� � b.�{i
<br />( �
<br />; �_ : 76-- {�(1�3 4 4�i ;
<br /> 52•A—REAL L'Sl'ATE�tORTGAG[—(Wilh Tax Clause) (Revlaed 1862) 'n,r tiurtuun G�•nerxl s�,iq,ly H�wxe,i.�n�.*a�•,.N.�i��. ,. . .
<br /> 1{NOW AI.L A1L;N 13Y THI:SC YRI:SIiNTS: '1'hat LA1j;ern F.. 1'Ct7,ULdt �tA�1 PCttri.ci:] li.
<br /> Yetzoldt, Hu:�band and P1ifc
<br /> � u( HII11 Gninly,and SLil�e o[ ��j@t)T'8 5�C8 ,in cunnidernlinn��f fhc emn of '. .
<br /> � Thirty Two 'Phou:�and and no/100 not.Lnt{:�
<br /> :
<br /> ', in hand pnid,do hernby SELL and CONVI;Y unto]3�;I1�C Of 1)oninhan, Uoninhan, Nebras�C1
<br /> : i�. �' ��f f{all Cuw�ty,titute uf n(9bI'75kA IhelollowinRll��scriU�vlpmmiecneilualed �. _� �
<br /> �. . in i��8Z1 Caunty, nnd Stntc uf �'��bT'85�C1 �to-wil: � . � .
<br /> Lot (4) Four in '.�'hit:es Sunny :?l.ones Subdivisinn, Hall CountY, h�Uraska.:
<br /> '� � '1'lie inlentinn 6ein�;lo c��nvey hrreb��;�n nbaulute titte in fee eimple, includin�; nll �he rik;ht9 oi I�omestend nnd dowor. � �� .
<br /> . . � 9Y)FIAVIi A;�U'1'O IIOLll Ihr Prrmiarn;vboce dc�crilxd, �eith all Il�c npporti�nnnms lhete�mto Ix�longing, unlu the s.tid .
<br /> .. � motlg��ecle) :md lo hi�, hor ur U�rir hitirn ;md nn:�i�:us (orever, pro�•id��cl tthv;n�n, and thesc pn:tientn nre upon fhe ex�trcan . .
<br /> � � �vndilion lhnt if thr naid morl�;agurlyl.his,hcr ur lhcir hi�ire. es�x�itun;. ��dminislrnlare ur n�.9iKns �hnll p:ep or c.mse to bo � � .
<br /> . " . paid tu Lhe naid mnrl�:agrclvl,his.hrr oc thcir hrirn,ex�r�uture, ndmininlrnWrs or nv.vipns,the principnl sum o[Q 3 2�OOO.�� ( �. .
<br /> . - � pnvt�blc un(ulimvx,l�r�vi1:1101:C' C�llt; NOVCIfItI�'T' 1.�197�1 D.I.11S 1Rt(3tE'9Y. 1����fi. ; . .
<br /> � i � �
<br /> . i .�,:. � � .
<br /> i
<br /> .i� -- .. �� . ..
<br /> }' '.
<br /> t - ... •. wi�h inlorr,l artt�nlin� lo lhr l��nor.md r�Tccl u(lhc mnrl�;ngure���riUrn Prumiwsory nute benrin�;rcen dide���ith lhese P�ceuenls �, .
<br /> � � -� and sh;dl pny ull tnzrs nnd a�srssmrnls Iorird upun suid re:il c;:(:atc,nnd;dl ulher(SICI`9�levice anJ a�seKsmenln Ievinl upon ti�is ' �.
<br /> , ' murl�:nt:e or Ihc noir��cliich tliis nrorl�;:�y.c is kiven lu sewrc, Ixdorc Ihe s�uuc I�cutniw deliuyucnl,nnd hecp lhe buildiuKv mi �, � .
<br /> H� � snid premixes insurcd fur lhr som o($ ��ti��)l)n.�� , luvn,if anY�Pay��hle lo lhe xiud nwrlN,aF��e.Iheu theno prescnlx . . � .
