� . �.•±��;.
<br /> v I �
<br />� a6. 0(�3�23
<br /> n�oarcnct: -
<br /> -- nio�rrcnc;li LOAN NO._ L ZZ,192
<br /> � KNOW ALL MLN BY THESE PRESF:NTS:That Emi 1 H. Ri pp and Kathl een I. Ri pp, each i r hi s and her
<br /> OWfI right and as spouse of each other, M1tortgagur,whelheroneurmore,inwnsiderationotthesumot
<br /> � � Twentv-three Thousand Six Hundred and No/100---------------------------------------nol�nxs
<br /> loaned to s�id mun�gur by The Gquitable Uuilding and Luan Auociation of f,rand Island,Neb�aska,�iurtgagee,upun 236 shares uf stock uf
<br /> s�id ASSOC(ATION,Certificate No.L 22��q� ,do hzre6y grant,coneey :�nd mur�gage unro the said ASSOCIATIO��he(olluwing
<br /> describeJ rcal estate,situatcd in IIaU Count ,Ae ruska: �
<br /> together with all ihe tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thercunto bclonging,including atlached fluur wrerings,all window screens,
<br /> «•indow shades,blinds,stunn�eindows,awnings,heating,air conditioning,and plumbing and water cyuipment and acersmries thecero,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refeigeratu�s,and other fictures and equipment iww or hereaCter attached[u ur used in connectiun�eith said rwl estate.
<br /> And whercas the said mortgagor has agreed and dozs I�zreby agree th�t the maieagor shall and will pay al!taxes and assessments levied or
<br /> ��� assessed upon said prcmises and upon tltis nwrtgage and Ihe bund secumd thereby hrlbre thz same shall become delinyuent;to furnish approved . .
<br /> ' ' insurance upun die buildings on said premises siw:+ted in the sum u(5 23 600.00 P��Y�ble tu said ASSOCIATlUN and to deliver to said .�
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policies(or said insurance;and not to cummit ur permil any waste on ur�bout said prentises; .
<br /> In case uf default in the performnnce u(�ny o(ihe tenns�nd cundi�ions u(this monEage ur the bund secured heeeby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> - on demand,be entidcd tu inunediatr pu�ussion o(the mortgaerd premis-cs �nd the mung�gor htreby e5S1�'i15, transfers nnd sets over ro the
<br /> �� murtgagee all lhe rents,revenues and incume to be derivtd from the mmtgaged premises during such time as the murtgage indebtedness shall remain �
<br /> . unpaid:and thr murtgagee shall hare the puwrr to appoint any�gent ur agcnts it may dcsirc(m the purpose of repairing s�id premises and renting ..
<br /> the same and collecting ihe mnis,revenurs and income.and it may pay out oC said incume alI expenses of repairing said premises and neceissry
<br /> . commissions aod expenses incurred in renling und managing the sxme and u(collecting rentals tLereCrom; the balance remaining,if any,m 6e
<br /> applied tu�vard the diuhacge of said murtgage indebtedness;these dchts uf the nwrtgagee may be exercised at any time du�ing the existence uC such
<br /> � default,irrespective oC any[emporarv waiver of the s�me.
<br /> r ��� TI1CK Pfl'lCf11S,IIUWCYPf�:lll'U�10I1 lI1C CO�lIIG011,�I}l8t II[�IC S31(I MOff�'�KOf SI18II fC�1:1)'S:Ii�I IUdil UIl Of befure the maturity of said share:by ��
<br /> . paymeni;pay momhly to said ASSOCIAI'10\ul the sum s�citied in the Bond secureJ hercby us interest�nd princip�l on said luan,on ur befurc
<br /> ihe T�+�en�ieth day u(each and every month,umil said luan is lully paid;pay all tuxes and asscssments le�-ied against said peemisrs xnJ on this�tortg:�ge
<br /> ' and the ffond secured thereby,befurc delinyuency:tumish approred insuraucc upon the buildings ihereon in the sum oC S Z3�60�.�� payable.
