY,\VIIIIt II115 OlOf1�86C ICf71:i�tl5 III effecl Ihe morlgegee may herca(ter advance uddilional sums to thc
<br /> muken of said Dond,U�eir assigns ur successurs in interesl,which swns shall be within the security u(lhis mortgage the mme ar the funds originally
<br /> ucureJ the�eby,the tntal amuunt uf principal Jebt nut tu excced at any time tfie uriginal amount of Ihis mo[tgage,
<br /> n/:,��ea if�+t 28th ��v��� J1une n.n.,i�� 76
<br /> .. .• � ' � A / .
<br /> ch . Sall
<br /> � �
<br /> : �
<br /> Catherine C. Sa 1
<br /> STATE Of NEdItASKA,l ss. On this ZBth duy af June 19 ](.before me, '
<br /> Ihe undrrsignrd,a Notary Publlc in and for said County,pe[wn�lly came , �' ,: y : .
<br /> ' Mich��ll and Catherine C. Sall, each in h9s and her own right and as spouse of N , -
<br /> ` �7 . who are �6U11'JIIY ICIIUWII lU
<br /> -e�����,��Zl �
<br /> � t�C t�pt(�iaenCa�l�fu�5 whuse name 5 dl'0 aCfixed tu thc ahuve instrumrnt as nwrigogor S and they severully
<br /> . .� ��'
<br /> ���cknJwkdged!he said'inslr irnt to bc thei r voluntury art and decd. 4`=
<br /> �� WF�'�yY y hand and�Jotariai Seal the date afuresaid. � ,
<br /> /i'� ! 1' 1}�
<br /> � �`� ^.•. ..�.:D1yC;Amm iunexpi�es\,1.�...c�.v�� ��, �'���' �-- �'�, . + ---- � ...
<br /> ,.� �� �_ i �l-.\�,;a�
<br /> J'r' i �,.,�Q. NutLy Public
<br /> bv' '�„ •..... S \
<br /> �,�O�t�x� �..:�:+
<br /> � � �
<br />