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t 4 �< '' <br /> . , ...� <br />; �--- r-- -1 <br />; <br />� <br />;= (103386 S <br /> 76' THE MORTGAGOR FUR'PFiER COVENANTS AND AGRLtiS: . , <br /> ' , � . <br /> Thnt the MortgaR�r will pxy the indehtedness AA hrrointx•fore . prmided . . . <br /> T6at t'ne Alortgagor is lhe dwner o[ said pruprrlY in fcr .simplr :md has g��«I ri�:ht �nd l:nvful aulhnrity tb sell and � <br /> co�rvey ihe st�me and thnY the; +ama is Iree� and dcar o( imy lie.n or encurn6rnuar: nud thal Morigac;��r will aarranl and -defend thr. .� . . <br /> _ � title to sai<i premises ng�iinst the �claims nf all per�ns whomaoever. <br /> 'Pu p:tY imMedintely when due tuid �ii�yable all genrral laxev, s�iecioi Inxes. speciid asvrssm��nts. w:rtrr ch;ugcs, sewr. r srrv� <br /> ice chnrges. and olher fuxes �nd chargrs ngninsl s�iid pruperty. nnr( all L•�xrs levi��d un lhi� drL4 ne•rurer( hrrrLy. �nd 1� �� turnish thc <br /> Alortgagne, u�>on � requevt, ' N�ith � lhe original oc duplicnte receipls lhen•fur. Thr �tortgaqor ngree; lhnt ihrrr ,chn11 br added to �� <br /> nnch mnnlhly p�yment reyuired heruunder ur imder Ihe cridrnco u( debt se��ured hr•reby wi �mnunt aslimatrd by thr Morig�gee <br /> to be su(ficient lo ennble lhe hiortgagoe to pnp, us lhey becom�� due, nll taxes, n��sns4menfs, and similar charges upon � hr prero• <br /> iv��s subjc�ef t}�i�reto; aup doficiency becauee u[ Ihr in.n�ci�•ncp u! vw�h :tddilinn�l paymc�ds sh.�ll be forthu�ith duposiieJ by th�� <br /> � Mortgagor H'ith lhr �Surlgage�v upnn demund by Ihe A7ortgagrr. Any dr[,iult nndrr ihia parnf;rapl� shall br. di•��ined a drfault in <br /> paymenf � uf laxr.v'. assesaments. � nr similar charg��s requin•d hrrrunder. <br /> � 'Cl�o Dlnrigngor t�grecv � lint Ihrre sli��ll :il::o L�� add��d tu rarli mnnthl}' paymunt o( prinripal and intrrosl rcquirr, d hcrc- . <br /> undrr zin :�n�inunt r;� fmated by Ih�� 1lnrtgager lu L�• su0icient fo i�nuf>I�• lh�• hloril':�g��r lo paV. uc it hrcnr.u•s dur, Ihi• iiisurance . <br /> � prrmiiuu nn i�ny i �uurinn� pulic>° d�rli•s��red to th�• ;��lurtga�er. Any defii�irncy b,•r.ue;e o( th�• in.;«I[icivm.v ��f surl� additional puy� - <br /> tn��nts .shall he forthwith depnsited L}' thr bfurip.3�;or u�fth � h�� 4lurtgutic�r upun drruand by thr Rfnrtgngr��, Any drf:eull undur this <br /> paragraph sh;all I� dr��med :� dofaulf in Lh�� p:iymunt nf in:�<< r:mrr prrmiu�ns. ] f N;v pnlict' or poliries drpn;itr�d ar�� surh a5 In�mo. <br /> owners or all risk p�diri<�s. iuid iL�• dr•pusitc an� inau�liciont lu p:3y thr ��ntirr� ��,rrmium, fhr 3tur� gagrr mary� upply Ibc d��pns�it to <br /> pny prrmiutnv nn nvks' rrquirrd tn bi� in.cunvl hy this mr,r� ga�r. � . <br /> � Pnvmrnts ruadc bV Ihr �iurtgugur undrr Iho a6ocr parst;raphs mny . at ❑ ir uptiiin of the �lnrtg.tgrc, hr he-0d � by il uud <br /> romminl;led svi� h ntLrr s!irh funds nr ils nwn funds (ur ih�� ��n� mrnt of �ui•h ili•mr. :md unlil sn applir�d. su��h paymrnls arr� hrrabv <br /> ., <br /> plydgrd �+s serurity fur thi• unp�id Lolance uf thi� murl4::ii:e iudi•trfrdnes.. . <br /> 9'u prucum, d��hvr�r tn. aud rnaini.iin (ur t6r� hrwdit id tLo Alurit:,tirr durin„ tLe IiL� uf ihis rn�,rt�;ag�• uritiinal polici�•s- And <br /> � rvnuwals lh��nv�f, deliverrd �t Ir,ist Irn dncs br-fnrr Ihr ��xpir:diun u[ ,uio :urh pulii�ios, insurfn�; aguinst