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<br /> That the MortgnF�r w�ill pay the inde6lerines�v as herrinlx�fnre prmided. �
<br /> Thnt Ihe b'(ortgagor is the o�rner of naid prnperty in (ec simple and has K�«I right nnd luwtul nulhority to srll nnrl
<br /> �� convey the same and that the same is Iree nnd dear o[ ony lien or anrumhrnncr; and thnl Morigagor will u�arrant and defend �he
<br /> tille �o snid premises aqainst lhe claims of nll persons whomvoevec .
<br /> 'Po pny itnmedintely when due nnd � pnyable atl genernl taxes, sperial taxcs, special asu•s+m��nts, u;�ter rharges, srwer �rrv-
<br /> im chargrs. and � uther taxes nnd ch��rges against said proprrtY. �nr{ �II taxrs Icvied on th�• drbl serurrd hrroby. rmd lo furnish thc
<br /> T4ortgagee. u�wn requt�l. ailh the originai nr duplicate rernipts th��re(ue 1'he 11ur�gagur ngrr��s th:rt ih�•re shall br added tn
<br /> each monlhiy pnyment� reyuinvi hrrnundrr ur under the rvidenc�� uf debt serurrd hrrebV ;m amounl �•slim.drd hy Ihr hlurlgager
<br /> � to be su(ficient to ennble the ATortgugec fo p:iy, us ihcy brromr Jur, iill uiz�s, ii�.cessments. and �imilar chnrgrs u�ron thr- prem-
<br /> ises suhjec! therrto; any deficiencp }w•cuns�• o( Ihr insu�ci��ncy �i( sueh :�ddition�l p�iymeots shall be (nrlhtiaith dep��viled by th��
<br /> !�lorlgagor ���ilh the ;�lurtq�agee upon drmand by �hr 11orlgagce. �tny dal:iult w�der Ihi, pnrnFrr�ph �hall br dr�aned a dofnult in
<br /> paymenf of t:�xes. asse�smenls, nr similar ch:vgcs rryuired I�irround��r.
<br /> 7'h�� Murtgagor :�Srrrs Uml there sh»II aho kx uddvd ln ruch im�nthly paymcnt nf principnl and intrn•st required . hcfe.
<br /> widrr nn amuunt rctimatcd by (h�� '.11� �rtgager tn Lr �u�cienl tn rnublr Ih�• Jtu�tg:��:re in pay . n5 il 6renmes dw•. � hr insuranrt•
<br /> premium on any u�surunce pulic�� dt�lirrrrd lo ( hi, Alnrtg�ger. AnS drlicirur�� brr:mse n( th� inau0ieiency u( cuch xdd3tinnal paY-
<br /> � rnrnts shall M• fnrth�ei;h dep�tisi(rd by' thF 1lorlgngor k�itL tho- A9urt��gei� u �rn di•m:uid hp Ihe Alorigagre. Any dr(:eult midc�r thia
<br /> , pn�agraph shall tu• drem��d u dr(aull in thc puym��nl uf insurt�nee premiume. If thr polii-c ur polirics depn:il�d arr such :n In�mt�.
<br /> ' uwners or all risk Fxrliri�°,. and � hi� drpusits ar�� insut6cirirt tu ptiy th�� rntirr prrmium. thi� R1nr�gF�ger m:n' uppty thr d�"postt tn
<br /> � �iuy prrminms un risks required tn Vu� insurc.i by this mort4�;ge.
<br /> Pay'ro��nLc rnadr b}� lh�• �l � �r� pa�;nr und��r ti��� �hor�� purn�raphs niny. :�t th�� nplicn of fhr Vort�;agre�, bn c�id � k�y� it und �
<br /> commin„IF�d H�ith othrr nurh (w:ds nr iL uun [unds L;r thr parmenl n( ,su,h ii��rn� . snd uniil s�� applird.� sueh puym�•nG un> hr�rrby
<br /> plydga�cl as :r;unfy for 11:,• w�p:aid 6;d;mre � d Air mnrt �;al;r indeht�•dnrs<.
