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<br /> �.,�"Sec. /—T/��/- .F%2✓/
<br /> �Or�r>� ��� �r'U�J ��'� .
<br /> Plat of a tract of land comprising a part of ttie '�ortlieast (l�arter of. tlie South-
<br /> east Quarter (NF�' SE'3) of Section (aie (1), Tok�ns}�ip 'I'ti.elve (12) Plorth, It�utgc
<br /> "IDrelve (12) R'est of the 6th P.:�t. in Hall Coiu�ty, Nebraska, more particularly
<br /> described as follows:
<br /> Beginning at a point on thc west linc of saiu ;Jortheast �k�arter of the
<br /> Southeast Quarter (tiT�s SE;;) said point being tiight Hundred Fiftv Three and
<br /> f:ighty One Fh�ndredths (853.81) feet I101'2I7 of the southh•est corr.er of said
<br /> - Northeast Quarter of the Southeast fhi�rter (.VP;; S�',l; thence northeriv along
<br /> the west line of said Northeast Quarter of thc Southeast Quarter (\7;'a SF,'a), a
<br /> distance of Four i�iidred Sixty feet; to tlie nortlnaest comer of said Northeast
<br /> Quarter of the Scwtheast Quarter ('vT; SL-,)' thence easterly along the north
<br /> $ line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (*IP-,a SL•'�j),a distar.ce
<br /> af Five Nundred Seventeen and Si�ty fiight fhuidredths (51i.6S) fcet, to the
<br /> k•esterly right-of-way line of flighway 1'0. 11; thence deflecting right S�°0?'S0"
<br /> �md running southe�stcrly alonF said right-of-way line, a distarice of 1t.�o ttundred
<br /> ':'hirteen and �ighty L'ight �iundredths (Z]3.5�) feet; thence southe:isteri}• along
<br /> c said right-of-way line and on the arc of a curve xhose radius is 2,78d,;9 feet
<br /> i' (the long cllord of �Y�hich deflects right 03°37'�0" from the lc�t described course),
<br /> a long chord distance of Three }hmdred For�y I�ive :ind Ninet�� Six thnidredths
<br /> (3A5.96) feet; dience deflecting ri�ht 1_3 19 50" and numing uesterly, a dis-
<br /> tance of Eight Htmdred I'orty T}iree rind �ix 'I'enths (8d�.6) feet to the pl�ce of
<br /> beginzing and ccntaining 7.2?0 acres more or lc,s.
<br /> �
<br /> I hemby certifj� that the above plat is imm a�� accurate survey of' the
<br /> � described propert}• to tile best of rr.y knoti.�ledge and belicf.
<br /> '��� , � ,r
<br /> . �.K.i � �'./G�?.�:J � (%2.z.�,
<br /> , �• � � � '"' y � t7iarles I3. I.leer, L.S. No. 19°
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