<br /> ��. to said ASSOCIATIO\;rep�p tu said ASSOClATION upon demaud all muney by it paid(or such taxes,aesessmrnts and insurance with incerest at
<br /> the maximum legal rate thereon from datc of payment all uf which�tortgagor hereby agrees tu pay;permit nu waste on said premises;keep and comply
<br /> with all the agreemen�s and cunditions uf tlie 6und lor S 23�600.00��»S lI�}'�'IYCII b}'llll'S81(��Iuf(�'BKOf IU$:SI�ASSO(:IATION,and comply
<br /> �cith all the reyuircments of the Constiwtion�nd f�y-Laws of said ASS(H'tAT101;then diese presenls shall bewme null and void,uthenvise they
<br /> ' shaii remain iu(ull furce and m�y be fureclused�t the uptiun u(the said ASS(X.IATIO� :d'tcr f'ailure fo� tluce munths w make any of said
<br /> � paymenu or Ue Uuee muntlis in arrears iu making said monthly payments,ur�o keep and cumply with the agmements and cunditions of s:iid Bond:
<br /> - and A1orl�agur agrees tu hava a iectiver appointed torthwi�h In such foteclusu�e proccedings.
<br /> z If there is any change in ownership ol'ihc re�l estatc murtgaged Imrein,by sale or uthenvise,then the entire mmaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> srcured shall,a�U�e optiun u(The Lyuita6le(3uilding and Loan Associalion of G�and Isl;uid,\ebraska,become inm�ediately due and pnyable withuut
<br /> (urtl�e�notim,anJ ihe amuunt rem�ining due under said bond,snd uny o�her bond for any addition�l aSrances made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> �� date of exercise of s:�id uption,brar interest ut the m�ximum Iegal rate,and this murtgage may d�en br foreclosed w salisfy the amount due on said
<br /> � bond,and any other bund fur additional advances,together with ull sums paid by said Tl�e Lyuitable building and Luan Associxtion o(G�anJ Island,
<br /> � '�ehra:k�fur insurance,taxrs and assessments,and a6str�cting estensiun charges,H�ith interest ihercon,Irum date u(payment at the maximum
<br /> I�gal raic.
<br /> As pwvided in the Bond secureJ Imreby,while Ihis mortgage remains in effect tha mortgagee may hercafter ad��ancr additional sums to the
<br /> �� m�ke�s o(s:iiJ BonJ,their assigns ur successurs in intarest,which sums shall be within lhr security of this mortgage the same as the funds uriginally
<br /> secured ihereby,the total amouN o(principal Jebt not io exceed at:�ny iime the uriginsl amount o(this mortgage.
<br /> � o�<<a�i��s 21st ��v��i � June ��.��..�`� 76
<br /> ,"� � .
<br /> �:�r�-1, %� '�:> -<�;,�..;,
<br /> Emil H. Ripp � :;- =" ' ��
<br /> �>r'��L�.,,, .,-,��'.
<br /> Kathleen I. Ripp
<br /> i $TATG OF NEUf2ASKA,�ss. On this 2�S t day o( J une 19 �6 ,before me,
<br /> the undersi�ied,a Notary Public in and for said County,persunallycame -'•��'�:���'
<br /> Emil H. Ripp and Kathleen 1. Ripp, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each N:�''`
<br /> Oth2N.x,. .,.t+�.� � µ��� dre personallyknownto
<br /> � me tatie ttla idrntff�tpelcpn5 ��'hose nameS are affixed to the above instrument at mortgagur S and they severally �
<br /> ,•�. , , �d'
<br /> at7tnuuludged U�e;sii�i idsti�nent to be thei r �'uluntary acl and deed. h' "I
<br /> ��
<br /> t4'(`I't3LSS r�(ry hund and Notarial Scal the datc a(oresaid. � �
<br />��� r �.MIv�oNudlspJon expi�cs �. �� . 1 'G, � , . �� �� , .-
<br /> - ' _'�,.'�Lc�n�..v , `1,� �._o.q .
<br />� � `. .. . ., -- ---- —�i,tary Public
<br /> 6{•�N�1
<br />,7 `!.
<br /> � I ' _
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<br /> 1
<br />