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<br /> 7b- �1Q341ti
<br /> D10RTGAGE
<br /> 9fORTCAGL'LOAN N0. � ZZ ZOE
<br /> � KNOWAI.LAfGN(ll'THBSGPRESL•NTS:That Robert J. l3aker and Mary L. Baker, each in his and her
<br /> ' OWn ri ght and as SpOUse Of edCh other, ti��rtgugor,whether one or more,in wnsideration of the sum of
<br /> � Eighteen Thousand dil(I NO��OO----------------'–"""""--�"----�--�---�------�– DOLLARS
<br /> loaned lo saiJ morlgagor by Tl�e Gquitable Huilding anJ Loan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,Morlgagee,upon �8� shares of stock of .
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate Nu.L 22�2�6 ,do hereby grant,wnvey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATfON the following �
<br /> described real estate,situnted in Hull Cuunty,Nebraska:
<br /> (71) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE 6TH P.�4„
<br /> � :
<br /> togelher e�ith all Ihe tenrmems,hereditaments and appur�enances tiiere�nm belonging,including nttaclied tloor coczrings,all window screens, � �
<br /> winJow shades,blinds,storm windows,awnings,IieatinF,air cunditioning,�nd plumbin;�nd watar eyuipment and nccnxwries therero,pumps,stoves, �
<br /> . refrigera�ors,and otl�er fixtures and equipment nuw or herea(eer attached�o m used in cunnectiou wid�said real est�te. ��
<br /> And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the murtga;or shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied ur
<br /> � nssessed upon saiJ premises and upun this murtgage and ihe bond secuced thereby befure the same shall become delinyuent;ro fumish approved
<br /> insurance upon the buildings un sxid premises�ituated in die sum of S �$����.Q� payable to said ASSOCIATfO\ and tu deliver to said
<br /> , ASSOClATIO�the pulicies(or said insurance;and not�u commit or permit any wasie on or�bout s:rid premises � �
<br /> In case of default in the performunce u(any u(ihe terms and cundi�ions o(this nwrlgage or the bond secumd hereby,tl�e mortgagee shall, �.
<br /> on demand,be enti�led tu immedi�te pusseuion u(d�e murigaged premues and the moncagor htreby assigns, transCers and sets over tu ihe
<br /> ' morlgaget ell the rents,revenues and income ro be derived from the murigaged p�emisee during such time as the mortgage inde6tedness shall remain
<br /> � unpaiJ;and ihe mongagee shall have the po�.ver tu appuint any agrnt ur agenis it may desire for the purpuse oC repairing said prcmises xnd renting
<br /> . tlie same and collecting the rents,revenues�nd incume,snJ it may pay�ut ol said income all expenses uf repairing said premises and necessary .
<br /> i commissiuns and expenus incu�red in renting and manxging the snmeand uf mllecting rnntals there(eum:the balana remaining,if any,to be
<br /> � �. applied toward the discharge uf said mortgage indebtedness;these rights of the morigagee mny 6e cxercised at an}'time during the existence o(such
<br /> � � default,ir�espectiee uf any tempurary n�aiver o(the same.
<br /> �� Theu Prcsents,Iwwever,are upun the Condition,That if the said�tortgagoi shall rcpay said loan un or before the maturiry o(s�id ehares by
<br /> � paymem:pay mumhly to�aid ASSOC1AT70ti uf the sum specified in the Bond xcured hereby�s interest a��d principal on s�id loan,on or before
<br /> the T«�entieth day o(cach und every month,until said luan is(ully paid;p�y xll taxns and�ssessments levied against said premises and on this Atortgage
<br /> � � and the 13ond secured thereby,belbre delinyurnc}•;fumish approved insur�nce upon the buildings thereon in the sum o(S�$�QQQ.QQ P�Yd���
<br /> F' �� �o s:iid ASSOCIATION;rep�y to s�id ASSOCIA'fION upon demand all muncy by it paid lur such taxes,assessments and insurance���ith imerest at � � : � � .