<br /> To pmcvrc, drlircr In, and m:aintain (nr lLr b��ne!it ot il.r \l�v! �a�;rr durin�; thr li(r n( this murt �;:�,c uriFinal pnliri�-s und
<br /> rrnewals I.hen�F. dclivrrrd :rt Ir:ut t�ai d:q�s be[on� Ihr rxpira! iuu nf :uic �uch pnli<�fr�, in:urinc :�gninst tire ;md nlLer insur.�hle
<br /> hazards, cnsunitics, nnd iontingencies a; tho 3fortg:;ger m:iy nY�uire, i�i an :unount M�uul tu th� indebtednr=s s�-rurc�d by this
<br /> .'dor[gage. an<S i�i rompnr,ir� acrr•puihlr t�� � h�• 51urt �:ae��.�_ �� ith lo�. F�:r:ahlr clau,,�� in (a�.-nr n( nnd in turm aecc�ptabl�. tu [hr Adnrlgu-
<br /> g��e. 7n thr event anc p��licy :, nnt renew��d un ur h..{��ri• tr �i il:�y�, nf iis rxpir:�tiun. tf+�� '�LrttKa�;r-�� may pn�curv in,uranev on the
<br /> imp7oermrn�s, pay ttu• prrmium tln�re(„r. �nd nurh �.w:: .i::� lt L.-c-nn: invn��diat�=iv due aud pncablr �+i � h mtrr��.t at thr ratr srt
<br /> for�h in seid nute until p;�id and -h:J1 b�. z�•eumd L••.� Ihi , mnn ,t:i�'��. Failun• nn ih�• p�rt cf thr 11uriFagur lo furnish su�h nmFwals
<br /> as ure nerein nK�uin�d o: fsilut�• �n ��ac :u:q *unu :idvanrrd i��rrrun:l��r .t�all . ❑t IL:� uptinn a! tl;�• \inrtgu„��e, cans[itute :i � I��(ault
<br /> � iendrr lhe terns of thic mort�aee. 7�Fu� J��ir,��-rc n( ,nrL ,� :li�:�i�,a >h:d!. in t6., ,�v� �nt of dr(�uh . runsntutr ar :is�ignm��nt �;f th�� un-
<br /> rarniKl pmmium.
<br /> :1ny suma rrreic.�: l by ti�.� �� \fi�rt „,� �pr,, !ry r��a�:� ,r. ��i ics . �.� r ri,:magr in>urr�.i :��;uinst m;�y he rotained by th�� VrrtRagee
<br /> . .._...� and appli�v! low'nrd thi• p:n�mrnt � if � L�� d��f,� hcmh�� s.� ��urrd . nr. :it th:: nption uf t !i�� !lfurtqa�;ec. wrh sums ��ith�•r whnlly ur in
<br /> � pxrt may ix• paid uvrr t�� tlu� A1ort �:iknr to !w� u�i�d �� : re�p:ii : ;urh tn:ildinus or L , hnild ' n���v Luildinq; in � h��ir Plaro or (ur any
<br /> i otLer purposr or ofrject -aG�(:ictnn' tn tFr \tur� ����„��r ,• itiu,ut ,�flrctin. th�� lii�n , �n thi� mnrla�+Eo fnr th�� full :un„unt ���cur��d here.
<br /> by br-(orr vuch paymrnt rv��r trHik placr.
<br /> '['�� promp[ly rv��air. rr=t�rrr •,r r.�build .vic LuildirF.. ��, r in: � �rr.c,.n•.rnb, no��� .�r hr-n•:dtFr <.n th<• pm•ni.rs whieh may }w•.
<br /> rume dam�Red ur ciesicuyal : to ki��q� said ��,r�:mi>.s ln p�,, ,d rnnciltu .n und rvpmr and fm�. fn ,:n �mg mrcLnnii''s lien ur olh��r livn ur
<br /> c!aim o( li�•n nut rxpn:csly suF.ordin�[�•d to lh.• li��r h�•r..u( . not :u aufirr �.r p� � nnit ony unin���ful u,r o( ur any nuisance tu esisl nn
<br /> .aid prnperlq nor tn prrmil �casle nn ,.ud prrmi,rti . rn � r : � dn :mv ut6er :�ct 'a�hrrrh�' tYu� pn �prn �' hrrrLy eonre�'�•d .r-hall lx�rnme
<br /> 1c:s vnlue6le. nur fu dimini:h or im �siir ii. �:sdrr tn :�ny .+rl � . r ��:ni -,inn ta :u�i : !� , << �in� �h �tiith �1I rrqwmmrnts of Inw with re;pect
<br /> to the mnngaged prrmiseY ��nJ ihr u�e th�•rrnf.
<br /> k
<br /> "�. Thal should thr premi<c.> i,r :m>� p�irt � hr-rr��f !a� tnk,��n �, r damn�;r:i iry� r.-a.un n( nny puhfii� irnprovemc•nt nr ��i �n�:rnnntion
<br /> ,;
<br /> proceiKling. or under Ih�• ri�;nl uf emim�nt du:nvin . � �r in �uiy other m;mn,�r. th�, \L � rt �:a�;���• 5h:ill hr ��ulitl�°d in u❑ c��mp�• n�nt,nns.
