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<br /> � _. . .... . � ,.. . „ . . . - . .. .. •. � . .
<br /> 76- ()0 3 4'7 6
<br /> MORTCAGE LOAN N0. � 22+2�2
<br />- � : KNOWALL�fENF3YTHESLPRL'SENTS:That Wendell L. Petersen and Mary Lou Petersen, each in his
<br /> .t
<br /> ,; and-her own right and'as spouse of each other, Mortgagor,whetheroneormore,inwnsidcrationoftheeumof
<br /> ' Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred and No/100-------------------------------------------boL[.nes
<br /> }
<br /> :
<br /> $ ` loaned to said mortgagor by The Lquitablc T�uilding and Luan Association of Crand Islund,Nebrnska,M1tortgagee,upon 135 shares af stock of
<br /> ; � said AS50CIATION,CertiCcate No;L 22,Z�2 ,du hereby grant,convey and mortgage unm the said ASSOCIAT[ON the following
<br /> dcscribed real estnte;situated in llaU Cuunty,Nebraska:
<br /> : �
<br /> �.5�
<br /> j
<br /> ` LOTS THREE (3) AND FIVE (5) IN BLOCK TEN (10)
<br /> -�
<br /> Y
<br /> 'r
<br />. �
<br /> .;
<br /> ..7
<br /> together with atl tlie renements,hercJitaments and;�ppurtenances thereunlo belonging,inctuding attached floor coverings,all window screens,
<br /> window shades,blinds,storm windows,awnings,hea[ing,ai�ronditioning,and plumbing and�vater equipment and accessorias therero,pumps,stoves,
<br /> re(rigerators,and other fxtures and eyuipment now or hereafter attnched tu or used in connection with said reai estace.
<br /> ��, � And whereas Ihe said mongagor has agreed and does hereby agree tl�at lhc mongagor shall and wilt pny all taxes and assessments levied or � _ � � "
<br /> assessed upon said prcmises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby be(ore die s:�me shall bewme detinquent;to furnish approved
<br /> ; insurance upon the buildings un said premi:es situated in the sum of 5 �3 5�0.00 paYable ro s�id ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance:and not to commit or perm�t�ny waste on or abuut said peemius; , . .
<br /> In case uf default in the pedormance o(any uf the terms and conditions uf this mortgage or the bond secured heceby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> '( un demanJ,be encided to immediate posscuion of ihe mortgaged premiscs and thc murtgagor hereby assign:, transkrs and sets over to the
<br /> mortgagee ull the rents,revenues and income tu be derived(rom Uie mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpaid;and tf�c mortgagee sh�ll have�hc power to appoint any agenl or agcnts it may desim fur the purpose of repauing said premisee and renfing . �
<br /> • ; t6e same and collecwig the rents,revenues and income,and it may pxy out of said income all expenses o(repairing said pmmises and necessary
<br /> commissions and cxpcnscs inwrred in renting and manayng the s�me�nd uC collecting rentals thercFmm;the balance cemaining,if xny,to be ..
<br /> applied toward lhe discharge uC said mortguge indebtedness;these rights uf the mortgagee may be exercixd at any time during ihe e,eistence of suclt ;
<br /> Jel'aul�,irrespective oF any Icmporary waiver oC the same.
<br /> These Presents,hoN�ever,are upon the Condition,'Ihat iC the said Atortgagor shall repay said loun on or 6efbre tht maturity of said shares 6y � � �
<br /> ,,; payment;pay monthty tu said ASSOCIATION of the sum specifieJ in die Bond:ecurcd hereby as incerest and principai on s�id luan,on or be(om
<br /> the Twentieth day oC each and every month,until said loan is fully paid;pay all taxes and assessments levied against said premises nnd on this hluctgage
<br /> and the Elond secured thereby,before delinqucnc}•;furnish approved insurance upun the buildings thereon in the sum of 5�3�5��.�� payable � � �
<br /> to said ASSOCIATION;repay to said ASSOCfATiON upon demnnJ all nwncy by it paid for such taxes,assossments and insurance with intercst at � -
<br /> the maximum legal ra�e thereon from date oC payment ell o(which Mortgagur hereby agrees tu pay;permit no was�e un said premises:keep and comply . �
<br /> wiih all ehe agreements and conditions o(the Bond 1'or 5 �3�500.OO���is day given 6y the mid Ai�rtgagor to wid ASSOCIATION,and cumply
<br /> with all the requirements uf lhc Constilution and UyLaws ot said ASSOClATION;dtrn these presents shall become nuU and void,utherwise thty �� � � �
<br /> ' shall remain in full force and may be(oreclused ut the uption oC the s:�id ASSOCIATION after failure for three mond�s to make any of said � . � � .
