� ,��
<br />, � �
<br /> MORTGAGE--Saving�ond I.oan Form--lDleoct C�adil Plm) 255�2 (SpecfuU �
<br /> .�...�... . ...,..«..,.. .......................�'�:zs;;r�:.»^..."^'•� .
<br /> � 76- 0 U 3 3 J 3 MORTGAGE
<br /> �ao Na
<br /> PHIS INDENTURE,made ttile 23rd ��o' J11II9 19 76 by and belwoea � � ..
<br /> �
<br /> RICHARU L. NARBAUGH AND h1ARY C. HARBAUGN, husband ar�d wife, each in liis and her
<br /> 3 own riqht and as spouse of the oi-her
<br /> o�_ Ha�� County.Nobrmka,�moctqagor 5 aad Home Fodeml Savinqa and I.oan Aeaoclatfan of Grand teland
<br /> a wrpomtlon oqani:ed and ezieuag ussdor the laws ot Nebraeka wllh ile prindpal oflice and placo ot buni¢ee�at Grand lal�d.Nebraeka. � � . :
<br /> m mortgaqee: .. .
<br /> F WITNESSETH: That eaid moNgagor S tor and Im m�aidaratlon ol the eum ot �
<br /> TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AtJD NO/100 ------------------ 25,400.00
<br /> nolia[e l5— �. .
<br /> �? tho recolpt ot whlch ta he�e6y acknowledged, do_by thsae preaonte modgaqo and wmrant unto eaid modgagee, Ile euccesean md . . �
<br /> asaigne, lo�evnr,alt the following deecrtbed roal ontate, eituated fn the county o} H�� I . � � �
<br /> and Stata ol Nobmnka,to-wlt: � � � � . . ��
<br /> 1
<br /> S
<br /> � S+
<br /> , �,
<br /> �
<br /> �� htia and l�+mbin o ul mont and ❑s�urae,indudinq etokem and burncre,aaeonn.awnSnge,elormwindowe � - �
<br /> fS TogethM wilh all hoaliag. 119 9. P 9 4 P .
<br /> �S and doora,and wlndow ehades ox blinde.used on or In connection wlth eaid pcopecty,whothet lho wmo aro now loca�ed on eald proporty _
<br /> �jjji oi hc:ealter placod t6oreon. . �.
<br /> � 70 HAVE AND 70 HOLD TfiE SAME, lo9ether with all and einqulai iho tenomanle,horedllamente and appurienmcen Ihercun�o beloag� �.� �
<br /> � ing,o�fn anywiee apportaining,lorever,and warmnt Ihe Ntla to tha eame. Said mortgaqor—he�aby covemnl__With eaid morlqagco
<br /> S that t]mY— `��t' at Iltc dollvory heraof,Ide law(ul owaer=ol l6e preminca abovo conveyod and doecribed,and �re �
<br /> >�
<br /> +<{ sei:ed ol a qood and indoleaniblo estale o!inherilance thew(n.lreo and clear ot all encumbcancee,and lha�_Lho�L will wartant and
<br /> [;jj dclond Iho lille ihcrMo lorevor agaiaal 16o claimn and demande ol all persone whomnoowr. .
<br /> $ PflOV1DED ALWAYS, and ihls inst�ument ie execuled and dalive�ed to eecute Ihe paymonl 01 Iha num o!
<br /> ' > T4�EP;TY-F I V6 THOUSAPJD FOUR HUNDRED AND iJ0/I 00 -------------- n.,uare Is %5.�+00.00 �
<br /> �t wllh tntereel lhe�oon,loyolher with euch chargea and advancee as may 6e duo and payablo to ea{d morigageo undor the lorme and � - � �
<br /> S condilione o! tho p�omienocy note ol ovan datc herawith and eecu�od he�eby,ozeculed yy eaid mo��gagoc_to eaid ma�tgaqoe,paya6lc �, � �
<br /> {3 as ezpreeaad in eaid noto,and ro eecure tho pedormance of all the to�mn and conditiom contained �horoin. Tl�e le�me o! eaid nota a+e . �
<br /> }t herehy inwrporaled herein by thie rete�ence. �
<br /> FS
<br /> jIt{n lho Intention and agreemem o!the padiee hemto Ihat thln mo�tgage shall aleo eocure any luturo advancee mado lo eaid
<br /> mo�igago�S by edd mo�tgagee,and any and all Inde6tadneea ln addition to�he amount ahovic elatod wk�lch naid mo�lgaqoee, or any
<br /> ol thom, may owo lo eaid moc�gagee. howevoc ovidencod whether by notn,book account or otherwise. Thle morigaga ehall[emain In lull � � .
