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<br /> r � �� ,.
<br />; . I »,v'.�.
<br /> �; ._.__ �
<br /> BTA"C� ON' NhI3ItA�KA, Couut>' oF ............................ ........................ :
<br /> Filed for reoord on .. . .................... ... 19 ,.....,, at .......,..,.....,..,......., n 'elock ...,......,,.,...,,.,... hT,
<br /> and , roanrded in the Deod Ttneord ..;.�............................ I'a3o .......,,,,,...,,......:.,,.. '
<br /> i ,..... . .�„ , , ..... .:....... . Uy ,,. .,. ,.. ... ..,... .,�.. ........� . ,......,.,,�,.
<br /> . .,,.��. „ ... . . ........ . . ,,., .,.. . .�.,.... , , .
<br /> .,, .. �.. ...... ...�,., ,.,...
<br /> % � A liagintor of T)nede llnput�� Itegi�ter nf Deedn �
<br /> s / � . ll � tll� `! �
<br /> i
<br /> #
<br /> + Utrnald � . Sodetman and Frnily K . Sodermnn , huebend ond w1Ee , eacl� in hin and her awn
<br /> �
<br /> ; rtght end ae epouee of each other , Lerciu unlled the gr9ntor whotl�r,r one or mora,
<br /> z
<br /> ' in aonsidcration of THIRTY fIV� THOU9AND TFfO HUNUIiCsD AND N01100ths (35 � 200. 00 ) 170LLAR5
<br /> • � '_ ,: '
<br /> rcecivod from granteee, doea grant, I1NC(;4Ill� sCll cou��cy aitid confirm iu�to
<br /> � G .lohn C. Perker and Eva M. Perker, l�uebend nnd aife
<br /> �i ue joint tcnanta with right of aurvivorel�ip, nnd not us tcnnnta iu aowmou, the followin� dnnuribed real
<br /> i
<br /> , ; property in ......,...HALL............................................ Couuty, NeUrun�u :
<br /> A
<br /> 1 . ..� . . . . .
<br /> "d
<br /> The Nottherly Twenty Feet ( 2Q' ) of LaC Fo�rteen ( 14 ) end � ll
<br /> of Lot Fifteen ( 15 ) in ESuhrn�en Subdivigion , en addielon to the
<br /> > : ; City of Grand Island � Iiall County , NeUraska
<br /> ? 5TAMP 7AX
<br /> F
<br /> , �.t�'�
<br /> :
<br /> f ' 1,��' � ���� , ,� UN 13 1976
<br /> � ,RASEMENt KiT��� `l� U)' tu , J ���/,,+,���� �' ,
<br /> r' � �Q � �7`'"�•=� BY ��; .
<br /> _' To Lnve ttnd to hold tlta aLovo described pttimise:� tuKethcr ��•itL ell tcuementg, haredilniucnta
<br /> and uppurtenunoes thcrotu Lelonging unto tl�d �ruutces uud to thcir neaigna, or to the Lcirs and nPsigiie
<br /> ot t�o eurvivor of thom foraver,
<br /> ` 11nd grnntor doce horeby covevunt �vitl� tUe Krautcc� und �vitli tweir oeeigns und witL the hcire
<br /> ' nnd nselgnn oE the eurvlvor of them tlint grantur iy lu �vfully scier,d of yuicl premiaee ; thet tl�ey nro free trum
<br /> : enoumbrnnee excapt far oasemenCe and reetrictione oE record
<br /> that grantor hae good right and latir�tul uuliioriky tu aoin•c�• flic r+awc ; nud lhut grnntur �rarrnnts auJ ���ill
<br /> defcud the titlu to enid premieca ugniust t.lie I�nvFul cluimy u!' 71II 11CPNO17N �clwtuaocver.
<br /> It ie tho i��teutiou of nil purties lierato tlint in tlie uv�u6 oY tlie deatL o[ eithor ut tlio Rrnukecy,
<br /> ! hc entire fe� titic to tl�i� renl pruperty Nhn�l �•r� t iu Ihe survi��iuy griuitec. :
<br /> ` natoa C�� � ifl 7�p
<br /> .............. ...................................................................... ....�..I.'.,!7t�1,..,:,^.:...,���f.^�,xtr.�L`.:.,,......,,.,,....
<br /> bonald F ,, S�oidernu b
<br /> �1 ..................�..u....u.. ......��u..u�.�..�.u..�.......�.....o... .,.�(��.Ovb ' I ,� /.)��.u���iQ.h.K4i...rMd1...u.�..� ,� � .
<br /> � �� Emil K .� Sadacmnn
<br /> sz�nm� om :,....,1�'�..��..r:t,�.�'�.................... c������s� �,c . ..�t.,/�., ,.,.....,.,,,....,.,,,,.,.,.,,.,... .
<br /> Beforo mo, a notury publia quulitiud for nnid auuuty, pnr�ounlly auue Uonnld F . Sodetman and
<br /> F�tily K . Sode�an � huebend nnd Nifo � each in hie enJ her own right and ns a �mu�e o �
<br /> eeeh nther
<br /> knawu to me to bo tho ldonticnl perHvn or pereone �rho niguc�l the foreguiug iu5trtuneut uvd neknm�•ledgud ; '�'""`� -�`, . ';
<br /> : : _ . .._ � ` � Y
<br /> � tlic execntio�� thrreof to �u Lin, Lar or i6cir voluulnry net nw] deed, � ��
<br /> �
<br /> �Vitnexs my hnud and uotnrinl acal on .. ,.,,,,•,., � ,, � -
<br /> ...,.,..,. ,�,�,,r..,..,. ., ,t, ., � . . � u.�(.....,. �
<br /> atpca�� hor�+r . a�sM �. '� ,,. � • .�..-.--� " �, '�
<br /> CIUHLE81� WIW �{','ti,;t.rk.?s.'...,, `� .,,G.k:{,H�,',,:�.,..,.... Nutnry 1'nblie `
<br /> a�My Coies. [y► ON. 0. t�ll r
<br /> /p .J� r/.y � _ � �� ��. . �
<br /> �ty c0If1f111Nlt10L E�EF11C04 .�.5..,�C..(....���..�..�.�(.,1..��..,�..�...� iJ,.d�...�,.., .. `
<br /> . �'Ot911 �� ,�� ���t/ �)P eppruved Uy �r�ll'llckll i�t�itll� �SIIP �� �!�up+Iltlnli Yeifuu 6 Wulf W.. IJnmJn, Ne4r.
<br /> _ J
<br />