<br /> � payments ar be three munlhs in arrears in making said monthly payments,or to keep und cumply with the agreements and conditions u(said Bond; �. . �
<br /> and Dlortgagor agrees lo have�receiver appointed Corthwith in such(oreclosure pruceedings. � - �
<br /> � If there is uny change in ownership of We real estxte morigaged herein,by salc ur otherwise,then the entim remaining indebtedneu hereby . �
<br /> secured shall,at the option of The Gquilablc Duilding and Loan Aswcialion of Grand Island,Nebraska,berome immedutely due and paya6le without
<br /> further notice,and the amount remaining duc under said bund,und any other bond(or any additional advances maSe thereunder,shall,frum the
<br /> date of exercise o(saiJ option,bear interest at d�e maximum Iegal rate,and this mortgage may then be forecloxd to satisfy the amount due on ssid
<br /> bond,anJ any other bond for additiunnl advsnces,�ogetl�cr with all surtts paiJ by mid The Lyuiteble Building and Loan Association of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska for insurance,taxes�nS assessments,and abstracling exlension charges,wilh intemst thereun,from dace of payment at the maximum � �
<br /> legal rate.
<br /> As proviJeJ u�tlie Bund secured hereby,while this mortgagc remains in effect the mortgagee may hereatrer advance additional sums to the
<br /> makers of said Bond,their assig��s ur succeswrs in interesl,which sunu shall be within the security oC lhis moetgage the same as the funds oeiginally
<br /> secu�ed thereby,Ihe ro[al amuunl uC principal debt not to exceed•al any lime lhe original amoun!of this mortgage.
<br /> n���a m�s 28t� a�y�,r June n.�..i��76 ,�
<br /> /' ,�� _.'
<br /> �(�t,.,rt'1.�1��,lCL'Gt,.a.�,_ ��'c��,--v„_�. ri ri,ai�in ,
<br /> Wendell L. Petersen Mary�Lou �Pe rsen
<br /> S'fATE OF NEBRASKA.�Ss. On this 28th day of June 19)6 ,before me,
<br /> -' COUNTY OF HALL .,I �'�
<br /> lie�nd rsi ned,a ta Public in and r said ounty, ersonal(y a e � '
<br /> Wendell L. Petersen and Mary Lou Petersen, each in `hi� anc�`}�e`� own r7g�i$ and� as s�pouse ��' � �
<br /> i ,..each other, Wn�dre personallyknownto y
<br /> � a
<br /> lne to C ��� rwnS whose name5 dl'2 affixed to the above instrutnent as moctgagor5 and they severally �
<br /> a �7e��td, p� ument lo be thei r voluntary acl and deed. � � ,
<br /> .���l E F 'S y l:and and Notarial Seai t}�e date eCoresaid. �\ .
<br /> W���N�Tar�t�C�nm ion expires f�.�,'�( i I I '�\�"�'� ;!�� -
<br /> CL a,. ,ci � 7q �_n.�
<br /> � CYi I?E;�rt :�'��✓ � �I I � J �'utary Public
<br /> ��1'2M�":, � ✓� ��
<br /> �j.:.�'"r��l.i7�7� ',�y.�f �
<br /> � �:I:T`v�''fjCiir j�;�' - �.J
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<br /> 9
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