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<br /> 76-00�326�
<br /> � . onnziu+flce t�o. 5978
<br /> M ordinance creuting Wuter bYsin District t�o, 319 in the City of Grrind Islmd, tiebraska; deflniry3
<br /> the boundarles of the district; providing for ttie laying of a vuter mnin in said diatrlet; providing f'or �
<br /> 'a
<br /> plens end speciflcations and aecuring bids; providing for the assessvent of special taxes�for constructing.
<br /> . such vater main; md providi.c� the ef'fective date hereof. .
<br /> SECTIOtf 1. Water hYiin Oistrict t7o. 319 Sn the City of Crand Islend, [Jebraska, is hereby crested for
<br /> the lnying of nn ei�teen-in�Water main in C¢pital Avenue 1'ron the east linc of f3ossela�un Nu�di•:ision to �
<br /> the south prolongation of the aest line of Bosselm�n Subdivision.
<br /> SECTIOII 2, 1'he boundaries of curh water mnin district shn11 be es follc:•s: � _
<br /> Beginning at the southcast corner o:'BosceLs_n Subdivision, nn Addition to the Cit;/ � �
<br /> yn
<br /> of Grand Islrind, Ilebr¢sra; thence runnin�vest on Lhe south line nf Eo^,seL� Subdivisicn, . �� ..
<br /> n
<br /> being the south 11ne of Section 1, Townshin 11 Ilorth, Rr�e 1D tiest of the 6th P.F:., in �
<br /> Ha11 County, ttebrnsks, for a dist[u�ce of 510 feet, or 155.448 necers, to the ❑outh•�rest � � .
<br /> corner of' said Hosse:s:u� Subdiviaion; thencc running north on tdie wr.st line of said , � � �
<br /> Bosael.c�n Subdivision for a distance of 190 feet, or 57.912 m=ters, to the aorih�.re_t corner . -
<br /> of Lot 3 in s¢id L'ussel.e�an SuLdivision; thence running eust cn !he nurth 13ne of Lct 3 - .
<br /> in snid Eo�selacn Subdivision und Sts east prolon�u:ion T'cr e di�tsnce of ;10 feet, or � � � � �
<br /> 94.498 metere, to the east line oP Diers Avenue; tF=_nce running north on the Fass linc
<br /> of Diers hvenuc for n distance of 50 feet, or 15•24 meters, to thc nortY.F�est cern�r of �. . .� �
<br /> Lot 2 in caid BosceL^an Subdivision; thence running eest cn the norlh line o?'Lot ? in �
<br /> sald Losselt�an Subdivision 1'or a distnnce of 2i5 feet, or 71.724 eeters, to 2he east line - �� ��
<br /> of �¢id Dosselm:n SuUdivision; thence meiuiderir.g soutiiaesterly on the essterly line of �� �. � -. �
<br /> snid Aossel�n �ubdivision for u diatance of 2G1.99 feet, or 79.855 �'ters, :o the south � . .
<br /> l,ne of said Bosselrnn Subdivision, being the plece of'teginnin6, n11 es �Y.c�rn on che - . �
<br /> plat dated 6/9/�6 carl:ed Fxhibit ".," attnched hereto¢nd Sncoroarated here'.n by re:erence.
<br /> SECTIOH 3. Seid i�:provem^_nt shall be vade in accordance Hith plans and snecifications prepar>d by t!:e .. . � �
<br /> c"'ngineer for the City xho shall estiante the co^,t thereof, and subcd! the snne to the City Ccuncil, and upon � � .
<br /> approvnl of the sene, bids Sor the construct!cn of sucti wuter eain sha11 be ts4en ¢nd contracts entered Snto � .. �
<br /> in the tmwner provided hy lea. .� .
<br /> SECTI017 4. ihe cost of construction oi such i.�rovement shall te essesaed ngain,t the nronercy within � � �
<br /> such district �butting unen the street wherein such water msin has been so pleced to the extent of benefit� � � -
<br /> to cuch property, not Lo exceed thc lnyir� o!' e ,ir.-inch Water c�ain for the property zoned resi3ential, ead , ��
<br /> not to exceed the 1�ying of ¢n eieht-inch�ater rsin for the propert;/ zoned othen;iee, by rcuscn oi such � � �-
<br /> iciprovenn�nt� rvnd �• special tv: cha11 te levied r.t one tine to pa;/ :or euch cua! oi construction e: cocn es ��� � � � � � �
<br /> cen be ar.certeiried; and auch cpecial tar. and u�sessrr_�ntc eha11 censtitute a sin:tin� I�nd for the p�,ym^tit �f � . .� �
<br /> ¢ny usrrants or oonds for the purpose of paying tt:e cost of cuch watcr asin in such 3iatric*-; ��r+ cvch sp=cial _ . �
<br /> nc;esscr_nts shall 6e pnid ¢nd collected either in a fa�d Lo be desit;nated m33 Y�own na the :'e•d�r ��nd 4l�iter � _ �
<br /> extension iund £or Y7ater Nain District ito. 319, cr the Wr,ter Surplu; Fund.
<br /> SECTIOIi 5• 'ihis ordinance shall be in iorce rsd ta'r,e eff'ect frc�end nfter itc pass��e, r.pprnvul, ��d .
<br /> public¢tion, without the plat, a� provided by la�.r, � �
<br /> .. SECTION 6. :his ordinrsnce, with the plat, is hereby directed to be filed in th^ office of the '�egicter - �
<br /> _ of Dceds� Ea11 Ccunty, IleLraska. - �
<br /> . �� APPjjQYE 5 FORM
<br /> F.nacted � � �� � � �
<br /> JUN 10 191G _`r _ `• ;''.
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