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<br /> STA1'E OF NEf31tASKA �"�I�
<br /> FIiARORMN0.21a3h1 'I'liix form is used in connea
<br /> (Rev.Ikcember 107'l) tion with martgiigca iusured
<br /> �;•f 1VIORTGAGE under the one•to fow�-fnmily
<br /> 76- 003461 provisions of the Nutionul
<br /> Iloueing Act.
<br /> f
<br />.. �
<br /> � THIS MORTGACE,made and executed this ��n day of ��1JN C� A.D,
<br /> 19 76 byandbetween Willit�m D. Lincoln arid Corey A. Liucoln, hu�Uund nnd wif'c� euch in
<br /> : his and her own individunl ri�r,ht rand as spouse oP the ot:her, jointl,y and �c:verolly
<br /> ' of the County of Hall ,und 5t:ite of Nebraska,purry ot ihc firsc pari,hcreinufter ctilled
<br /> �` ihc Mortgagor,und � �
<br /> a corporation organized und existing under lhe Inws u[ Tl�e Utiited S Lt�te� ,
<br /> party o[the second pnrt,hereinafter called thc Mortgagee,
<br /> WITNESSCTH:That the saiJ�lortgngor,for and in consideration o(thc sum ot'PWENTY TWO 17IOUSANll AND N0�10U
<br /> � --------------------------------------------------Ikillars l$ 2`'_,OOO.OU )�Puid by the Morb ;
<br /> gagee, the receipt ot which is lierehy acknowledgeJ, has Granted anJ Sold anJ by Ihcse presents docs Grant, Uar
<br /> gain, Sell, Convcy and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successurs and assigns, furever, the fallowing•described
<br /> real estate,situated in the County of tlztll ,and Stnte
<br /> of Nebraska,to wit:
<br /> Lot Sevent,y-Isir;ht ('jE3) in Uuenavista Subdivision,
<br /> un Addition to tiie Cit,y of' Gs•and I:�l�iid, ilall Cou.nt,y,
<br /> NeUr�z�lca.
<br /> ti i
<br /> >i
<br /> !
<br /> of the Sixth Princip.�l Meridimi.conlaining in all acres uccording to Guvern-
<br /> ment sun�ey:
<br /> 'I'O HAVG ANU TO HOLD the premises above described,u'ith:dl thc appurlenances thercunlo bclonging anJ incluJing
<br /> all he,+ting,plumbing:md lighting fixwres anJ cyuipment now or herea(ler attacheJ lo or used in connrction with said rcal est�te
<br /> unto the Atorigagce,and lo its successors:mJ assjgns,r�,���r�.�ri,�n�����;agur rc�resenls to,anJ covenants with,Ihe M1tor�gu-
<br /> gec,that thc Murtgagur has gooJ right to sell anJ convcy said premises;thal thcy are(rce from encumba+nce;and�hat thc
<br /> ; Atortgngor will wnrrant:md dcfcnd thc samc��gainst the lawful claims of;�II persons whomsoever,imd thc saiJ Mortgagun c�re-
<br /> by relinyuishes all rights of homestead,and all martiol rights,either in law or in eyuity,anJ all other cuntingent interests ut�he :
<br /> M1tortgagor in and lo the abovc-describcd premises,the intention being to convey hereby an absulutc litle,in fec simplc,incluJ-
<br /> ing all righis of homestrad,and other rights anJ inicresls as aforesaiJ.
<br /> I'ROVIDED ALWAYS,and�hesc preseNs.ve execuled and delivercd upon Ihe follaµing conJilions,to wiL•
<br /> The Mortgagor agree5 to pa}•tu the Mortgagec,or order.the principal sum of i9�IlitdTY 7'S•;0 TIIOU:iANll nriu r;U�1.00
<br /> ------------------------------------i)oilars(S 22�OOU.00 ),uith intcrest Gom
<br /> date at�he rate of PiR�ht �nd One H�:lf per cenlum( 8.50 !`i•)per:mmm�on
<br /> �he unpaid balance unul paid.9'he said princi,;il;md interest sh:dl be puynble nl the oliice of i�ir�i, Fedc.rsl i:lvin��:; attd
<br /> Loan AssoriAtiou o!' Linculn
<br /> in I'IeUraska ,or al such olhcr pL•�cc�is Ihc huldcr of
<br /> the notc m;iy Jcsignatc in��riting,in munthly installmcnts of One iitutdred 5�vt;; Ivine aiid lU/100----------
<br /> ; ------------------------------Dollars(5 1�).l�i L cummenJiug un lhe�irst Jay u[
<br /> Aur.vs t .19'7C� .:inJ mi the lirsl day of et�ch month Ihcrea(ter mitil lhe principal and in-
<br /> leresl :u� fulfy paid, excep� th:�t thc linal paymem of principal anJ intcre�t, if m�l tiouner p;iid, shall he due ;md
<br /> payahle on the lirsl duy of July <''_Oi� , :.+II nccurding lo thc lerms of a rertain prurnis
<br /> sory note of even datc hcrewith executeJ by Ihe suid Mortg.igor.
<br /> The�tortgagur in order more fully!u prolecl�he securily of lhis Atorl�!��ge,sigrecs:
<br /> I. "1'hat hc will pay Ihe indcbteJnezs,as hcrcinbcfure providcd.1'rivilegc is rcserved to puy the debi in whole,ur in an
<br /> amounl cyual lo one or more monlhly puymenls un ihe princiPal lhal ure nexl duc on�he noic,an tlic first d:ry of:�ny munlh ._ � .. Y��,
<br /> priur to maturity:ProviJed.hou�rvrr.That wriucn nutice of an intrntion w rxcrcixe such privilegc is given nt Icast thirly(30) A " ti�,p '
<br /> days priur to prepaymenL N "
<br /> ?. "Ih,d,togelher w�ith,and in udJilion�o,�he munlhiy payments o!princip.�l and intrrest payahk undcr the tcrms uf thc � ^
<br />� � note secured hereby,lhe Mortgagur will pay to thc Morlg:igcc,on thc first J:�y uf cach month until lhc s��iJ no�c is fully pnid,Ihc '� ;�'
<br /> (ollowingsums: �'� '�- �
<br /> �- ial Mi umuunl eulGcitnl lu pruriJe the hulJer Lrren(ei�L funJs tu puy the n<Kt murlguRe insutance�nemium i(Ihi�in�tmmenl unJ Ihr nul<wcwed hcrrby �
<br /> arr inwreJ,ur a monlhly cLurNe(in li<u uf u murlguKe insurance premiunU if theY ure Add by the Sacmtap'uf Huuxing:mJ lirhan Ik�dupnmm.nx(ol� . . .
<br /> lox�.
<br /> � �
<br />�
<br />