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'� . ,..W, � <br /> � <br />�� ,�, 0 0 3 2"7'7 <br />� _ <br /> AfORTGAGB <br /> n�oitTrnc;li LOAN N0...L 22,187 <br /> � � KNON'ALLAIGNUYTHL•SGPRC•.SCNTS:That �ames V. Yount and Mary G. Yount, each in his and her own <br /> 1'7ght ditd a5 5p0Use Of each OtheP, Murtgagor,whetheruneormore,inconsiderationofqiesumof <br /> Twentv-four Thousand One Hundred dfld NO��OO----------------------------------------DOLLAItS <br /> loaned tu said morlgagor by'fhe f:yuita�le Building and Luan Association of Grand Island,Nebrasku,Mortgagee,upon 24� shares of srock oF � <br /> said ASSOCIATION,Cer�ificate No.L 22��8� ,do hereby grent,cunvey �nd mortgagc untu the said ASSOCIATION the following <br /> ' described real estate,situated in Ilall Cuunty,Nebraska: � � - . <br /> ALL OF LOTS NINE (9) AND TEN (10) <br /> IN BLOCK FIFTEEN (15) IN WEST PARK <br /> ADDITION TO THE CITY Of GRAND ISLAND, <br /> HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> logether with all die tenements,heredi�aments anJ appurtenances tl�ereunm belunging,including xttached Iloor cuverings,all window screens, � <br /> \YIIIIIOK'SI1Jl�C5�blinds,stu�m windows,�wnines,lie�ting,air conditiuning,and plumbing nnd water equipment and accessories[hereto,pumps,stoves, <br /> refrigerators,and uttizr fixtwe:and eyuipment now ur hereafter attacheS to or ured in connectiunµ�ith saiJ real esta�e. . <br /> Aud wtrereas the said mongagor has agrecd and does hereby agree th�t the mor[g�gur shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or � � <br /> �. ass'essed upon saiJ prcmises and upon tliis murt@age and tl�e bnnd securcd thereby belore the same sliall becutne delinquent;lo fumish approved � . . <br /> insurxnce upon the buildingt on said premixs situated in ihe sum of S 24��0�.�� p�yable to s:iid ASSOCIAT10N and to deliver to said - <br /> � ASSOCLITION the policies for said insurance;and nut to cummit or permit any waste on or about said premises; ,. <br /> � In case ut'default in the per(ormance uf any of die tenns and cunditions o(�his nwngage or the bund secured herehy,�he murtgagee shall, . � <br /> " on dcmand,be entitled tu immediate possession ui tlie mortgxged premises and ihe mort@agor hemby assigns, transfers and sets over to the . . � <br /> mungagee all the rents,revenues and income tu 6e derived Gom the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shalt remain � <br /> unpaid:and the murtgagee shall h�re�he pnwer to appoint any aEent ur agents it m�y Jcsire fm the purpose o(repairing said premises and renting <br /> the same and cullecting the rents,revenues and inmme,and it m�y pay ou[ ol'said income all expenses of repairing said premises and neceuary <br /> � commissions anJ expenses incurred in renting and managing lhe same and of cullecting rcntals therefrum:ihe balance remaining,i(any,to be - <br /> � applicd toward�he discharge of said mor�gage indebtedness;�hese rights uf the nwrtgagee may 6e exercised at any time during the existence�(such <br /> . default.irtrspective o(any tempur�ry tvaiver of the sante. � <br /> $ These Presems,huwever,�f0 t1�0i1 II12 CUIIIIIIIOfI,I I181 If IIIC S811��IUI(68�'Uf S�I:III IC(]8\'S81/I IOd11 00 Uf bC•fU[l`(I1C ITIdfU(IlY U�581(I 5}13[CS by <br /> payment:pay monUdy tu said ASSOCIA"fION uf the sum specified in the Bund secured hereby as interest and principal on snid loan,on m Uefure <br /> !he T�eenticth dey o(eacli and evcry munth,until said lo�n is fully paid;pay all taxes and�ssessments Icvied against said premises and on this Afurtgage <br /> end Aie Bund secured thereby,belbre delinyuency:lurnish appruved insurance upun the buildings thereun in the sum ol S 24����.