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<br />�� II is furthor agrerd ihi�l in cnsr mry suil is br;;un lu fnrrrirn�� l6is murfg�ige, lhe nSortpm.;ce, it.: r��prrsonlali��es ur u�ai�;ns.
<br /> shall td on�r. Lc enliiled lo Ih�� pnsxrsaiou uf said Premi�es, nnd upuu :qiplicnllnn llierefor, ihe cuurl in �ahich such urtion eLidl
<br /> - be bmughl or amy judge uf such cuurL rillirr in Irrm timr ur vacntinn. is }irre6y ��uthurized !n aippoint ti recrivor to tr�ke p�Nsiw-
<br /> ciou of st�id premisrs. ur lo collecl. fhr rrnts thrretrom. und fu du aud ��er(orm sueh ulher :x�la ns may Le roquired {iy tlm ordi�r
<br /> ��,� � uf the court muking lhe appointmeu� : and suid �lurtgngor hi�r�•hV wnivi� nny no�icr o( such i�pplicnti��n. :�nd eunsrnta tn Oie tip- .
<br /> puintmettt u( u mceit•��r upnn 1he pmduCliou of (hlx murlgnF:e. u'iihnul ntlirr rviJenrr.
<br /> . 9'lie Morlgngee shnll bu suhro�;;de.d ln nll of the righiv. prlvilrges. priqrilies. und eyuitics ul nny lienhuldur whos�• lien m�y � � . .
<br /> � hnve bi�en dischtirged from Uic prvx•��eJs of this luan. or by anY (��nds hereby p::id ur furnished Ly iho hlurlg.�gee. ' .
<br /> ' IT IS FXPRGSSLY ACRG:GD thnt if the 1�lortgaFor shtdl xrll, convey ur nlienFite said property, or nny P�vt thereof. � �
<br /> � or any interest � therein, or yhall br divc:sterl o[ his title or onY inlerret O�ere�in in ❑ny mnnner nr w:iy. ��•hrthcr vuhud:rily ur . - . . .
<br /> involuntarilY. without written conNent of the 7�4ortgagrti b��in�; tiraf hnd and obtained, rlort�;n�;ee shnll have l6e right, at iLs option, � .
<br /> to declure nny indebtev3ncus or obligationti secured hereby. irrespiY•live o( thr, mnturily d:de specitird in any not<� evidrncing lhe . � .
<br /> � seme, inunediatelv due nnd pnYnble wilhnut notice. �md s:�id dobt shall therrzupon ix�cume alnolntr. ] ( Il�r mvnurship of tl�r. morL .
<br /> . gnged property fxrmmes vi•stnl in u person ulhcr than thc binrlFngnr, lhe Tlurtgngec ma}•. �aithout notice to thc �fortk:�U��r, dc+il l �
<br /> - with such suceessur or successors in inter��3t with refi�rence Lu lhis mortg:ig� and tl�r. drbt herebY srrured as with the Afortqagor, � . .
<br /> . nnd may forbear to sue or may ext��nd time for the puyment ot tlie de6t IiemLy se�umd K�ithnut dischnrging or in fmy ���uy nffacting � �
<br /> . th� liability of the origimd T1orh;;igor hrrounder nr upon tlu� drbt s�rurrd. �. �
<br /> -. In this instrumeul Ihe singular includes thc plurnl nnd lhe 11LSCUIIIIC IIICIU(ICS U�r feminin�� m�d ilic• nruler and ihis in- . .
<br /> � tilrumeut vhnll br hinding upon Lhe unde�rsipned. his hrirs. pc�rsunal rc�precrntativr;, sucerssnrs :wd assi„na. � � .
<br /> IN WPPNL:SS 1VHI:RI30I', wr h:rve. herrun(o s�•t our h;nvls and tirtd, the dny nnrl prar first nbner �arillen.
<br /> ' In lhe prearncc nt: . f�� . . . . . . . � .
<br /> �1 /
<br /> ., . �. ...... `��1.... ..... _ _.. _ . '. _. . ... . _. _ . �—..
<br /> David A . `Laloudek
<br /> 11 ^� k . ' ' �
<br /> +� �� �. � � �ene K . �1 ... G_tt.G�_,C. '� �_ __... .. . � �
<br /> , Da r�,:_ 1 . V ,
<br /> STAT� Or N�BRASKA �
<br /> � _Hell...._.._ _. ...._Cuunty. � 4,.
<br /> �' On ihis . ..J(�_......._ day c�( . . �.. .__ . _ . .. _. 1 �.6._ .. i�[orr mi•. thc undersigncsl. n Nntary Public, in und for snid �.
<br /> C�❑n�y, perso»ally cnme...Dav7,d,.�., , .?aloudek .and Darlene . h . 7aloudek , husband and wife
<br /> _ _ _ __ _._ ... _. . ... _ ... _ _
<br /> � personnlly kno�vn io me lo be tho idmilical prr�ons whose mm�es are affixecl to the nbove ;md forr�;oing instniment, :u murtgagors,
<br /> �+nd each ncknowlnikcd snid in5tniment to be his or her voluntary urt nnd derd.
<br /> [ ;
<br /> �
<br /> \Vilness my huncl •md nutnriul senl ut.. ..._ Grand _I.sland.,._ Sle .b. ra,ska ,., .... ,,_ . ._ _ . _ ., _. . • �� �.� � .
<br /> , , �� _ _..
<br /> ;,1 �
<br /> ? � tlie date Inst alwve writlen. ,��+, ��tis,
<br /> . ....... .
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<br /> SS.
<br /> County . _ . . . .. . . ._ _ . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . _ _. . _ . _ . . _
<br /> <
<br /> 13ntered on numerical index and filed for recurci in the Re�,�ister of Dceds O(fice of said County the
<br /> _ _. . _ _. _ . . _ day oL _ . . . _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ _ . . . _ _ _ . . . , 19. . . . _ , at o'clock nnd _ _ _ . _ minuteti . . . . . . .M,.
<br /> and recrorded in I3ook. . . . . . _ . . ... . . ... . .. . . . . . _uf Alortga�os at pn�e_ _ _ . . . . _ _ , as Instrument No.. . _ . . . . . . -
<br /> _ _ �
<br /> � - . : .
<br /> _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . .. . _. .. _.. , y,, '
<br /> _ _ - _ Heg. of Deeds pj
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