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<br />�
<br /> MOR7'GAGE--Sovings aud Loan Porm—{DSrecl Credtt Plan) 255-2 (SpeclaU
<br /> �` M� MORTGA►GE �
<br /> 76�034�0
<br /> ��No
<br /> �. 1 SHI3 INDENTAAE.made n.�. 2E3th �rtY o� June is��' ny ana to�Ween � . �
<br /> THOMAS R. LARSEN AND KRISTEN K. LARSEN, husband and wife, each in his and her own
<br /> 3 right and as spouse of the other
<br /> oi, Ha I I Couaty,Nebraeka,m moriqaga 5 aad Home Fedeml Savinge and Loan Aasoelatlon o!Grand Ieland,
<br /> a corporation orgaNzed and ezlat(ng uader !ho laws o!Nehraeka with ite princlpd oUke and plaoo ol bwineee al Gmnfl Icl�d,Nebraeka, � . .
<br /> � ae mo[lqagoe; � .
<br /> ,� WITNESSETH: That eald mortgagor S lor aad la wnaidexatlon ol�ha xum of � �
<br /> ' ONE HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND AIJD NO/100 --------------------- no�la�e (s 114�000.00 �
<br /> ' � Ihe receipt o! whtch ie hereby aclmowledged, do— by these preeante mongage and warrant unto aatd mortgagee, 1!e eueceeeore md �
<br /> aaatgne, (orever,all the tollowing duncribed �eal oelate,Ntuated 1n ihe county ol H��� ..
<br /> ' and S!ate o!Nebrmka,to-wlL•� � � � -
<br /> � �F
<br /> ., ; �
<br /> �
<br /> + ��
<br /> l Togother wi�h all Leating. Ilght[ng, md pl�.mhing eqWpment and tlztuton,includinq�tolcen�d bumen,eaeene,awninge,etorm windows
<br /> .� and door�,and window ehadee or 61lnde,uned on or In coanection wlih aaid pmpoity,whether tho eame are now located on eald propariy
<br /> or ha:eaper placed thereon.
<br /> � �j 70 HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all and einqulai tho tenamenh,hereditamontn and appurlenaacee the:eunto belong• �
<br /> j ing,ot ia anywiae appo�taining.lorever,and wanant tho title lo the eame. Said mortgagor�._he:eby mvenan�with eaid mortgaqee
<br /> 2
<br /> � that�ho�— %�rP ,at the delivery heraol,the lawful owner—Sol the p�amieae above convayed aad dexribed,and d�e �
<br /> �� f seized af a qood and tndofeanible ee�ale ot inhedtanca thereia,tree and clear of all encumbraacee,and that t 1��—will wanaat�d
<br /> 3j delend�he tilla thetalo locever againet�he cluima and deman�3e ot all persoae whomaoevar. f
<br /> j PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and thie Wtmmant ie ezrcuted and delivored to socura tho paymunt ot the eum of S ' -
<br /> 3 OIJE HUNDRED FOURTEEN TNOUSAIJD AND fJ0/I 00 - --nZloin �s I I 4,000.00 ,
<br /> 2
<br /> F wilh lnterent Iherron,togother with such CIlUT9C6 and advanrnn an may be duo and payable to eaid mortgagee under tho termn and
<br /> F
<br /> � condillone o1 ihe promiaaory note o( even date herewi�h and aecurod hereby,axrculed by naid morlgago��_to said moztgagae,payable
<br /> � ae expreaaed in eaid nole,and to aecure the purto�mmce o!all the terma �d condilfom mntaiaed tharetn. The ta:mn ot edd nole are
<br /> hereby lncorporated hecetn by thia:elerence. �
<br /> � It 1s tho Intention and agreameat of the pa�lion he�eto Ihat thia moctgage ehall alao eecure any lulure advaacee mado b said
<br /> , mortqaqor S by said morigagea, and any and all tndobtedneea In addlt[on to tha amount above slated wMch eald moitgaqore,or aay
<br /> ot Ihem, may owo to naid mortgagee,however evideaced whet6or by note,book account o�otherwleo. Thte morigage shall:omaia!a full
<br /> � fo¢e and elloct betweea the partiee 6eroto and thalr hoire,peraoaal repreaentalivee, eucceeaoce and aaelqne, un171 all amounta wnued
<br /> � hareimder.intludinq future advancea,ara pald 1n lull with laletenL �
<br /> The mortgagor�hereby aualqx`_to said mortgagee all reaU and tncome arieing at aay and all Hmee Itom said property aad
<br /> heceby authorize eaid morlgagee ox iie agenl,at (U option, upon dotault,to take charge o!eald p�operty and collect all rente and income
<br /> � Ihcrafrom and apply tha eamo to the paymenl o!Intecea6 prladpal,Iaeuranee premtuma,laxoa,mnesemenU,iepau�or Improvemente aerno-
<br /> � eary Io keep wld pmpa�ty W ienaatable rnndiUon,oc to olhez cha:qee or pvymeab providod!or here(n or Sa tho aote haroby eecured. Thle .
