� --
<br />� _ ,��
<br />� �
<br /> �
<br />:: 6TATE OF NEBIbASKA, County of ........................................................:
<br /> Filed for rccord and entorod iri Numerical Indea
<br /> `= on ............................................................nt................ o'clack ................ bi.,
<br /> s" nnd recordud iu Deed Record ............................. Yngo ......................,.....
<br /> �
<br /> ............................................................ By ............................................................
<br /> ;� Coiu�ty Clerk or Dr.pttty Cotmty Clerk or
<br /> ''� Regieter of Dcede lleputy Regieter of Decde
<br />.,�,� 76- 003462
<br /> �x
<br /> xa
<br /> � tlar�aret PS. Bertolin, in her ocun right, and as
<br /> ,:a .i sin�le person , hereiu cailed tho gruntor w•hether one or mora,
<br /> �� in considerntiai of Seventy 'Pwo 'Ptiousand and no/100 liollars
<br /> k
<br /> j� received from grantees, does grant, burgain, sell, cmivey and confirm unto
<br /> Steph� 1:. [doodman and Pinr�ery Itoodman, each in his and her own
<br /> �� riglit and as tiusband and ldife
<br /> � ;
<br /> ��� ns jolnt tennnte nnd not ne tenants m comuion, tlie follo���i�ig described real property in ..............................
<br />'_�P I la 11
<br /> � ............................................................... Couuty, neLrnsku: '
<br /> �'� and Ts�ent One (21 of Elock "C", in
<br /> � A11 of lots \'ineteen (19), Y- ).
<br /> Park Vicw Subdivision, located in the :;ortlieast Quarter of Section
<br />'�' 29 and tl�e :;orth:resl' �uarter of Sec[ion 2ii, l�nth in 'ioomship 17.,
<br /> �� ,rr•braska
<br /> .s;� ;:orth, Ran;;e 9 I'est of the Gtli Y.:•I•, Iiall County,
<br /> t� -
<br /> �
<br />�j �.�t*� STAMP TAX
<br /> z� �A'�ti���� JUN 28 1976
<br /> ��
<br /> :�a $ � ,,2 gy �`�
<br /> :t .
<br /> �;: To lia��e and to hold thr. :ibove �.icscribed prewise� to,etLer rci[h ull tcnementy, hereditaments
<br /> mid uppitrtenn�ices ihereto Lcloiiqi�iR �urto thc grantecs ns joint tenaiitv.
<br /> .1nd gruntor docs hereUy co��euant �vith thc grantees that gruntor is ltnsfully seised of euid
<br /> A premises; tLnt tltey �u�e 1'rce from encumbrunce;
<br /> l;;:cept l:asement, and ;:estrictions of tecor.d
<br /> Zj
<br /> ;�'` tl�ut grantor hns good right nnd luwful autliority to com�ey the snme; und that �rnuwr tivnrrnnts und �vill
<br /> 'i defend the title to suid pretnises agninst tLe lan•ful claims of ul! persons �ehomsoe��er.
<br /> � Dnted June 25� 19 76 � � � �
<br /> i .................................................................................... . :�. . .e����:��. .. �l
<br /> ,; �
<br /> - ��-� \ �argaret :�L I:cr lin
<br /> .,,�:
<br /> �
<br />::`:`<. S'PATE OF NLBRASKA, Counh• of ..........Hc'x�.�..................................................:
<br /> Bet'ore me, a nutury public ryualified for anid county, personally com�
<br /> ::argaret :.. P,crtolin, in hcr ocm ri�ht, ar,d �, a sinrle
<br /> person.
<br /> kuo�cn to me to 6c the identicnl person or pen;ous who signed the
<br /> forcgoing instrumcnt und uckuon•Icclge the executiou thereof to Ue t�is, �(.:
<br /> Lcr or their volunturp nct twd dced. • " ; '
<br /> �, \1'itnese my� hnnd nnd noturial seil ou ...... ...2Q.l... �'1�....................... � � �z,
<br /> ��JJ � /� 'r� %
<br /> MATTHEW F.BFACH �G4'/�j►,�� �U � �
<br /> � �ENERAI NOTART—Sttt�d N�D4 ............ G� rs ...... .,.... . ...�/�.T----Notnry YuLlic . 's.
<br /> ;i My Cammia�ion Eapire� .. '�t - ��
<br /> August 7.19�8 . ` '
<br /> bip emnmisAion ezpires......,A.U,(�Z3+9.ti...7.R.................... 19.7.�......
<br /> Form 4.5 A�Pro��ed Uy NeLrnska Stnte Bar Assnnintinn F.iwn 6 Wol[Oo.,Llnooln.NsLr.
<br /> � J
<br />�
<br />�
<br />