<br /> i: a�n�ards, and any other p:�ymenl ur rrli��f Ih�•m(vr. urd =h;d1 im enGded . et its uption. to cnm.men<�e. uppear in and prmeculu in i�z
<br /> <:
<br /> own n:ttnr mty uction or pnK'rrJing, ��r tn muke am• romprnmis�• or <cttl��m�-nt in ronnrrtiun xith :� n•h L�kin:: <,r durn :�r�� :. II .,u�h
<br /> compen�lion. awards. dama�;r.. right o( artiiin ami pr��cvi�l, nr�� h�� n�l�•: .� ..iqw ,l iu tLo \t �rttkvti«•. N'ho map. after deductinR
<br /> �. [Fera•In�m ell itk esD�r�•�•�, relvuse 2ny munrys ��� a��r�crd I;p it ur :ippl>' thr �ame un any indebtednrss secured hi•rcby. The �tnrb
<br /> r gngor uKrees lu ezecv�e such furlher &+signmenls nf �ui } cum�n�u.:itnm . a��-nrdc, damage., nnd rightti uf acGun and prncr�rJn ac the .
<br /> \lortgaKer may rrquire. �
<br /> ;
<br /> r Thal in o:ue uf fallurc tu perfurm any ��f Ihr ru���=nant> hurrin. � hr UurtguFee mn}' dn on thc Vtortga�;nr's b�•h�ilf rrrrpthing • � .
<br /> ' so cYrv�nanted : that the 91ur�Kngre may a1-o do any act it may drrm nrcrss:�n� �u ���rniret th<� lien ihrreuf�. Iha[ [hi� �fort�;a�;ur will -
<br /> repay upon demand any mvneys paid nr dfsbuned hy thr ,'dorlF:+R�'�' f��r any nf thi• abuve purp�n�•s. and �urh mun�•y+ tngetfier with ..�
<br /> inter��st thenron nt the rafr prcrvidad in said noir �hail h�-�•om�� su mu��h addihonai indeLlrJnes� iierehr .�rurrd und may ix• in- ..
<br /> eluded in eny dccree (orrclusing this murtg:igu und trr pnid out nf Ihr rcul� or pro�-��i=dv u( eale of �aid prrrms<-: i( not uthrrw-fs�•
<br /> paid: that it shall nut Ix� ubiigator}' up��n th�• �lorlF�i;��e to inyuirc inn, Ih�� � �di<iit}' o( any lirn. i•ncumbrm:vr�s. ��r rl:� im in ad-
<br /> , vuncing moneps ns abovr auihorized. but n�lhmg hrrein cuntainrd �hall tH• con.iruvd as a+�wrh�a th�� 1lurtgngec t�� ndvunc�• nny
<br /> r moneys for any such pur�wse nor lu do nny act hercund�•r, and that 11��rta:��:��� �hall nnt incur any per�unxl liabilit�� Ix�caus�� of anp-
<br /> 'a� thing it may do or omit lo do hereundrr.
<br /> in Ihr ev��nt o( Ihi• de(auit by Alurtgagur in lh�• payment nf any iu.rtallmen� . as reyuircd hy th�• \utr >rcurrd }��. n•by, or
<br /> ��� in tha �mriormunce uf lhe obliKat�un in lhis mnrlRngr or in Ih�� nut�• s�cur�•d therr•hy, l6e Afurtr,agri• vhull 6r ��nti � l�•J tu dr•d:are ihr
<br /> debt secured herehy due nnd payahle w'ithout toficu. and th�• �fnr (qa8ri• ahall 1���• �mtiti��d at it . �,pli.�n, �. iil���ut nuGce. erther by it�ell
<br /> ur by a rtKxiver tu be appuinled hy tf�� rourl thi�re.�f. ii��d ui� hout rn�;enl lo the adrquacy o( anV security (iir �he indebfrdnrs= ae•�
<br /> cured hereby, lo vntrr upon :md tu):r imv:wsr,ion ci[ the mortgaged premises, and to rolicrt :md n•ceive lhP rtmis, issues and profits
<br /> thereof. and apply lh� yame. ]e<3 cocts uf o��eralion and a�lleclion. upon lhr indeb�vdnrr,c ci•cnrPd b�� Ihis mnrtgngP: said renls.
<br /> i:isueF and profilv brinK hrreby ue,ign..d tu th�� Af� ��h::,�:�•�� a�� furlhrr s�•curitq {or Ihe paym��at u[ all indeMednetis ,��rurrd hi-rclr�• .
<br /> n
<br /> '1'he Alurlgagce =.hall havr lhc powrr tu appoud any ngrnt ur agrnls it m;�p d��.irr fnr the pur�n.n�� �t , � � .:,� .,ne snid prrm• . : i
<br /> . , iu•s; renung the same; collecting lh�• renLs, rerrnuev and incume, and il mey psy nut o( said incum�� nii ra �H•nsrs incurrcd m rrno- - .. . � � - „ � �,� ' �
<br /> inR xnd mannK���K �he �eme and of colli•Ming Ih�• rental.s �}�i.rrlrom. Thr bnlance rrmaining, if any, shall h�• :� pplied toward thr N -�� -
<br /> . � di�u•hxrge of the mortgage indeLtrdness. This nssignment is In trrminntr and l�cnme nuli and ��oid upon reL•+w� ot ihis mnrtga�e. � .�
<br /> hJti '4 �
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