<br /> � lo b��caid.ulhenvis��lu br:md remain in full force. ; � .
<br /> i .. � CP 15 FUR'1'11L;R AGHBliD (I) 'Chat if !hc v��id murlgngur ah;�l L•�il to pny nneh tnzes ur prucum nuch i11911Cllt]lY', lhc � .
<br /> ; � �;nid morlGni:ee m.�q p:�y sueh I:�a�•v nnd proa�rc wud� ineur:�nc�; and the num x��+�dvnncal. ���iUi i�dcront nl p��r '.
<br /> �t�nl,shall br mpuid by said mnrl�ngnr,und thia murtgage yh�dl nl;md ns ereurily(ur�he namc. ('l) '1'turt ii tt+ilum lu pny t�ny
<br /> � u(fiaid moncy,vilhcr prin��ipnl ur inlerret.�chen Ih�, r;nne Imcomce du�•. or n fnilure �o annpl)' wilh nup u[ Ilie (ore�;uing :� .
<br /> . �� nprernmuLv,ahull c:mse Ih�� �.�hole sum o[ntuney liercin sirured lo become duu nud cull�tlible iri unce nl the upliun uf 11�0
<br /> a . murlguCcc.
<br /> '� �. Signni lhir 19th dny u( �Jiine , �'� 7fi � �
<br /> ,; �_ � > �� f�" �/���
<br /> � In prcnencc o[ _1 ..�iLM�;:'F9L .�.......� (L��.f�-.C`��..__....._ �
<br /> , �
<br /> � ,
<br /> � � C `�
<br /> ..._........ ............ ......_.. ._..__._.._. . .. . .t � -� . . �/����_.....
<br /> �, , ,
<br /> a '
<br /> .�� �
<br /> __....__ _ . ,�, ..f ,�.,...z...�: ..... � �..:�
<br /> �, __.. _ ... . __ _ _ _ __ . _ _ _. .__..._..... . .. .. . ....... .
<br /> � � � S7'A7'f; OI�?`�Ct]S1f1:i�Gi3 . ..__....__...... _, ('ounty uL..Hfl.l�__.. .. .__......._..........:
<br /> �, $r(ore tn��, n nulary public yuulifivd fur enid counlY� Pcraun�dly cnmc .
<br /> LaVern li. P�tzoldt and Natr.ir..la il, Pet;znldt Ilusband �nd Y�li�'e
<br /> � '�, �. known lu me ta Ix thu idenlicnl perEun ur prrsunv who xign�d Ihe forei;uing ineltumcnt nnJ ncknowieJt;nl lhc cxandiun i .
<br /> . � ' lhcrcuf ln In hin,hcr nr i�' ntnry ncl nnd de�d. �.
<br /> ;: iIN������� l ecnl�n.1QLh l)r.�.y..of. 1.une.... . i�t.. f�.7 ,
<br /> fiE ; ��� jf�
<br /> - ' .�7�P r.uaru..27. . ��� AO _..�,����..��.,�i:�'�'F.�k�`^`��Nulnry YuLlic. -i� r .
<br /> _ N
<br /> 9'I'A'PL' OF....:.. . . ................ l:nlenvl un nwucricul indca nnd (il�.al �or r�•eu�d � �
<br /> � � . �. . ..._. �IL9, . . . '.
<br /> ; � CounlY ................. ... ...._.. .... ...... . in the Rrilixler ot lleedn Olfice of e��i�.l Cuun�Y the . •
<br /> 51
<br /> �� ....................d:ty bL......... _ .. _ ._. ... ..� t'1 ..., nl ........ .._�i ckxk nnd....... . . .__... miuutes..._.._.._....._�L, .
<br /> h �;
<br />: nnd rminlecl in IScwk. .., uf... . ..__... nt p��y,,r._ . .. . __ �
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