<br /> torce and elloct Mtwoon the parties herato and thair hMre, po�wnai �opresenlalivoa, aucceewiu and aseigoe, until all amounte eocvrod �
<br /> � hereunder,Includlnq`utuio advancee,aw paid In full wilh interoe�. � .
<br /> Tho moriqagor=horaby an�lgn—�o eaid morlgageo all renta and income urining at any and all timee !rom eald properly aad
<br /> � hereby authocixa aaid modgaqoa o� 0e agenl,al lle optlon, upon dolaull,lo lake cha�ge of eaid pcoperty and colloct all renta and Income
<br /> . iheralrom m�d apply lho eame lo the paymenl of Inloroe6 principal.lneu�ance premlume,ta:oe,auaoeemanla, repairo or improvamenle necan• .
<br /> eary io keop cald pmpody in tenaniabla coudi�ton,or lo other charpee or paymonls p�ovlded for horoln or In tho ooto heroby eecured. Thl� �
<br /> $ mnl aeaiqnmenl ahall conlin�e in lomo unlil tho unpald balance o! eaid note ie lully paSd. 7ho taking ol poeea�eion horeunLer ehap Sn no ,
<br /> �� � mannor prevent or iola�d eaid mortgogee In tke coUectlon ol eaid wmn by lorecloeu�e or othorwlee.
<br /> S Tho lailute ol the modgagee lo aesert aay of its dghle hereunder ai any timo ehall not be conelrued an a walver ol Ite rigLt to aenert
<br /> �j lho eame al any later time,and to Insbl upon and enloma eldct comp6anco with ull Iho torme and provisione ol said nelo and of Ihla -
<br /> � mottgage. f
<br /> $$$j If eald mortqagar 5 ehall cauee lo be pald lo sald modgagea the enU�a amount due tt he�eunder,aad undo�tho le�me and pcovieion� �
<br /> $$ of eald note hereby eacured,includinq luture advmcee,and any erle¢sione o� �onewale thereol in accordaaco with tho lorms and p�ovldoni
<br /> �j theieof,and i(eaid morlgagor�_ahall mmply with all the provlelone ol eald nole and ot ihl�morlgage.lhon theee p�eeon��ehall bo w(d: t
<br /> �, o�heiwi�e lo remaia ln lull lores and elloct,md eaid morigags��haU�be eottiled to tho poewolon o7 all ol said p�oporty,and may.at 1te , i-
<br /> op�lon,declare lhe whole ol satd aote and all lndobledaen repre�salpd�he�eby to be lmmediately due and paya6lo,and roay(o�ecioae thl�
<br /> mor�gage or take any oiher lagal aclion to prolect It� zight, and lroin lhe dale ol euch delault all itemi ol Indebiedneu wcumd hereby :;,� -
<br /> � ehall draw 7nteresl a1�,�Ippr annum. Appmleement walved. , � *'"�'�
<br /> � Thie mociqage�hall bo�bindinq upon and�hall enu:e b IL� b�nollt ol the hNn,e:eculon,admlal�Ua�on,�ucce�wn and a�alqw o! �y �;
<br /> � Iho�oepective pa�tis�Lerelo. I {G G{ .,��.
<br /> �`
<br /> L IN WI7NE$8'"W�j EREOP, sald M Iqa y�s� herounto �e� th��� —_hand--�ho day and yoar Ilnl abore + �' �,'
<br /> wrlllen. � �� % - ., �
<br /> `'��r��� / %' �� I /.� .,�7/ ' �.-� .
<br /> � __""_/-1._'c� .� ,. /1 1 r. , ff i i��.rt 1'� :t.
<br /> Richard L. Harbauqh v ---- ':lary-��iuq� ,/�
<br /> �.,..„..�».,,...�^^^,,,,�,:.�.�,�..�......� ,....... ................. .,�...,...�.......... ..... ......
<br /> � � �
<br />�
<br />