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<br /> � S,W.Co�rrer NE%A SE%¢ �
<br /> �.�c, �`T/z/✓-,2/Zl�t/
<br /> Plat of a tract of land corr�rising a part of the Northeast (h,arter of the
<br /> Southeast Quarter ("lF:3a SE�1) ot Section O:ie (1), 'fow'nship 71�e1��e (1�) North,
<br /> Range Tl,relve (12) N'est of the 6th F.�1, in f4-�11 C�».inty, Nebraska more parti-
<br /> cularly described as follows:
<br /> Beginning at the sout}�x�est corner of said Northeast lhu-�rter of the Sauth-
<br /> � east Quazter (NE% SE'-b); thence northerly alon� the west linc of said Northeast
<br /> (Zuarter of the Southeast Qu:irter (tiE'.; SI:�a) , a distance of Ei�ht thuidred Fifty
<br /> 'I'hree and Ei�1�ty Otte I-[undmdths (453.81) feet; thence deflecting right 89°03'40"
<br /> ; and running easterly, a �listance of F:ight f'!in�lred Forty Ttiree and Six Tenths
<br /> � (843.6) feet, to the westerly right-of-t��r�y line of Higln+�ay i�o. 11; thence
<br /> souttieasterly along said right-of-way lirie and on the arc o� a cun�e u�hose radii�s
<br /> is 2,it14.79 £eet (the long chord of i;hich deflects right 66 09'10" from thc
<br /> � last described course), a long chord distance of Five I{undred Seventy Seven and
<br /> � Sixty Four Ii�mdredths (577.64) tieet; thence cieflectinn left 8A°�0' frcxn the long
<br /> j chord of the l:ist described curve and nuining nortlieasterl�•, a distance oE
<br /> Tr;enTy (20.0) feet; thence soutlle�sterly alo�ig said right-of-tivav line and on
<br /> the 2rc gf a curve�i'�lO5CT3(�ILLS is 2 80a,79 feet (the long ehoni of h�iuch defleets
<br /> } right 94 O1' fmm the last described course), �.: long chord distance of 1'hree
<br /> `- I�ndred Fifty Tr;o and Twenty F.i�ht Fh�ndredths (35�.28) feet, to a point an thc
<br /> south line of said Northeast Quarter of thc So!itheast (,h�arter (>�'-s SE'a); thence
<br /> westerly along the south line of said tiorthcast �iarter of the Southcast Quarter
<br /> ` - (NE`t SE'a), a distance of Chie T7:ots�md One fhindred Ninety Six ar.:i 5ixty Four
<br /> , FtimdredttLs (1,196.G4) feet to the place of beginning and centaining 30.59ei acres
<br /> more or less.
<br /> I liereby certify that the above plat is from :ui aca�rate surve}• of the
<br /> described property.,tss��i�.,(�est of tm� }:nowleclge and belief.
<br /> 1��'i,
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<br /> � (7iarles B. ?3eer, I..S. So. 192
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