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<br /> ! . �:���..
<br />' � '6+ O03413 �
<br /> F I RST
<br /> � ' FORM No.5371ft<v.3.�a) _ _._
<br /> Loan Number___�0864_______1______188_
<br /> .. �: Brancn TrGe . .
<br /> '' ` THIS MORTGAGE, made nnd execuied thiu ......r7S..._dny o[............1!.6.e'...........................A.D.,1�J....76_,betwean
<br /> Gerald L• Niederhaus and Anita K. Niederhaus, husband and �aife, each in his and her
<br /> ; ; __...................-......................._.........._.............._................................._.........................................................................................................._.................
<br /> own individual ri�ht and as spouse of the other, jointly and severally
<br /> ` �t .......Grand..island.........................Counly o(......If�31.1...................� Stnte of........Nebrask&.......................... hereinu[ter re(erred
<br /> to ae the rlortgagor,and F1RST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Or LINCOLN, Nebrnskn, its successore
<br /> nnd assigns,hereinufter mferred to as MnrtguRee,
<br /> WITNESSETH: Thal fhe snid Morlgngoq for nnd in cuneiderntion a(lhe sum n( -
<br /> i TWENTY-TWO.THOUS.A.ND APTD NO�bo-----r.----r.–rr----.-r-r–r-.------.---(�._22.,O.QQ.99..........._...1 Dollar�,
<br /> pnid by said Modgegee, does hereby sell and convey unto FIRST I•'GDERAL SAVINCS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF . �
<br /> LINCOLN, Nebraska, as Mortgagce, ils suceessors nnd assigns, the following descritmd Real Gslule,situnled in the Counly of �. . -
<br /> ' ' _........H�11 Nebraska _........., io-wir.
<br /> ............................._............................ Stnte of......................._..................._...........
<br /> � ' Lot Seven (7), in Block Two (2) in "Capital Heights Fourth Subdivision",
<br /> Hall County, Idebraska.
<br /> � '
<br /> 4 `.
<br /> <
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<br /> �
<br /> . '1'0 HAVC•. AND TO HOLD thr�bovc da�scribcd premiaes(ur the usi�s herein set(urU�ond tu sewre pcdormnntt ot thc
<br /> �, nbliguliort5 cunlniuYl herein,logether with nli buildinRs,impruvements, fiilures und nppurtenantts and ull ensemenls thcreunto �
<br /> Ix�lonFing, und it ix mutunlly co�•enonted ❑nd agrced by und beh��een the partics herrla that nit plumbing, gas, electric nnd
<br /> mechnnicnl fiztures, nppliancen, t�uipment, machinery i+nd appnratus,(loor coverings,storm win<lows and ureens,end such other
<br /> � ga�ds and chuttels nnd pereainl property ns ure cvcr turnishe<I by u lundlocd in Ictting ur uperating un unfurnished building,nimi-
<br /> Inr to the one nuw�>r herenfter on suiJ premises,a�hich urc or ehall be ntlached to said building in nny m:inner wha�ece�'er, nrc
<br /> � and shnll be deemcvl lo be tixlurrs nnJ m�accevaion to thc•[reehold nnd a purt ot thc rcully ns�tween the pnrlies hemto,thrir
<br /> �ieirs. executors,administraturs.4uccessorF ur acsigns,and all persons claiming by, lhrough or under lhem.tmd shall be drrmrd
<br /> ; tn be a portiun nf tlie Fecurity tor the indeblednesti hrrrin mentiun�vl+uid tn bi•cncrred ha (hi,mor��;a;:r.
<br /> ;� 1
<br /> . ,�.�,��:. .
<br /> i'ROVIDED ALWAYS. and tbrse prrsen(s nre�•xecu�od and drlivemd t�pon Ih�• fullowin�; cundilioac a�;roem�mh anJ �..N�:���.
<br /> oL1iK7ilione of Ihr ;11urfKngare.�o��d: - C
<br /> L 'Phe Diorl{;agor nKreex to yay lo the Mortgngee.or urdrr. lhe principnl sum uf `�'{'��j'.Y.-`�'��..TH�USA�.A�_...... t! "�.,
<br /> rio ioo ---- ---- ---- ------------- -- -------------- zz,000.00
<br /> s� }�
<br /> _./. . __ .. _... .. __.. ___ _ . _ _ __ _ is.____ _. . _ i n��n��.. �
<br />� .
<br />�+�. payn6le;�+provided in a nul�•executed nnd delivered concurmnlly hereaith. the linul paymrnt uf principul, i( nnt vuonrr paid. .
<br /> s':
<br /> s�, ��n w�.__......1st...._._..__�i:,y „r._...........J.uly......_ _...... .._..... ..__ . ix 20Q�,_
<br />_� � Ccor�IK�11966 6r fkfl Fedrnl S�vInR�enU Lo�n Rfsacittlon ol Llncoln.llncaln.NehraeYa
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