fir�� :ind othcr insurahle <br /> hatnrds, raautdlies, r�nd eontingi�nries us the Afortgag��o m:�y rrquire, in nn amowit ryu:d tn lhe inde6tedn�-sa sueurc<I bv thie <br /> linrlg�ge, nnd itt cninp.uiiec :u���i•p�Llr to thr Atnrly!:ig��i�, �vith Insc � ,�y�i�li• rinu�r ii� !m'nr n( and in furm acc�•plablr fn thc 1lnrigr- <br /> gee. In ihe ev��nt anv p�,Gcy i, nut <<•n���erd nn � �r L� �furr I ��n dncs nf iis rxPir;dinn. � h�. Mur� F:��R�•r may prucurr insun�nc�� un thc <br /> improvrments, pay thi• pm�nium t6��ud��r. :md �ucL �.utn shull h�����:�me inunedia�eh� du.� ❑n�l puyahli� wilh inirrret ot thc• r.� � e set <br /> �. forLh iu said uotr until p;�id und s6:dl h�.• �i�rurrd 6e Itii�: rnart �tut;r. Failurr un tlu� p.� re o( ihr� hiurtgugor lu furnish such rrne�vnk <br /> us are hrreirt rcqwred ur failurr tv ps}• nny sums advam���d hvrr=undrr ��6;d1 . ❑t tL�� oplion ot Lf•,�� A1ort�aEi�r, c� �nsfitufc � d��fmdt <br /> S undcr thc trrms uf ttns mur�uai:r. 'fhr deliern� � �f .urh �n,firi<•s str.dl. in � L:� �•v��nt ui dr�(,wlt . �vm,titulr an .rc;ignmrn ! of tho un - <br /> enrn�Kl prrmium. <br /> �� :1n sums rci�cic��-1 Ir� Ihr 11i,r1 �n;;c�� L�; r��asnn nf lo:; nr dnm:i„�• insurrd u �;�invt maV bc n•talm�d Lt� ! hr Siurt <br /> Y � E . �. R:��c� <br /> 7md npplied foward Ihe pa�mrnl � �i dir drb� hr�rcbc a�rurcd . nr. :rt th�� optiun u( fh+� blmtEta�;r��, such �ums i�ither w-hullv �,r in <br /> � pz�rt tnay hi• pi�id �,rnv tn Ih�r hinrt�:��;or tn lu, us��d l�� rrp:ur �urh 6uildiu;;s ur I � � Luilrl ' n��a� buildin�;v in Ih��ir �il:�cr� nr (or any . . <br /> ot6er purP<rie ur uhje��t �a4s(actnry tu tL�� DSnrlg;��;ro •.rithuut ntT��rtin�; tLr Gr�n un ih�� murti;i�R�• fur lhr full amuunt ���cured ha•rr- - � <br /> ti Lq Lefcrr xuch � nm��nt ew�r l�.�k �lace. <br /> i: ) � . ' I <br /> �� 7b promplly rr�iair. restore nr roLuild :my Luildingc or imF�ruc�•m�•nis n����� ur h�•r��nR��r im th�� w•hich may be- . <br /> �, cume d;�mnged or d�•vtruy��l�. tn ki�rp si� id pr�•mis�•ti in �iH�,d cunditinn :ind n•pair and frer from �ny mrchanic's lirn or other Ii��n or � . <br /> �; clnim o[ lirn not exprrssly sutKirdinntrd In l6r Ilrn hrrru[ �. m ,t tn .u�Trr or p�-rnu � :n;p unl:�w(ul us� of ur any nuivanre ti� rxist on <br /> , <br /> e. said pruperty nor to prnnit w-nct<� un suid pr��mises. nur t� � �I� r :m�� olhrr art ���h�� r��Lc lhn prnpi�rty hrrrLy canveyr-d shuU twcomc <br /> � lese valuable. nor ln Ji�ninish nr im'p;�ir iLs �•alur 6y :�n�' .u�L �: r urnis�ian In :�r� �. tn rnniplv �,eilh all mqiun•menic of I:iw with mspecl <br /> n <br /> E ro lhc mor�Fngrd prcrnisrs und th�• us�� th�•reo(. <br /> �.' '1'hat shuuld thu prrmi�sr�s or nuy P,irt tlicrruf Ih• � ak��n ,� r � I��maRcd L�� n �n.� �n rd nny �mblic impruc�•m�nt ur aundrmn:�l �on <br /> � prncecding. or undi•r lh�� ri�hl u( �=minrnt d�nu:iin. ur fn :im nthur m;uin�•r. t6�• Al��rt�ayrr .h:dl L.� rutitl��d to :dl a,rn�ivnsi� tiuns. <br /> uwarcis. und unY olhi•r paymrnt or n•lirf th��ndur. and sh:ill br entidrd. at ils uplian. tn c��tnmene�•. nppear ir� �ml ��rcna�ule in i4s � <br /> nwn nante any nr.tiun ur pnx�redin�;. ur lu mak�• anp rumpn�mise �� r �i�tllomrnt in cnnn�.clinn •.vi� h vui•h lakmc nr dama�;��. :\II vnrh <br /> ' compenwtion, nwc�rds. damnti��s. right ot action and Prua=i�k .