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<br /> �fr .�D0��22'7
<br /> AtORTGAGC• _
<br /> �--- MORTGAGE LOAN N0.. L 22,]$3_—
<br /> KNOWALLMI:NI�YTII6SGPRGSGNTS:Thet �lvin L. Scranton and Cheri K. �cranton, each in his and her
<br /> � OWfI ri ght and as SPOUSe Of edCh other, ���tigagor,whether one or more,in consideration of the sum uf
<br /> Twentv-five Thousand dOd NO��OO-------------------"'—'---""'—""'—'—"—'—'—'—'—DOLLARS
<br /> � loaned lu said morigagor by The Gqui�able Uuilding und Luan Association of Grand lsland,Nebraska,�tmtgagee,upon 250 shares of srock of
<br /> � said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L z2��83 ,du hereby geant,convey und mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION 1he following
<br /> � described rral es�ate,situatcd in flall Cuunty,Nebraska:
<br /> togedie� with all the tenements,heredi�aments and appurtenances ihereunto belonging,including attached t7om coverings,uIl window screens, ��
<br /> � winduw shades,blinds,sturm winduws,awnings,heating,air cunditioning,und plumbing and water equipment and acceswries thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> . refrigerators,and uther G�tures and eyuipment now or hereaiter auached to m used in[nnnection�vith said real estate.
<br /> .� And whcreas the said mortgagor h�s agreed and does hereby�gree that the p1Uf1�.',ll4Uf SI18II and will pay ail taxes and assessments levied or
<br /> �� � assesud upon said premises and upun this mortgage and the bund secured dierebv beloce�he same sliall become Jelinquant;to furnish approved �
<br /> '• insurance upun�he buildings un said premiscs situated in the sum ul S 25.���.D� payable to said ASSOCLITION and to delirer to said
<br /> . ASSOCIATION lhe policies fur saiJ insurance;and nat to cummit ur permit any u'asle on ur about ssid premises;
<br /> � In casr of Jefault in thc perCormance of any uf the�erms and conditions o(this mungage or the bond secured hereby,tl�e mortgagee shull,
<br /> on dcmand,be rntiticd tu inunediate pusscssiun uf thc mo�tgaged premises and the mung�gor hzreby assigns, transfers and sets over tu the
<br /> murtgagee all th:rcnts,revenoes and inwme tu br dcri�•ed(rom the murtgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain.
<br /> - unpaid;and die murigagee shall I�ave ihe puwer«>appoint a�ry agznt or agents it nmy dcsire(ur the purpose o(repxiring said premisos and nnting
<br /> the same and collecting du rents,revenues and incmne,and it may pay out of said incume all espenses of repairing sa�d premises and neceu�[y
<br /> cummissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same an1 uf collecting rantal> lherefrom:the batance[emaining,if any,tu be �
<br /> ;�pplied ioward d�e discha�ge u(said m�rtgage indebtednrss;these rights uf ihe murte�gee may 6e exercised at any time during the existence uf such �
<br /> defauh,irrespective ol any temporap'waiver uf d�e vme.
<br /> � Thcse Prcsents,t:uwever,arc upon die Cunditiun,'II���if thc said�tortgagor shall rcpa��s�id lu��n un or belore the maturity o(eaid shares hy �
<br /> payment:pay munthly to s�id ASSOCI,U'ION uf�hc sum specified in the Hund securcd hereby as interest and princip�l un said loan,on or befom
<br /> 2 the T�s'en�icth day of each and cvcry munth,until s�id Iwn is fully p�id:pay all tazes�nd assessments levied against said premises xnd on this!�fortgage
<br /> i
<br /> and the[3und secured lhereby,before delinyuencr;turnish appro��ed insurance upon tne buildings thrreun in the sum oC 5 25����.�0 p�y�ble
<br /> g: . tu said ASSOCUTIO�;!CF)8Y lU Je1tI ASSOCIA7'tON upon dem�nd all muney by i�paid fur such taxes,assessmenis and insurance with interest at �
<br /> the mnximum Irgal rate thereun from daie u(p�yment all of which Atortgagor hercby agrees tu pay:permit nu w�ste on s:iid prernises;keep and comply
<br /> with all d�e agreetnents and condi�ions uf Ihe l�onS fur S 25 rQ00 (1(1'�his day given by the said 1lortgagor to said ASSOCIATIO:J,and comply
<br /> � wi�h�II the requirentents u(the Constitutiun and llyLuws oi�a�ddSS�.�.lATION:dien these prcsents shall become null and��oid,odierwise they .
<br /> shall remain in full furce�nd may 6e forecloxd at Ihe uptiun ul the said ASSOCIATIOh after failure fbr three months tu make any of said
<br /> �. payments ur be�hrre munths in a�rears in making s�id munthly p�yments,or tu krep and cumply with the agrcements and conditions uf said Band;
<br /> and I�fortgagor aGrers w haae a rece�ver appuinted(orthwiih in such(ureclusure proceedings.
<br /> If there is a�iy changr in uwnership u(the rcal estate mortgaged herein,Ly sale or othe�wise,then the entire remaining indebtednzss hereby
<br /> secured shall,at�hc option of"!hc Liyuitablc Nuilding and Luan Association o((;rand Island,tiebraska,bccomc immcdiately due and payablc without
<br /> funher nutice,and the�muunt remaining duc under s�id bond,und any u�her bond for any additional vdvances made thareunder,shatl,twm the
<br /> �� date of cxereiu o(said uptiou,bear intcrest:�t the masimum legal ratc,and this mmlgagc may it�en be fureclused to satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> � bond,and any oiher bund tor additional udrances,tugether x•ith all sums paid by saiJ The Byuitable duilding and Luan Associatiun u(Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska fur insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting ex�ensiun cliarges,wrth iNerest thercon, from dare of payment at U�e maximum
<br /> Icgalra�e.
<br /> ? As proviJed in the Nond secured hereby,while this murtgage remains in effect the mortgagee may hereaRer advance additional sums w the
<br /> makers uf saiJ Bond,their assigns or successurs in inrerest,which sums shall be within tt�e securit}•o(this mortpage the same es the funds originally
<br /> xcured qiereby,ihe total amu�nt of principal debt not to exceed ut any time the original amount of'this mortgage.
<br /> Da�ed�hi 16t ��y�f June n.o..�� 76
<br /> �� �.
<br /> l�ur, ��_��c�.�����
<br /> e E�vin L. 5cra�ton
<br /> ;�/i,,�.. �. „r�,n„��rn
<br /> Cheri K. Scranton
<br /> STATE OF NEURASKA, ss. On this �6th day o( June 19 �6 ,befure me,
<br /> COUNTY OP HALL} .,I .
<br /> � the undersigned,a.�'otary Pu61ic in and for said County,perwnally came . �
<br /> Elvin L. Scranton and Cheri K. Scranton> each in his and her own a `x.�
<br /> ri ght and dS SPOUS@ of each other �'t��are Pe�sonally known to a ;,
<br /> L °° .
<br /> me to be the identical persun S ��'hose name S atfixed to the abuve i u t as murlgagor5 and theY severally ,a,��,
<br /> zcknowledged thr s:iid instrument tu be thei r voluntary act and deed. - �``��` _
<br /> N7TNESS my hand and Kotarial5eal the date alo¢wid. \ i�,�!.'�
<br />° �---:-- ---:�T}.�?u's�7oniexpires ! � .
<br />-�:R i t:, . � ..r. i �/
<br /> � '� . ..• � Rblary Public
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