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<br />� KNUWALLt�1GNIlYT�iisr:N�tes�:n�rs:�rt��c Larry E. Robinson and Sondra J. Robinson, each in his and
<br /> I
<br /> her OWft Pl9ht dlld dS SpOUSe of each other, M1tortgagor,whelhe�oneornwrc,inconsiderationofthesumof
<br /> Sixteen Thousand five Hundred Fiftv and No/100-------------------------------------t�ot�nits
<br /> loaned lo said mortgagur hy'Che tiquitablc{luilding and Loan Associatiun uf Crand Island,Nebraska,Alurtgagec,upon 165 sliares o(srock u(
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L Z2,�7�1GI C ������-«by grant,com�ey and murtgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following � .
<br /> � describcd real estatc,si�uaced in flall Cuunty,Nebraska: .
<br /> (N 10') fEET OF LOT TWO (2), QLOCK TWO (2),
<br /> - together with all the ienements,Irereditaments and appunenantes thereuntu belonging,including auncl�ed Oour cuverings,all window screens,
<br /> x� � window shades,blinds,stonn winduws,awnings,heating,uir conditioning,and plumhing and water eyuipment and accessories there�o,pumps,stoves,
<br /> � refrigera�ors,and other(istures and eyuipmam now ur hereafter attached tu or used in connection with said�eal estate.
<br /> � And whereas Ihe said mortgagur lias�greed�nd Jues hcreby agree that the mongzgor shall xr.d will pay all taxes and assessments tevied or
<br /> . asseesed upon said premises and upon this mortgage snd tlie bund secured thereby befure d�r same shull become delinyuent;tu(umish appcuved
<br /> insurance upon Aie buildings on s;�id premises situated in ihe sum o(S�6, 550.OO Payable to s�id ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br /> � ASSOCIATION die policia for said insurance;�nd nut tu cummit or penmtuny u�aste un ur abuut said premises:
<br /> In csse of default in the pcdormance oC any uf the terms and conditions uC this mortg�ge or the bond xcured hereby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> on demand,be entitled to immediate pussession o:thc mortg�ged ycemises and the nwrtgagur hereby assigns, transfncs and sets over to the
<br /> . mur�gagee�II the rents,revenues and income tu be derived from ehe mortgaged premises during such time as the murtgage inde6tedness shall remain
<br /> � unpaid:and thz mortgagee shall have[he pu�ver tu�ppoint ony�gent or agents it may dcsirc for the purpuse oC repairing said premims and rcnting
<br /> �he same and cullceting�he rents,revenue��nd income,�md it may pay out OI S:IIII income all expenses uC rrpairing suid premises and necessary
<br /> - commissions and expenses incurred in renting and mansging!he same and of collecting rentals iherefrum;the b�lance remaining,if any,[0 6e
<br /> � � applied loward the diuharge o(said murtEage indebtedness;these riehts ut the mortgagee may be exercised a[any eime during the existence of such .
<br /> p�� . default,irrespeclive of an}'temporarv waivcr o(Ihe satne.
<br /> � These f�f231'OIS,IIUR'CVCf,8(C upun the Cunditiun,7'h�t if che s�id 1for�gagur sh�ll�ep�y said loan on or beforc the maturiry of said shares by
<br /> f '��. payment:pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION uf the sum speciGed in the Bond xcured hereby as interest and princip�l on said loan.un or beCore
<br /> i:. : the Twentieth dav of each�nd every mon�h,until said loan is(ully paid;pay all taxes and assrssments leried against said premises and on this 9lortgage
<br /> t; � and�he Hond secureJ thereb}•,beforc delinyuency;iurnish approved insurance upun thr bwldings thereon in the sum of S �(,550.4n w>�ani�
<br /> - tn said ASSOCIATION:repay tu s�id ASSOCIATION upon dem�nd all money by it paid fur such t�ses,assessments and insurance witF�inierest at
<br /> � the m�ximum legal raic thereun Irum date uf p�yment all of w�hich 9furtEagur herehy�grees to pay;pennit no waste on said premises;keep and cumply
<br /> with all the agreements anJ conditions oi ihe Uund Ibr S�6 7550.OO �his day giren by tht said Atortgagur to said ASSIX:IATIO\,and cumply
<br /> � with all lhc reyuirements of the Cunstitution and i3yLa��'s ol s�id ASS(H:IATION;then ihese presents shall become null and roid,otherwise tl�ey
<br /> shall ren+ain in full furee aud may be fnredu,ed ut the uption uf ihe said :SS(X'IATION alter (xilu�e (or three munths tu make any a(said
<br /> payments or be three months in arre�rs in making said nwnthly p�yments,ur�u keep nnd compiy wi�h the agrerments and conditions ul said Uund:
<br /> � and�lortgagur agrees tu havc a receicer appointed forthwi�h in such fureclusure pruttedings.
<br /> If there is any change in oe'nenhip of the rral esi��e murtgaged herein,by sale or utherwise,dien q�e entim remuining indebtedness hereby
<br /> r' secured SI78II,at thc option of Thc fquitable Duilding and Loan Associatiun otGrand IslanJ,Ncbraska,bewme immediatrly due and payable wilhuut
<br /> I'urther nutice.and thc amouut remaining due under said bund,and an}�uthcr bund(ur any additional advances madt thereunder,shall,Crom the
<br /> �. date ol exercise u(said uptiun,bear inicrest st the maximum Icgal rate,und this nmrtgage may q�en be fbreclused tu satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> bund,and any uther bond(ur addi�ional advances,togciher�vith all sums paid by said'Che liyuilable Building and Luan Aswciation of'Crand Island,
<br /> Nebruska(or insurance,taxes and assessments.and abslraciing estensiun charges, wi�h interest thereon,from date of payment at the maximum
<br /> . Icgal cate.
<br /> As pmvided in tht Uund secured liereby,wLile this murtgage remains in efl'ect the murtgagee may hereafter aJvence adJitional sums to the
<br /> makers o(said 6ond,dteir assigns or successors m vucrest,whi�h sums shall be within the security of this murtgage the same as the funds originally
<br /> � . secured thereby,the total amount uf principal d�b�not to esceed at any iime the uriginal amount oC this mortgage. �
<br /> �>cea�i��s 14th a�y�>r June -�.��..�� 76
<br /> � � /'��
<br /> � a� _ ��!-1:....�w_c—
<br /> Carr E� inso� = =� ✓� _�`�
<br /> Sondra J. Robinsbn
<br /> STATG OF NE4RASKA,�ss. On this 14th �aF'�� June 19 76 ,before me,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL _.I ,
<br /> � the unJersicned,a Notaq�Public in and(ur said Cuunty,personally came , �`,,.,g,,;f- .
<br /> Larry E. Robinson and Sondra J. Robinson, each in his and her own right and as spouse of N ,.
<br /> each other, �°��° are personallyknownro � ;
<br /> � me lo be the identical perwns w�l�ose nam�S dP2 a(lixed tu the abure instrum^enl as mortgagor 5 and they severally I �:.,�
<br /> acknowledged the s:iid instrument to be thei r roluntary act and dced. // `} n �� .
<br />�,� � �-__.. _.. ..14'LT:�LSSmy.hwd,�nd�olarial Seal the date a�uresaid. '�. / . �� �
<br /> 1fy CotnYnissiun'ex�ires .�`'� i 7 �j
<br /> iti: � ' C /�il.�./�`7 /• /��J�'Z�
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