<br /> � d�e maximum leg�l rite therzon frum Jate u(payment all of which Atortgagor herehy agrees w p�y;permit nu waste on said prenises;keep and comply
<br /> �� x�ith all the agreemen�s and cunditiuns o(the Bond fm 5 �$�OOO.00�his day given by the said�tortgago�to said ASSOCIATION,and comply
<br /> f- . «�iih all the reyuirements ul�he Cunstitutiun and H�•-Laws oC said ASSOCIATION;then thzse presants shall become null and void,otherwise they
<br /> t: shall remain in(ull(uree and may be foreclosed at thc uptiun uf thc suid ASSOCIATION afcer failuce for threc munths to makr any ol 581/I
<br /> ' ��}'Illl'(1l5 Uf I1r lIIIL'l'IIIUf1�I15 Ifi Blfl`efS Ifl I71:II:II7�;S�III IIlU11lIlI)'�)�VfIlCI1I5�o��o kccp and cumply with tlie agreements and conditions u(said Bund;
<br /> � J(Il��1�Ufl�';IbO!�Yfl'CS fU�78VC e Il'l'L•IYL'f JPPUI:III'(�fl)fI�IK'llfl II7 Slli�l�OfCL'�USl1IC�((1GCCl�1f1E5.
<br /> i � If therc is any changc in ownership ol thc re�l estatc mortgxged hccein,by sale or otherwise,then the entire remeining indebtedness herehy
<br /> � xcured sl�all,at thr option o(The Gyuiiable Uuilding and Luan Assuciation of Grand Island,Nebrvska,becume immediately due and payahle without
<br /> ' further nutice,and lhe amuun� remaining dur under said bund,and�ny olher bond for any additional�dvances made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> +� d�tc u(exercise u(said up�ion,bear interesi at the marimwn legal ratc,and this mortgage may thcn be(oreclosed to satisly the amount due on said
<br /> bond,and any other bond fur additiunal advances,together with all surtu psid by said The liquitable Building xnd Lwn Assucia�ion of Grand Island,
<br /> Nzbraska fo�insurance,taxes and asussments,and absiracting extension charges,with interest thereon,from date of payment at the maximum
<br /> Icgaltale.
<br /> - As providcd in thc I�und sccured hereby,whilc this murtgage�emains in effcct thc mortgagea may hereafter advance additional sums to thc
<br /> makers of ciid ISond,their assigns ur successors in interest,which sums shall be within die securiry u(this murtgage the same as the funds originally
<br /> �, secured�hereby,the total amount o(principal debi not to exceed�t any time the oriFinal xmount ol this mongage.
<br /> o„��,t,;s 5th a�y„r June ,�.u.,» 76
<br /> c .�_
<br /> o ert J.
<br /> �4ary . Baker
<br /> STATE OF�7EDRASKA.�ls. On this 25th day of June !y �6 ,be(ore me,
<br /> COUNTY OF t1ALL � ,
<br /> � the under igned,a Notary Y blic in a d for said County,personall came
<br /> Ro er and Mary L. 8aker, each in his and her own rigKt anc� as spouse of eac�i �
<br /> � C f; who dPe personally known lo �
<br /> �' h�r,,.....e��t�'�
<br /> , me t�'8�fheFid6n1jC;1 perSM g u'hosc name s are �ffixcd to�he a6ore instrument as mortgagor 5 anJ they severally �,
<br /> �F,'aowle lhe sauLmstrtiment to be thei r vulunt�ry act and dced. r" � �
<br />� . k�.�p � �.. lp
<br /> � ' ' 1 WITdb�S53ny hand and Naturial Seal the datn eforesaid. '1 u5
<br />� � �� � r, (; �
<br />� �v ,.` ,hi5��mt�tission expircs \�,�„�,�,1„�; ��1 �1/i1� � � �
<br />� � ' —
<br /> u,. f�, � I 1--- � nary Nublic
<br /> 1 i 4'sin C�f f { l,
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