<br /> ` :;.��« i
<br /> Y
<br /> �� .. �
<br /> 76- � n �� � t� 7
<br /> � It in further n�:rerd �6u1 in ra a :�ny siul i4 brgun 1�� forr:insr thi. murin+�F��, tLc l�to� ll:n�;ve. il> r.�p��•srnlati� r.. ur a.stl{n:;. . .
<br /> ehuil nt unce be entilled to lha P��•vr �. . ion nf ,:�iJ premicrs. nnd upon applicniiun �hendor. thi� annl m ���hich +uch :�chuu nh�dl � . , :
<br /> � I+c brouFlit or .my judgc o( .acli courl, oiU�cr in li�rm fitnr or v:ic:�tiun. is hort�b>' uutliorizisi lo appomt a rrcciv��r to laku P�tu+cs- . . . ; .
<br /> .io�i of. snid prcanirses, ur !o cullecl thi• � rnh ih��refrum, m�d In do :�ud pe.rforni auch nthor acts ne nra�� he rn�uirrd hy Ihe. ord��r � . .
<br /> � f of Ihe court muking the t3p�x�inhnent : ond naid ;�I�irlga�;or h�•relq� a•mvrs anY nulic�� i�l sucL :ipphr��lien . ;uid conyi•nlv lo Ihr �q�• � . - , .
<br /> � pnintment a! a �ecriver upon Ihe pnxiuctimi u( tliis murttiage, �cithuid nthvr ����idiv�cr. . . �
<br /> 1'he \lortgagee nhall Im subrog:dc•d tu all of the ril;his, privileRrs, priurilics, an;l equities o[ ;mq IirnhulAe.r ��•hnA�� liem m�y . . . . .
<br /> lutti�i� hern diacharR�'d (rum ttie prvx�a•ds n[ this loan, or by :mp (unds herrby patd nr farninhcil In� the A1or�FaBro. �. . � : ,
<br /> � � IT IS F.XPRESSLY A(:Rli}iD Ilr,it if lhe �tortt::�S�r vhall srll , cnm•i�y or nlien:�te s:iid P�•��p�+rly. or uny p.vt, lhr!reof, . . � � . .
<br /> or e�ny interest therein, ur ahnll lx+ (IIYI`1IlYI o( hiv hNe or aoy intrrrst !h�•rrin in auy m�inner nr ��ny, �rhrther culmil;�rilv ar . � .
<br /> involuntnrily, without written cunu�nt of ihe nlort�;u�i4� b��in�; first Lad nnd ubt.�im41, \tnrlG:�B�'�, "h:dl h;�r� the ripht ;il. i�v op�ion. � � .
<br /> to deelnre anp indebtednesv ur obliti;ilions sorured hend�y. irn�spittice ��f i6v maturil�� d:d�� s�?erifird io iup• not�• ovidencin�; llte . . .
<br /> ectme. immediak�lp due tmd pnpablc withoul nulice, and x�id dolit cluili t6ercii�nm bri�ime nh.ulut��. I[ ihr uwncrship of Um mort� � � . . � . ..
<br /> guged pro��i. l�a�mes vr.t«1 in a �xn�in �ther than ihi� A(urtFngor, ihr �4orlgagoo m:p�. �cilhoul �mlice t�i U�e A1ortF>ngor, denl ; � .
<br /> � with eucl� suc�s.�sur or Nuccr>+ors in interest �+�ith re(��rnna� la� Ihis mort�ng�� imd the di�bt I�or��6y securcd :�s wiUi the Tfortltngor, � � � . . . .
<br /> +ind maY [�rUenr to sue or mav extrnd timo for thr. paymcut o! the deLt hrn•by �����ured �viUiaut disch:�r�:ing or in wq' �+:�y nlTrctiug
<br /> � lhe liiabilily n( the ori�;innl \torlgnRor hrrvunder or u�wn Uu� Jrbt soeunvl. � . . . .
<br /> . In lhis inslrumenl Il�e �inEul:ir includ.K the plural :md Iho masc��liuc includes thr feminino :inil Iho nrutrr and 16iy in� �� � . � _ �
<br /> .trument s6�v(I br hindinK upun fhe andrr�iguod, his he�irs. persnnal re�irrsrntafi�•os. �:urers.nrs nnd n�.iitns. . . .
<br /> IN \l'1'P:� L:tiS \\'HP:RI�:OF'. �cc h;ice hrrrunl�> >rt onr hnnds ;tnd �oul, thr day nnd prnr �irnt idx��'r �crittrn. ' . .
<br /> ' �' ln [hr presrnco o(: . . .
<br /> �� �.
<br /> ' : �y'�..- Cf Gc. C� _� �--` .c%� _ . . .. _ _ . ..._
<br /> _ H51Ii � C . Iiicliter ��� �
<br /> � �) --�
<br /> / ' �
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<br /> ; .. . . � f:.a^ ,'�.t.��l_„ E:C.C • . _. _ _. . _. . _ _ _ ... - .
<br /> Carol Jo RicYiter
<br /> s�r��'ct. or ��Gi3R.ASitA � ..
<br /> ' _ __ .. Hall_ _ . . __cinui�>•. �
<br /> ,
<br /> -
<br /> .' On ihis . �� :'_ _ . . d:tv af . . . . �`•.•-••� _ _ 14 7U . Ixfure mc, lh�• undoniKnirl, n Notnr�• I'uhlir. in :md fnr nnid . �
<br /> c'uw,ty , per:���null�� c:uu��. }'allis C . fiiditer �iiid Czirol Ju i: ichter , }mcband and wi.fe
<br /> : _. _ _ _ _ _ ,. _ _
<br /> '�� pec.onnll)' kno�rn to mc lu U�� thr identirul Prrsum Hi�osi� nnmes rvo idtixiwi lo the a�r�ce ;md foregoin� in=lrument. nv murtl:atiurn. �: . .
<br /> ' and oach ncknowLdg��d �nid in�trument lo he hi. nr hrr vohmtury art :md de�•d. � . .
<br /> 4� \Vitness m�� hmtd and not:vinl sonl nL. . _ GP3ild ?5131](� T 1'1@bI'IISkEI . . . .. _ . . _ _ . . . . . _ . � .
<br /> . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . ... .... ... . ._ .
<br /> �- the date Inst nlw��c writien. � - . . .�
<br /> ' OENERAL kOTARV • Stete o1 Nebt. ,/ • �•: '
<br /> /�� l ✓ .,.: < �
<br /> MyCommWionE�Airea . _ . �- . .�_ _. _. . . . _ . . __ . .
<br /> NOVEMOER 25. 1978 �-'' N��t.+ rv Yublic.
<br /> j� . �iv commission i•�pires__ . ./, �� '' .� -. ''�� . .. . . _ .
<br /> E:
<br /> ,
<br /> , STATI. OF.. . _ . . _ _ . ._ _ . _ . . . . _ . . . . . . �
<br /> ' ,:+.
<br /> Countv . . _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ �
<br /> t�:ntered on numerical index and tile<I for rccard in the Register o( llr,eds O(tice ot snid County the
<br /> _ . _ . . dnv of. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ttl , _ . , at . . o'cla�k nnd . . . _ minutes . . _ hi,.
<br /> and recorded in 13ook. . . . _ . . . . . . _ uC Ainrfga�;cs at page _ . , �, [nstrumenl A'n. _ _ .
<br /> . .:,. I , , .
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