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<br /> To Hnve pNn To HoLn the same unto the rlortgagee, as herein provided. Htortgztgor represents to,
<br /> and covennnts with, the Mortgagee, that the AZortgagor has good right to scll and convey said premises ;
<br /> that they are Free firom encumbrunce, except as hereinotherwise recited ; thnt tl�e ➢4ortgugor �s•ill warrant
<br /> and defend the same against the la«�ful claims of uil persons �vhomsoever. Nlortqagor hereby relinquishes
<br /> � all rights oP hamestead, all marital rights, either in la�v or in equity, and all othei• contingent ititerests of
<br /> tho hlortgagor in and to tlte above-described pi•emises.
<br /> PRovtuEn ALwnYs, and tliese presents ure executed nnd delivered upon the following conditions, to
<br /> wit :
<br /> Nlortgagor agrees to pay to the blortgagee, or order, the uforesnid p�•incipal sum �vith interest from date
<br /> at the rate of Eight and One Half per centum � , 5 ;b ) per nnnum on the un �aid Ualance until paid.
<br /> The said rinci al and interest shall be ayaUle at tlie oflice of f'irst Pederal �avings and Lo�n
<br /> P P P Ass cia n or Linc lrl
<br /> in Nebraska , or at such other place ns the ho�der o��tpie note may �esignate in
<br /> writing delivered or mailed to the 1lfortga�or, in monthly installments of T��ro Hundred Thirty L'our and 52�100
<br /> Dollars ($234 . 52 ) , commencing on the first day of August , 1�Jq� , and cont�nuing on
<br /> the first day of each month therelfter until said note is fully naid, except that, if not sooner ptid, the fin:�l
<br /> payment of principnl and interest shall be due and payable on the first day of July 2006 ; all
<br /> acwrding to the terms of a certain promissory note of even dnte herewith executed by the said 1lfortgagor.
<br /> The Mortgugor further agrees :
<br /> 1. He will pay the indebtedness, as hei•einbefore provided. Privilege is reserved tu prepay at an}•
<br /> time, without premium or fee, the entire indebtedness or any� part thereof not less thnn the amount ot one
<br /> installment, or one hundred dollars ($100.00), whichever is less . Prepayment in fuli shall be credited on
<br /> the date received. Partial prepayment, other than on an installment due date, need not be credited until
<br /> � the next following installment due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is eazlier.
<br /> ,.
<br /> 2. Together with, and in addition to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable m�der
<br /> the terms of the note secured hereby, 111ortgagor will pay to Mortglgee, as trustee, ( under the terms of this
<br /> trust as hereinafter atated ) on the first day of each month until said note is fully paid :
<br /> � (a) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that �vill next become due
<br /> and payable on policies of fire and other haz�rd insurnnce covering the mortgaged property,
<br /> plus taxes and assessments next due on the mortgnged property ( all as estimated by the ASort-
<br /> - gagee, and of «�hich the 14ortgagoi• is notificd ) less ali sums already pnid therefor divided by
<br /> the number of months to elapse before one mmith prior to tlie dnte a•hen such ground rents,
<br /> premiums, tnses nnd assessments u•ill Uecome delinquent, such sums to be heid by Mortgagee
<br /> '` in trust to pa�� said qround rents, premiums, taaes and special assessments.
<br /> ( b ) The a�gregate of the amounts payable pursuant to subparagraph (¢) and those payable on the
<br /> note secure<i hereby, shall Ue paid in a single payment each month, to be applied to the foilow-
<br /> ing items in the order stated :
<br /> t (t ) giround rents, tnses, assessments, fire and other hazard insurance premiums ;
<br /> x ( tt ) interest on the note secured hereby� ; and
<br /> ( ttI ) nmortization of the principal of said note.
<br /> Any deficiency in the amount of an�' sticit aggregate muntlily payment shall, unless mnde good
<br /> `• by tlie Jlortgagor prior to the due date of the next such payment, constitute an event of default
<br /> ' under this mortgage. At Jlortgagee's option, \Iortgagor �ti'ill pay 1 `9ate charge" not exceed-
<br /> " ing four pei• centum (�l �i ) of �ny installment �rlien paid more than fifteen ( 15 ) days after the
<br /> due date tltereof to co��er tlte extra expense incolced in handling delinquent payments, but such
<br /> '9ate chargc" shall not be pa3•able ont of die praceeds of any� sale made to satisfy the indebted-
<br /> ; ness secured hereby, unless such proceeds are sufficientto discha�•ge the entire indebtedness and
<br /> all proper costs and e�penses secured thereby.
<br /> Y
<br /> 3. If the total of the payments made by the llortgagor under ( a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall
<br /> exceed the amount of payments actually made by the liortgagee, as trustee, for ground rents, tuxes and
<br /> assessments or insurunce premiums, as the case may be, such excess shall be credited by the Mortgagee
<br /> ! on subsequent payments to be made by the h7ortgagor for such items or, at i�iortgagee's option, as trustee,
<br /> - shall be refunded to 11lortgagor. If, however, such monthly payments shall not be sufficient to pay such
<br /> items �vhen the same shall become due and p�tyable, then the nlortgagor shall pny to the bfortgagee, as
<br /> truatee, any amount necessary to make up the deficiency «�ithin thirty ( 30 ) dlys after �ti•ritten notice from
<br /> I the Mortgagee atating the amount of the deficiency, �vhich notice may be given by mai1. If at any time
<br /> - the D�ortgagor shall tender to the hiortgagee, in accordance �+�ith the provisions of the note secured
<br /> } hereby, full payment of the entire indeUtedness represented thcreby, thc nlortgagee, as trustee, sliall,
<br /> in computing the amount of such indebtedness, credit to the account of the 11lortgagor any credit bnlance
<br /> accumulnted under the provisions of ( ¢) of paragt•aph 2 hereof. If there shall be n default under any
<br /> of the proviaiona of this mortgage resulting in a public sale of the premises covered hereby, or if the
<br /> y= Tiortgagee acquires the property otheitivise after default, the Dlortgagee, as trustee, shall apply, nt the
<br /> time of the commencement of auch proceedings, or at the time the property is otherwise acquired, the
<br /> amount then remaining to credit the hlortgagor under ( a) of pnragraph 2 preceding, as a credit on the
<br /> interest accrued and unpaid and the balance to the principul then remaining unpaid on said note. i ,
<br /> : 9 . The lien of this instrument shall remain i�i full force and ef£ect during any postponement or exten-
<br /> N '
<br /> sion of the time of pa��ment of the indebtedness or any part thereof secured hereby. � 5
<br /> L5. He «•ili pay all ground rents, taxes, assessments, ��•ater rates, and other goeernmental or munici- �
<br /> pnl charges, fines, or impositions, levied upon said premises and that he ���ill pay all taxes levied upon this h `
<br />� mortgage, or the debt secured thereby, together «�ith any other taxes or assessments �rhich mny be levied �
<br /> under the ]a�va of Nebraska agninstthe \Iortgagee, or thc legal holder of said principal note, on account of
<br />�' this indebtedness, except �i�hen payment for all such items has theretofore been made wider ( a ) of pnra-
<br />'� graph 2 hereof, nnd he «• ill promptly delicer the o(I�icial receipts therefor to the �Iortgagee. In defnult
<br />;=..� thereof the Diortgagee may pay the same.
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