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<br /> n�oarcncr:
<br /> 110RTGAGF LOAN N0._� 22,2�5 MGIC
<br /> � KNOWALLA18NI3YTHL'SEPRIiSGNTS:That Manuel M. Carreon and Susan M. Carreon, each tIl h1S dfld
<br /> her own ri ght and as spouse of each other, Mortgegor,wl�ethet one or more,in consideration of the sum o(
<br /> Eiqht Thousand Five Hundred Fifty and No/100---------------------------------------fl���nRs
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The[yuitable�uilding and Luan Association oCGrand IsI�nJ,Nebr�ska,hlortgagee,upon 85 sharcs o(s�ock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Cer[ificate No.L 22,205MGIC ,du hereby grant,convey and moetgage unm the said ASSOCIATION[he following �
<br /> � described real estale,situaled in Ilall County,Nebraska:
<br /> togettier with all the tencments,hereditamcnts and appurtenances thereuntu belunging,including atiached Ilour coverings,all x•indow screens,
<br /> window shades,6linds,sronn windows,au•nings,heating,aic cunditioning,and plmnbing und water equipment and accessories thereto,pumps,stoves, �
<br /> refrigerators,and uther fixtures and equipment nuw nr hereafter attached to or used in cunncctiun w�ith said real estate.
<br /> And whercas the said murtgagor has ag�eeJ and does here6y agree that the mortcugor shall and will puy all taxts and assessments levitd or
<br /> assessed upon said premises and upun this mungage and the bond secured�hereby before ihe same shall become delinquent;to fumish approved
<br /> insurance upon the�uildings on eaid premises situatcd in the sum u�S g 550.00 P�S'a61e tu said ASSOCIATION and tu delirer to said .
<br /> ASSOCIA7'ION the policies for said insurance;and nut tu cummit or penni�any w�as�e on ur about said premises;
<br /> - ' In case of default in ihe perfunnance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgagc or die bund secuced Itereby,thr mortgagee shatl,
<br /> ; on demand,bc cntitled tu immcdiate pusszssion�(ihe morteaged premiscs and the nwrtgagur hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the
<br /> mmtgagee all the rents,revenues and income to be derived 1'rom the mongaged premiset during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shali remain �
<br /> unpaid;and the mortgagce shall I�ave the puwer to appuint any agent or agents it may dcsire fur the purpuse o(repairing v�id premises and renting
<br /> the same and collecting the cents,revenues and income,and i[may pay out of said income all expenses u(repairing said premises and neeessary �
<br /> commissions and expenses incurred in centing and managing the same�nd u(collecling rcntals therefrom;the balance remaining,if any,tu be �
<br /> . applied tuward the discharge o(said mortguge indebtedness:these rights o(die moneagee may be exrrcised at any time during the existence of such �
<br /> � '. dclault,i�respective o(any temporary waiver of the same.
<br /> Thex Presents,ho��ever,are upon the Condition,"fhat if the said Afur�gagor shall�epay s�id luan on ur betbre the muturity of said shares by
<br /> payment;pay munthly ro said ASSOCIATION uf the sum specified in the Ilond secured hereby ss interest and principul on said loan,on or befure
<br /> • the Tw•entietli dav vf each and eveq�month,until said loan is fully paid;pay all tases and assessments levied against sxid premises and on this Alurtgage
<br /> and ihe Dond secured�hereby,before delinquency;f urnish appruved insurance upon the buildings diereon in the sum af S $�550.00 P�S'�����
<br /> � � io said ASSO('IATION:repay ro said A550('L1T'10�upon demand al]muncv by it paid lur such taxes,ussessments and insurance with intercst at -
<br /> � � ihe maximum Iegal ratz diereun from date ol'paymenl all ol'�chich lforigagor hereby aerers to p�y;permil no waste on said premims:keep and comply
<br /> � with�II Ihe agreements and conditions uf the 6und(ur S $,550.00 �>>�s day givrn�y the said lforteagor w said ASSOCIATION,and cumply
<br /> with all ihe requi�ements u(�he Constimtion and UyLaws oi said ASSO('IATION;then these prcsents shall becnme null snd void,utherwise they
<br /> j shall remain in full (urce and may be(urecluxd at the uptiun o(the said ASSOCIATION alter (�iluee for three munths tu mnke any uf said
<br /> paymenls or br tluee months in ancars in m�kin�said monthly paym�nts,or to keep and cumply with the agreements and conditions uf uid I3ond;
<br /> � and Alurtgagor ag�ees to have u�eceiver appuinted Corth�cith in such foreclusure p;oceedings.
<br /> If�here is any change in oa�ncrship o(thc real esi�te mortgagcd herein,6y sale ur othenvise,then the enli�e remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> - secured sliall,al the option of'fhe Gyuitable liuilding and Loan Auociatiun of Grand Island,Nzbraska,become immediately due and p�yable withuut
<br /> a � further notice,snd ihe amount remaining due under said bond,and any oiher bund for any additional advances made thereunder,sh�ll,from the
<br /> � date of exercise of said option,bear interest at the maximum Icgal rate,and this mortgage may then be foreclused to:atis(y the amuunt due on said
<br /> bond,end any o�hec 6ond for additiunal advances,togetlier witli all sums paid by said'Che Equitable$uilding and Luan Associntiun of Grand Island,
<br /> � Nebraska for insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting extension charges,with interest thereon, from date ui payment at Ihe maxitnum
<br /> legalrate.
<br /> As provided in�he Bond secured hereby,while this nwrlgage remains in effect the mortgagee m�y hereafter advunce additional sums to the
<br /> . makers uf said Dond,their assigns or successurs in interest,which sums shall be within the ucurity uf this murtgage�he same as the iunds originally
<br /> . secured thereby,the total amount of principal de6t mrt tu eaceed at any time the ari�inal amount oC this mortgage. �
<br /> Dated this 25th �ay or June n.n.,iv 76
<br /> ,
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<br /> 1/6'.r,r� ri'f �//i �%t��'E�',1 -'� �:��,.._�%n,. �
<br /> Manuel M.�arreon ` ` usan . Carreon
<br /> STATE OF NL'IIRASKA, ss. On this 25th Jay of June 19 J6 ,beCore me,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL} ,;I
<br /> �hc undersigned,a Nulary Publi�i and for aid County,personaliycnme � ���
<br /> Manuel M. Carreon and Susan M. Carreon, each in his and her own rig�t and as spouse of N':.`
<br /> edCh other, �°hO are P�rsvnally knoµ•n ro � ;
<br /> ', me to be e ,(� nS whose name5 dP2 a(fixed to the above instrumenl as mortga;orS and they uverally I ;d;�-�.
<br /> � ackrU�r+�lgec�JtwFe�u�ijl t � rnl to be thei r vuluntary act and deed. �- ` -
<br /> t Wf'�h�6$S m��rand and Notarial Se�l the dote afuresaid. �� 1 � .
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