<br /> - � rent aentqnment ehall watinue(p lorce un�il the unpaid balanca af sald aote ie tully pv(d. The loking ot poasaealan ho:ounder ehall fn no
<br /> mannar pravent or relard eaid morlgagee!n Ihe collactloa ol eaid aume by toredoeuie or otherwina.
<br /> � Tho failure o!the moctgagee to aseeil my ol Il� righta hereundar at any tllce ahall not be coustrued a�a waiver ol ite right to aaaect
<br /> �. jt t6e eame at any]ate[lima'�md�to Inniet"upoh'aad ealocce etdct mmpllance wllh all the tacros aad provlelone o! eaid note and o! thfn
<br /> 3 mortgage. t ' ". . ',,.
<br /> II eaid morigagor�,.yl�oJ(c¢uso.to�bR pald to��atd modgagee the eatlre amounl due It he�eunder,aad under the to�me and provislon�
<br /> ol aald aole hereby'pacuta�b��inelSidiqq�utuie advaacas,and any axtemlon�or �ene�vaL tharoo! ia accordmea wi�h the tezma aad providon� �
<br /> thereol,and i!wld motlqagm�.�hall mmply�vith a4 the yrovieime ot�ald¢ote cwd ol thla motlgage.Ihon Ihe�e pmsonb�hall be void; �
<br /> olbersrhe to remain ln IWI lotca a¢d etloet,and edd modgaqee�hall bo entlUad lo the poueWon ol all o!edd property,aad may,at lt�
<br /> £< optlon,declare the whole ot�ald note and all lndebtedneu reprmsnted Iheroby to be immsdiaroly due md payable,and may(oeecloeo thL _� i �
<br /> � �F moc�gage or take aay.,other legal aation to ptoleet fb right aad Irom Ihe dats o!�uch delault all lleme ol lndobtedaeu securod heroby
<br /> = ehall draw inlerod al�b'pqj anaum. Appraisemeat aalved. . ��N F�.��.
<br /> t Ib
<br /> F YWe mortgage�hall be 6lndlnq upo¢and �hall enuie to ihs b�nellt o!t6e Letn,e:ocutor�,adminl�tialor�,auccesaore�d aa�iqn�al � ;1
<br /> I $ tho ie�pxtive pa�tln he[eto. � �
<br /> ` � IN W[TNFS9 WHEREOF. wld Morlqaqoz S�^Ve he�eunto �et the i r haa�_�he day and ycac 8nt a6ore �.�,
<br /> wdtlen. � � ..
<br /> ,
<br /> ,-� �, . �
<br /> . ,
<br /> ;, ._; _.
<br /> �,�.:,�� .; K «...:��_—._ , .< - . , . : . , ..
<br /> __ . . . . .
<br /> Thomas . arsen Kri'sten Larsen '
<br />�
<br />� -----
<br /> � � ..».».....». �
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