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<br /> An undivided one-thixd ( 1/3rd ) interest in and to :
<br /> � A tract of land comprising a part of tha West Half of the East Half �
<br /> ( �r�'� �/ ) of Section 'I�enty -Four ( 24) . Township Eleven ( 11 ) North ,
<br /> Range Ten ( 10 ) West of the 6th P . M . in H.all County � Nebraska , more ,
<br /> ' particularly described as follows : �-
<br /> , r..
<br /> Beginning at the center of said Section 1�enty- Four ( 24 ) ; thence �
<br /> Northerly along the West line of the Northeast Quarter ( N�) of said �
<br /> ° Section T1�vent Four ( 24 ) , a distance of Seven Hundred Fifteen and Eight , •
<br /> 'i � Tenths ( 715 . 8� feet , to the Southeasterly R. O . W. line of U . S . Highway y
<br /> ` � I� o . 30 ; thence deflecting right 60� 33 ' and running Northeasterly along � �
<br /> ` said R . O . 1Y, line , a distance of Thirty -seven and Nine Tenths ( 37 , 9 ) feet ; �� i
<br /> thence deflecting right 119° 27 ' and running Southerly along a line ��I
<br /> ,; .� Thirty -Three ( 33 . 0 ) feet east of , and parallel to said Y�est line of the r�
<br /> I� orth. east Quarter iN �) , a distance of TWo Hundred Twenty -Nine and Sixty - �_ �
<br /> ' Eight Hundredths ( 229 . b8 ) feet ; thence deflecting left 119 ° 27 ' and �.��j �
<br /> � runniny Northeasterly along a line �vo Hundred ( 200 , 0 ) feet Southeasterly ;.� �
<br /> � �, from and parallel to said Highway No , �0 R. O . Vl, line , a distance of Four 'iy '
<br /> I �;+ Hundred ( 400 . 0 ) feet ; thence deflecting left 90° 00 ' and running tJori;h - ;;:, I
<br /> ' westerly , perpendicular to said Highway No . 30 R. O . VJ. line , a distance of �, � ,
<br /> � � Two Hundred ( 200 , 0 ) feet to said R. O . W, line ; thence deflectin9 right ; , ,
<br /> 's ' 90° 00 ' and running Northeasterly along said Highway No . 30 R . O . i'J . line ,; ;
<br /> C� a distance of Seven Hundred and Thirty -'I1vo Hundredths ( 700 , 32 ) feet ; ;;;
<br /> r �� thence deflecting ri9ht 55° 19 ' and running Southeasterly along Hi , nw�y
<br /> ? C � R . O . l7. line , a distance of Two Hundred Eighty -Six and Six Tenths ( 2E3o . o ) ;
<br /> I�� feet ; thence deflecting right 59 ° 50 ' and running Southerly along the ;
<br /> ' �=� �Jesterly R. O . V�, line of U . S . Highway No . 281 , a distance of Four �iuodred ,;.
<br /> I �:
<br /> ( :'; Tvaenty - Two and Five Tenths ( 422 , 5 ) feet ; thence deflecting ri9ht 03 34
<br /> � �;1 and running Southerly along said Highway No , 281 R. O . �:J . line , adistance
<br /> ' � t�-�r of Eight Hundred Ei$hty -Five and Six Tenths ( 885 . 6 ) feet ; thence
<br /> ' � �:I deflecting ri9ht 59 39 ' and running Southwesterly along a li. ne "i�vo '
<br /> � "� tiundred ( 200 . 0 ) feet Nortnwesterly fran and parallel to the IJorth�,�esterly ' _
<br /> , �:, � .
<br /> "`� R, G . 4'J . line of U . P . R. R. Company , a distance of One Thousand T�u-ce
<br /> , �;
<br /> �;� Hundred Forty -One and Seven Tenths ( 1 , 341 . 7 ) feet ; thence defleccing �
<br /> � ! :� left G3 ° 44 ' and running Southerly , a distance of Two Hundred T�•ren �y -
<br /> ' ::'� Three ( 223 . 0 ) feet to the ;dorthwesi:erly R. O . PJ, line oi U . P . R . ;t .
<br /> � i �' Com4arry ; thence deflecting right 63° 44 ' and running Soucin•+es � erl < <. lo�; ; �
<br /> ,;� said U . P . R . R . Company R. O . ;V . line a distance of Seven �y - Tnree f 'r :; . G ;
<br /> ; � ;:.
<br /> � - � feet to the �7est line of the Southeast Quarter ( SE�) of said Sec � `, on
<br /> s j ,' � Tv�enty - Four ( 24 ) ; thence deflectinfl right 121 ° 05 ' and runnin � F+ orli. eriy
<br /> along i:he west line of said Southeast Quarter ( S �a ) , a dis � � nce o : Cnc
<br /> ; Thousand One Hundred Sixty - Five and Six 'fenths ( 1 , 165 . 6 ) fecr, io � r: �:
<br /> _ { . _kplace of beginning . Excep � ing , therefrom , a certain tract o: � ru•,: , . 0
<br /> � ,' more p �� ticularly described in Quit Claira lleed recorded 9. n 3ook l ;ii ,
<br /> � �: � -�Page 1.41 as �he same is on file in the office of the P,eyister o � �eeds ,
<br /> � '� Hall County , Nebraska .
<br /> £ ' . , I
<br /> :� , , N .
<br /> � : ! Exhibit A I a ''
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