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<br /> 76- �03`r_'5�'
<br /> �10RTCAGG
<br /> h10RTCAGIi LOAN NO.�2�184
<br /> KNOWALLM@NllYTH[S(iPRGSGNTS:That James H. Wearin and Faye D. Wearin, each lIl h75 dild
<br /> her own ri ght and dS spouse of each other, Mortgagor,whether one or more,in consideration of the sum uf
<br /> Savantaan Thnucand 4ix Hundrad and Nn�lflfl --DOLLARS
<br /> loaned W seid morigagor by The Gyuitable Building and Loan Association uf Crand Island,Nebraska,t+tortgagee,upon ��6 shares of stock of -
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22��84 ,du hereby grant,convey and mortgage unro the said ASSOCIA'fION tl�e following � - �
<br /> described real estate,situuted in 11a11 Coonty,Nebraska: � � �
<br /> i, .
<br /> together with all tl�e tenements,hereditamems and appurtenances thereunto belonging,including attached Iloor coverings,all window•screens,
<br /> winJow shades,blinds,sturm a�inJuws,a�o'nings,heatinG,air wnditioning,�nd piwn6ing and wuter eyuipment and accessmies therero,pumps,stoves,
<br /> re(rigererors,and uther tis�ures and equipment nuw or hereafter attached to or used in connec�iun with said real estate.
<br /> And whereas the said mort@agor h:�s aGeeed and does hereby acrce Ihat the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied ur
<br /> assessed upon eaid premiscs and upun this mongage and the bonJ secured thereby be(ore tl�e same shall becume delinquent;to furnish approveS �
<br /> insurance upon�he buildings on said premises situated in the sum ol'S �]�6��.�� paya6le tu said ASSOGATION and to deliver to s3id
<br /> ASSOCIATION the pnlicies for saiti insurance;and nut io wmmit ur permit any a�uste on ur about said pcemises;
<br /> r�, In case ul'de(aul�in the perlormance u(any uf the cerms and ronditions of this mortgage or the bund secured hereby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> un demand,6e enti�led to immediate posscssion u(the mortgagcd premises and the murtgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to tl�e .
<br /> morlgagee all the rcnts,revenues xnd income tu be dericed frum the murtgaged premises during such time as the mmtgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpaid;and the mortgagee shall have die pu�cer io appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose o(repairing said premi:es and renting �
<br /> � ' the same and collecting lhe rents,re��enuce and income,and it may pay out of said incume all expenses uf repairing said premises and necessary
<br /> mmmis:ion:�nd eapenses incurred in renting and manxeine the s:�me and of cullectine reutals themfrom:the balanre remnining,iC any,W be
<br /> applied to����rd the discharge uf said nmrtg�ge inde6tedness;these righis of the mortgagee may be esercised ut any time during the existence uf such
<br /> dcfauh,irtcspective o(any tcmporary�caiver of the same.
<br /> These Presents,huwever,are upon the Condition,That if ihe s�id 1lortgagor shall repay said loun un or befure the maturiry of said shares by
<br /> payment;p�y monthly to said ASSOCIATION o(the sum speci(icd in ihe Bund securcd hereby ss interest and principal un said loan,on ur before
<br /> �.�� the Tw�entieth day uf each und ecep�month,until s�id loan is lully paid;p�y;�II taxes and azsessments levied against said premises and on tl�is Atortgage
<br /> - �nd the BunJ secured there6y,beCore delinyuency:lurnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereun in the sum oP S �]�(QQ.QQ payable �
<br /> �� to s;�id ASSOCIA710'J:repay ro s�id ASSOCIATION upun demand�II munev by it p�id fur such tazes,assessmrnts and insurance�vith interest at �
<br /> �he maximum legal rate thercon frum date uf puyment alI of�vhich Aturt@agur hereby aerees to pay;permit no waste on said premises;keep and comply
<br /> ,��. ' wilh all the aGreemeNs and conditiuns uf[he tlond for S �]�(QQ.QQ tl�is day given by the mid\fortgagor w said ASSOCIA710N,and cumply
<br /> with all the reyuirements of the Constitution and ByLaw•s of said ASSOClATION;then these presants shall become null�nd vuid,utherwisc d�ey
<br /> � shall rcmain in 1'ull(urce and m�y bc foreclused:�t the option o(the said ASSOCIATIO'v a(ter failure (or three muntl�s to makc vny of said
<br /> payments ur br three mumhs in arre�rs in m�king said monthly paymen[s,or tu keep and comply�vith the agreements and conditions o(said 13ond;
<br /> . and�longagor agrees w hare a rcceiver appointed lorthw�ith in such ti�reclosure proceeJings.
<br /> If thcrn is any change in uwncrship ol the real cstate mongagcd Lerein,by mlc ur othcrwise,then the entire remaining indebtedness hemby
<br /> � secured sh�ll,at ihe option uf The[yuitable Eluilding and Loan Association oi Grand lsland,NebrasAa,become immediately due and payable without
<br /> lurther notice,and Ihe amomu remaining due under said bund,and any other bond for any additional advunces made thereunder,shall,(rum the
<br /> date o(eaercise of said optiun,be�r interest ai the maximum legal ratc,anJ this mongage may dien be ioreclosed to satis(y the amount due on said
<br /> bond,and any uther bund for addiliunal�dvances,together with all sums paid by said Tfie Gyuitable Building and Lusn Assuciation of Grand Island,
<br /> 5� Nebraska fur insurance,taxes and asussments,and abstracting extension charges, with interest tl�ereon,Irom date u(payment at the maximum
<br /> legal rate.
<br /> As provided in the Bond secured hereby,while this mungage remains in efCect the mortgagee m�y herea(ter advance additional sums to Ihe
<br /> ' ' makers of said[iond,tl�eir assigns ur successors in interest,which sums:hall be within the security u(t„is mortgage tht same as the funds originally
<br /> secured thereby,ihe total amouni of principal debt nut to esceed at any time the original amount o(this mortgage.
<br /> i>��ra�t��s 16th a;r or June :�.u.,is, 76
<br /> �.`
<br /> ames . �ri n
<br /> �
<br /> Faye . Wearin
<br /> ss. On this 16th �dY�� June 19 �(,befoce me,
<br /> COUN'TY Of HALL� -•� �.:
<br /> � the undersi ned,a Idotary Pub6e in and for said Cu�nty,personally came � � .. '.,
<br /> James H. Wearin and Faye D. Wearin, each in his and �er own right and as spouse of each N ���-�
<br /> other �y'ho dpe persunallyknawnro � �
<br /> me to be the identical persun 5 whou nameS hc'2 affixed to the abuve instrument s nwrtgagor5 �nd they se�•erally � d
<br /> h �
<br /> acknowledged the said instrument to be thei r wlumury�ct and deed. � .
<br />�,: ....._ WII;JC•SS my hand and Nolarial Scal thc date afumsaid. � f.. �'`��� /.� j � �.
<br />�� ____.. hl)TComm�sswnexp�iqs �� „ ; ���, � .��,;�
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<br /> ��J Nutary Public
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