�� p�ya6le <br /> � to said ASSOGATIOti:repay�u ssid ASSOCIA"f10N upon dem:�nd all mone}'by it paid lor such taxes,assessments and insurance with interest at . <br /> the maximum Irgal rate thercun frum date of payment all of which Atortgagur hereby agrees to p�y;pennit no waste on said premises;keep and compty � <br /> � with all�he agreements and cunditiuns uf the Uond for S ZQ����.��Ihis day givrn by the said 1lnrtgagor to said ASSOCIATION,and comply <br /> ` with all Ihe rcqui�ements of thc Cunsti�ution and liy-Laws oC said ASSOCIATION;thcn thcse prestnts shall bccome null and void,othenvise they <br /> � shall rem�in in full force and ma�be fureduud 81 Illl'OPIIUO U�IIIC Slll(I ASSOCIA7'ION a(ter (ailure for threc months tu make any uf said � <br /> } paymen�s or be dvice mumhs in:Ifil'Jf510 p18IC10�;S811I I➢OIIIIIIV PByments,or to keep and l'OIOPI}'\VIIII IIIC B�fCCIIl011[5 8f11I CUIIIII[IUI1S U(S:IIII IJOOII; <br /> � <br /> � and�torigagor�grces to huve a receivcr appuinied fonh�sith in such fureclosure pruceedings. <br /> f tf Ihere is any change in owneahip ol the real esiate mortgaged herein,by sale or uthenvise,lhen lhe entice remuining indebtedness heceby <br /> F secured shall,at U�e optiun uf 7he Equitable Building and Lo�n Assucialion of Crand Island,Ncbra:ka,become immediately due and payable widwut <br /> f <br /> furtlier notice,:�nd the nmoun� remaining due under said bund,and any other bund(or any additional advances made thereunder,shall,(rum the <br /> dale of exercise of iaid option,bcar inlerest at the maximum legal rate,and this murtgege may then be fouclosed to satisfy the amuunt due on said <br /> 6ond,anJ any uther bund for additional advances,togcther with all sums paid by said The liyuitable Building end Loan Association of Grand Island, <br /> Nebra:ka for insurance,taxrs and assessmrnts,and abstrac�ing extension charges,with interest thereon, from dare of p�yment at the maximum <br /> i Icgulratc. . <br /> � AS(1fOVIl�C1I Ifl fllC�OfIII SCCII[2lI IICIC�)'��vhilc 1I11S 111Uf�s�6C ICIIIdifIS Ifl C��CI'I lI1C IOUfI�'86l'l'III�tY I1CIC1�I2!d(IVflIICC 8dd1IWtl8I SI1I115 IO IIIC <br /> makers uf said DonJ,ihcir assigns ur successurs in intrresl,which sums shall be wilhin the security of lhis murtgage the samz as the funds originally <br /> secured d�ereby,Qie total amount uf principal debt not tu exceed at any time lhc uriginal amount of this mor�gage. � <br /> :�Datedthis 17th ��y°t' J� ,� n,1�76 <br /> � /, 1 <br /> James V. Yo�i �y� ;:.� �r� <br /> Mary G. Youn� <br /> r STATE OF NL•�RASKA, <br /> ss. On A�is �]th ��Y�� June �9 76 ,be(oce me, <br /> COUNTY Of IIALL � <br /> tl�c ndersigned,a Nota Public in end for said County persunally came � <br /> James V. Yount and Mary G. Yount, each in his anc� her own rig�t and as spouse of each .. N ;: <br /> Other� _�5;=�"�,Z,t+ wl�u dre personally known to . ? <br /> me tu be the idcnticy7 eison� G���� I r� <br /> � ^ p, S,',,, -jvl�i7�name5 dre a(fxed to the ubove instrumcnt as mortgagu�$ and they severally <br /> i <br /> acknowledged lh��!msqlirhenl to be`,�S 11' volunlary act and Jeed. !� ` <br /> - �J� � <br /> �t�'ITNI S$�nYd�and and Ivot'ial Seal the date afbresaiJ. �� `i��CiYZ/�"'/ � . <br />�. �My Catnmission Pepuc' -7 I��� � 1 (// � <br />; .a . � ���� —�� <br /> �l� Notary Nublic <br /> G.I.YM RI �1 ���i <br /> ���� �/ ��•I J .�.. <br />`Y� i <br /> I :C'.::.. � <br />'S `- <br />.�1 <br /> 4 <br /> i <br />