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<br /> MORTGAGL•
<br /> AtORTGAGL LOAN N0. t Z2+��9
<br /> KNOWALLh1ENDYTHESEPRESENTS:That Leo Liske and Maxine Liske, OdCh 11l h7S and her �WII
<br /> � right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Mortgagor,whether one or more,in wnsideretion of the sum of � � �
<br /> Twenty-five Thousand and No/100-----------------------------'-""-'--'---"--"---�oL�nRs
<br /> : loaned lo said mortgagor by The Hquitable Building and Luan Associa[ion of Crand I:land,Nebraska,Mor�gagee,upon 25� shares oF stock of � . �� ,�
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certiftcate No.L 22 �79 ,do hereby grant,convey xnd mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the lollowing
<br /> described real estate,situated in Hall Count�,Nebmska:
<br /> ��� tugether with all ttie tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging,including attached�uur coverings,all window screens, �. � . .
<br /> � window shades,blinds,storm windows,awnings,heating,air conditioning,nnd plumbing and water eyuipment and accessories therero,pumps,s[oves, .
<br /> ; reGigerators,and other fixtures and equipment now or herea(ter attached to or used in connection with said real esta�e. �
<br /> And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagur:hall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or . :��
<br /> . aueued upon said premius and upon this mortgage and the bonJ secured thzreby before the same shall become delinquen[:ro furnish appmved .
<br /> . insurance upon die buildingT on said pcemises situated in the sum uC 5 25����.00 p3yable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver[o said � �
<br /> , ASSOCIATION the pnlicies for said insurance;and not to commit or permit any waste on or about said premises; _ � - �
<br /> In cau oC default in tl�e perfurmance oC any oC the terms and wnditions of ttus murtgage or the bond secured hereby,the mortgagee shall, � �� �� �
<br /> �� on demand,be entided to immediate possession of the mongaged premises and [he mortgagor hereby assigns, trans(ers and sets over to the .
<br /> � mortgagee xll the rents,cevenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain , �
<br /> � unpaid;and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agente it may desire(ur the purpose oC repauing said prerttises and renting . . -
<br /> Ihe same and collecting lhe rents,uvenues and income,and il may pay out of said income all expenses of repairing said p�emises and necessary �
<br /> commiuions and expenxs incurred in renting and managing the same and of enllecting rentals the�efcom:the bal2nce cemaining,if any,to be . . . .
<br /> � applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness;these rights of the mortgagee may be exercised at any time Juring the existence of such
<br /> de(ault,irrespective o(any temporary waivu of tlie same.
<br /> These PresenL,huwever,are upon the Condition,That if the said Aturtg�gor shall repay said loan on ur befure the maturitv of said shares by '
<br /> � payment;pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum speci(ied in the Bond SecureJ hereby as inlerest and principal on said loan,un or before
<br /> the Tn'entieth day of each and erery month,until said loan is fully p�id;pay�II taxes and assessments levied against snid premises and on this t�fortcage
<br /> and the Bond secured thereby,before delinquency;furnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in tlie sum o�S 25�QQQ.QQ Payable �� .
<br /> to said ASSOCIATION;�epay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by it paid for such taxes,assessments and insurance with interest at - ,
<br /> the maximum legal ratc thermn(rom date of payment all uf which�fortgagur hereby agrees to pay:permit no waste on sxid premises,keep and comply �
<br /> with all the agreements and conditions of the Bond for 5 25�Q��.QOhis da5'6iven 6y the said�fort�gur w said ASSO(:!A'f10N,and comply
<br /> � with all ihe reyui�ements o(the Constitution and By-Laws of said ASSOCLITION:then these prcsents shall become null and roid,odtenvise they �.
<br /> shall remain in(ull force and may be foreclosed at the uption o(ihe said ASSOCIATION after (ailure lur Ihree mont6s tu make any of said
<br /> payments or be three months in arrears in making said munthly payments,or to keep and wmply with the agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br /> and Atoelgagor agrees to have a«ceivtr appointed furtl�with in such toreclusure proceedings.
<br /> If therc is any chxnge in ownetehip of the real estate murtgaged herein,by sale or uthenvise,then die entire remaining indebtedness he�e6y
<br /> sec�md:hall,at the oplion oC The Equitable Building and Lo�n Association ot Grand lsland,�ebraska,6ecome immedia[ely due and payable withuut
<br /> further notice,and the amuunt remaining due under said bond,and any o�her bond for any additional ad�ances made thereunder,shall,(rum the
<br /> date ui exerciu of said option,bear interest at the maximum ley;al rate,and this mortgage may then be foreclosed m satisCy the amount due on said
<br /> �� bond,and any other bond for additional ad�ances,together with all sums paid by saiJ The Cyuitable Building and Luan Associatiun of Grand Island,
<br /> F Nebraska for insurance,taxes and assessmenU,and nbstracting extension cLarges, wilh interest thereon,from date of payment at the maximum
<br /> legal rate.
<br /> As pruvideJ in the Bond secured hereby,w�hile this murtgage remains in ef(ect the mortgagee may heceaCter advance additional sums to the
<br /> � makers of said Bond,their assigns or successors m interesl,which sums shall be within the secucity of this murtgage the same as the(unds originally
<br /> sewmd thcreby,the total amount ot principul debt not to exceeS at any time tt�e ori�inal amount of ihis tnortgage.
<br /> Datedthis 15th s�y�r June -�7.o..�� 76 _
<br /> �,L L :'�'.-C.,Z��`Z�t Ill�Q:i�a 1 !., _ ' � '�
<br /> e Liske axine is e
<br /> STA'fE 0�NEBRAS!.CA, u On this �5th day°f Ju ne 19 J6,before me,
<br /> COUN'['Y OF HALL� ,..I •, ;,,;
<br /> the undersigne�i,a Notary PubGe in and For said Counry,perwnally came .
<br /> Leo Liske and Maxine Liske, each in his and her own right N �:-
<br /> d� dS� SpOUS@ of each other who are personally known to � �
<br /> L -= - �q :
<br /> ;}fid�o 6ki�bati�ni,t,uRal pecson 5 whou namt S affixcd to the abo��e instrument as mortgagor5 and they st�xrolly
<br /> �r'�CkpqWlfB�ed,lHdsai�instrument to be thei r voluntary act and deed. �Sp �7 �.
<br /> ��� '� "i",WIT2y�FSS my hand and Notarial Seal the date aCoresaid. . ii7�`_
<br /> . s � h1y1Cb}nmission expires j ���
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