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<br /> .
<br /> � _ � �
<br /> STATI�7 OF NEBIi,A9KA, County of ....................................................:
<br /> FiledYor rocord on ................................. 1�J..,.....ut............................ o'clack ........................ M.
<br /> � s¢d recorded in tho ueed Ii�ecord................................. Puge ...........,.................
<br /> I .... ...�..... Rogister of�Deede................ Bv ...............Deputy Itegister of�Deede......................... �
<br /> - �6- �a3��r�
<br /> €.,,� � � �
<br /> s. Aavid A. He�an.and Patricia-A. Hesman , husband and wife, ench in his and'her own
<br /> - right and ns spouse of eech other ,herein called tha grantor whether ana or more,
<br /> �j . . . . . � . . .. . .
<br /> ' in coneidoration of TWENTSt TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100ths ($22,500.00) DOLIsARS
<br />� t � .. � � . � �: .
<br />`:S : � � . .. �
<br /> received from grantees, does grant, bargnin, �ell convey and confirm unto
<br /> Michael K. Sall�and Catherine:C, 5a11, husband and wife
<br /> 'F as joint ten¢nts with right oF survivorahip, and not ae tennnts in common, the fallowing dencribed real
<br /> i HALL
<br /> ; property in�................................................................ County,NeLraska:
<br /> ..i���.� � � � .
<br /> i Lot Three (3), in Anderson�s Subdivision, an Addition to
<br /> ::1 the City of Grand,Islend, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />, : _ _
<br /> } _ at��,FN� °'fiA JUN 28 1976
<br /> , ,��� ✓C'��.
<br /> $�2CC ,�' BY
<br /> To have and to hold the nbove deserihed premises together wi i a enements, hereditaments
<br /> and appurtenances Lhereto belonging unto the grnntees und to their aeaigna, or to the heira and ussiqne
<br /> of the survicor of them fore�•er.
<br /> 9nd grnntor does Lereby covenant with the grantees and with their nssigne and with the heirs
<br /> and nssigns of the survicor of them ttrat�runtar is luwfully seised of said premises;thnt they are free from
<br /> enenmbrnnce except for easements and restrictions of record
<br /> that grantor Las good right and lnwful authority to coiivey the xame; und tLut grantor n�arrnnts iu�d icill
<br /> deFend tl�e title to snid premises against thc lawFul cluims of ull persous «•hmnsoever.
<br /> It is th8 intention of all parties hereto that i❑ the event of the deuth of either of thc grantees,
<br /> thc entire fee title to this rcal property vhull �•est in U�e surviving gruntee.
<br /> Dated �� '�'Y� a� 19��
<br /> \ \
<br /> ' .................................................................................... �av V�^r��:\�A�1c:YJc,.>............................
<br /> , . Herman ///� �1
<br /> .:� � ........................................ .......................�................. ..C��.�C...WF'YY..rn..'..8�(r1..•F...(....w�:�L..j:Y..1.��:Y��
<br /> . J��i�Z('fZk2/l�i �j
<br /> BTATEOF ............................................................. County of . ..................................H..........._.......:
<br /> Before me,a notary public qualified for said couuty, persouully came David A. Herman and
<br /> Patricia A. Hezman, huaband and wife, eech in his and her own right nnd as spouse
<br /> of each other-
<br /> known to me to bo the identical pernon or persone who signed the foregoing instrument and ncknowledged ��''� r y=
<br /> ' the execution thereof to be Lis,her or their voluntnr act nnd deed. N �F"'
<br /> � � �,� � �
<br /> R'itnesa mp hand nnd notnrial seal on ......... ......, .............a..... .......,...... , 19.��... �,
<br /> • ( —�� � .:
<br /> ' CfMEfl�tM0T�A7•3Lt�MIl�enfY) , ,,,,,,`/,12C:Z� ,,.,{,,,,,,,";,;;,,,,,,�2..�I`�otary Pnblic �
<br /> � FORREST J.POLLAP.D �� q �
<br /> MiComm,Exp,l�nab,le� 31y comuiission eapires.�'u�� ./
<br /> ........... ................. . 19��.......
<br /> Form 4.'l 'Po Ue ��pproved by \ebrtiskn Stnte 13nr llssociation K��a�!o Wdt Cb.,Lincdn.Nebr.
<br /> � ,_ �
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