�re horrb�� n�vi�:nrd to ih�• M1L�rlga�;ri•. w�hu muy. afler d�•Jucting <br /> i: thcre[rom nll iLs ezpenses. nrlruse uny mnneys su nr���r�•d by it ur ty�ply the snmr un un)• indrbtednexs secured herebY. '1'hc h1o�b <br /> �;agor aKrees tu execvle such further ussignments o( any cmnp�•nvaliun, :iaiirds, d;�m:�ges, and righls u! actiun and procerds as the <br /> ` MortgaRee muy reyuire. <br /> : 'I'h;ft in cax uf (ailurc lu perfunn ��ny u( � h�� roci�nant. hvrrin. thr \l ��r�gagee mny do nn Ih�� \lurlgn�;nr's 6��h:df v��crvthing <br /> so cuvenunted: lhal lhr Aturtgugre may :+Iso du i�ny act it may dr��m nocr,snry to prutrct th�• Iirn lhereoC thel Ihe pinrt�aRor u�ill <br /> repny upnn drmand nny moneys pnid � or di=6unrd by thr :�1ortgngrv� (or any of thc� aboce purp�nrs. nnd suc•h mnnr�vs toy;rttier with ' <br /> inlere�st lhereon xt thi• ral�• pr<rvidrd in uiid nule xhull becumr so much udditional indehl<�dness hrre�hy s��cured und may M• im . _ <br /> cluded in any decree lorrdusing this murign�c nnd bc paid uut uf thr n�n�s or proa•eds u( sfile of said pn�misrs if nut n�heru-ise . . <br /> � puid; thnt it nhall not Lr oblignlory upun lhr linrtgager tu inyuirr� into thr validrty o( uny lien, encumbrancrs. or elaim in ad- . � . <br /> i� vnncinl� moneys as above aulhorized, but nothing herein containcd shall Ix• condrw•d as reyuiring ihe h1ort�agec to udvanee any <br /> muneys (ur any such purpo.we nor tu do any act h�•rr.under, and thal b7nrtgagee .sht�U nut incur nny per.unnl liability brcaus�• of any- - <br /> thing it mny do or omit lu do hercunder. • <br /> In Ihe evi•nl u( lh�• de(swlt bq Murlg;�gor in thi� payrnent o( any inslnllment. as mquirrJ Ly thr Nulr srcurrd herrby, or <br /> ' in th�• p<rdurmunce of the u6li�alion in this mnrlga�;r ur in th�• nut�• secured lhrrehy. Ihe 61or��;:��;re shall hc rnlilird tu drd.ire Ih� <br /> '� debt secured hereLy due :md pnyablt �vilh„ul nutice. and fh�� 1lurlgagi•e s6u11 6�• rnfitled at ils uplion, w�ithoul nr,ticr, cilhcr hy ifsell <br /> P or by U fLYY'R9ff to be appuintcrl b� thr� court thrrrof. :md �vitFout rc•�;nrd In thc i�d�uacy of xny srcuritp fur Ihr indehtedneas sr� <br /> cured hcreby, to rnler upun und tuke pos!+ession iif Ihr mor�g:iged prnmises, nnd tn collect and reneive the rrnts, issues anrl prufits <br /> themo(, xnd apply thr nvne, .lc�s custs of o��rnti��n nnd cydl<�clion, u �x�n the indeFrtrdness w•currd by this mnrtgziFe; said rcnts, <br /> iasues and profilv tMing hereby assigni'd to the Atnrttiatirc n, further srcurih• Jor the paymrnt of all indrbtednrsc s�r•urrd herrby. <br /> 7'hi� Murlgagre shiill hin'e lhu puw�•r to appuint nny ugent nr :�grnts it may drsire (ur lhr purpoec o( rrpairing said ptrm- <br /> iu•s; renGng the same; cullecling the rents, revrnues and incnme, and it may� pay nut o( snid incomr nll �xprnsex innirrnl in rent• ;, I � <br /> ing nnd rt�anaging lhc• samr and o( collirling (hr rrmlals lherE•Irnm. Th�� balance n•maining, if any, shall 6e applied toward ihe � , �-'''?f:'��•- � <br />' ` dischurgr of lhe mortgage indebledne�s. This ati+ignment is tn terminntr and I�camr null and vnid upon relr�iw uf this mortgaRe N "' <br /> L � . <br /> �. . . <br /> _ _ ---- _ _ _ . _ __ _ _-- _ _.___ ___ ----- ,� , - <br /> . � <br /> aq : � <br />� _ <br />�4a�x� <br /> N. s( <br />~�� v J <br /> - 1 <br /> i <br /> t <br /> i <br /> i: <br /> i <br /> � <br />