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<br /> �b� ����r�� NEBRASKA IJOCUMENTAR'f �
<br /> A�EM`N` P,�PGN� STAMP TAX
<br /> :� JUN 2� 1976
<br /> QUITCLAIM D�ED $�"�BY_.iL1rQr�
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<br /> THIS INDENTURE;made tlus� �,'�'"day of—'"��J�_� A.D., 1976 ,
<br /> b�tween STANDARD OIL COMPANY, an IndiAnn corporation, having its principal
<br /> office in the City of Chicn�o, County of Cook, State of Illinois, of the first purt,
<br /> and AMOCO OIL COMPANY, a Maryland corporation (formerly The American
<br /> Qil Company), having its principal office in tho City of Chicugo, County of Coolc,
<br /> Stnte of Illinois, of the second part.
<br /> WITNESSETH, that the snid ptu ty of the�irat part, in consideration of the
<br /> sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00), to it duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby
<br /> acknowiedged,dius grunted, conveyed, remised, released and quitcluimed, und
<br /> by these presente does grant, convey, remise, relec�se and forover quitclaim unto
<br /> tlie said pnrty of the second part, und to its successors and assigns forever, all
<br /> the said party of the first pnrt's right, title, interest, estnte, cluim, and demund,
<br /> both ut lnw and in equity of, in and to the following described renl estate,
<br /> r situnted in the County of Hall, and Stnte of Nebrnskn, to-wit:
<br /> Part of Lot Nine ;9) of the County Subdivision of the t9est h�lf
<br /> of the Southwest Quarter (�V# SW#) of Section 10, in Township 11,
<br /> North, Rruige 9 West of the 6th P.M. more pnrticulurly described
<br /> us follows, to-wit: Commencing at n point 8 chains and 40 links
<br /> North of the Southeast corner of the West hnlf of the Southwest
<br /> Quarter of Section 10, Township 11, North, Range 9 West of the
<br /> 6th P.M.; thence running North 130�feet; thence South 81 c�egrees `
<br /> 55 minutes West 458 feet; thence South 30 degrees Iiast 68 feet;
<br /> thence East 421.4 feet to the pince of beginning.
<br /> Also, Lot fiight (8) in Block One Hundred Eight (106), Rr�ilrond
<br /> Addition to the City of Grand Islund, Hnll County, Nehruskn
<br /> TOGETHER WITH ull und singular the hereditaments and uppurtenances
<br /> thereunto belonging;
<br /> TO HAV�AND TO HOLll the uUove-described premises unto the said party
<br /> of the second purt,its successors and nssigns.
<br /> THIS INSTRUMENT is made, executed und delivered to correct the legul
<br /> descriptions contnined in Quitcluim Deed dated the 31st day of December, 19G0, mid
<br /> recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds in und for the County of H�11 nnd
<br /> State of Nebraska on the 16th duy of rebruai•y, 1961, in Book 133 of Deeds at Puge 539.
<br /> IN WITNESS WfiE;t�OP, the snid purty of the tirst pnrt hus cuused this
<br /> instrument to be signed by its Vice President, I�innncial Operutions und its corporute
<br /> seal to be hereunto uffixed and attested by its Assiatant Secretuiy, the duy t�nd
<br /> year first above written.
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<br /> ATTEST: 1 ST DARll O1L CO NY ns•ro Fonnt
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<br /> , ,.,(,• u�,r��.`�--y BY AI;AL ESTI17'E
<br /> . �� . LP'T.u0C0.
<br /> '" J. LV. Coz�d
<br /> �:' •,� t , r �elatant Secrota�,y, Vice Yresiden , Financiul Operstions
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