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<br /> AtORTGAGC
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<br /> nioirrr�cr.i.o:�n;.o. _�_��,.17Z------
<br /> � KNOWALLAIHNDYTIIES6PRCSIiN7S:Thut Robert E. Lee and Mary Jane Lee, each in his and her own
<br /> right and as spouse of each other, Ato�tgagur,whetheroneormore,inconsiderationo(thesumof
<br /> ' Twentv-six Thousand and No/100--------------------------------------------------'-voi.�nas
<br /> loaned to said murlgagur by The fquitable duilding and Luan Associatiun uf Grand Island,t�ebraska.Aforigagee,upun 260 shares of stock of . .
<br /> said ASSOCIA'IION,Certificate �o.IZ2���� ,du lieraby geant,com'ey and mungage untu the said ASSOCIATION the fullowing
<br /> ' described rcat estate,situated in flall County,Nebraska:
<br /> i
<br /> together wilh all �he ienements,hrreJitaments and appunenances thereunw bclunging,including attacLed iloor cuverings,all winduw scrtens, � �
<br /> window shades,bllll(I5,$IUflll��'II7lIU\4'S,�K'i11I1KS�heating,air conditioning,and plwnbing and water eyuipment and accessories themto,pumps,stoves, . .
<br /> ' refrigerators,and other fixtures and eyuipment now ur hereafter att;fched tu ur used in cunnectiun widi said real estnte. �
<br /> And e•licrcas ihe said mortgagor has agceed and dues herby agree that the nwrtgagur shall and will pay all taxes and assesunents levied or � .
<br /> assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage anJ the bond secured thereby bdore die same shall becume delinquent;to(urnish appruved � .
<br /> insurance upon�he buildings un said premises situated in die sum uC5 26����.�� puyable to said ASSOCIATION and to daliver[o said . � �
<br /> � ASSOCIATION the policies for said insur�nce;anS na to commit or permil any w�aste on or about seiJ premises; . � �
<br /> . In case o(de(ault ir the performance oP any of tlie terms and condilions uC this nmrigagc m the 6ond secured hereby,dte mortgagee shall, - . �
<br /> on dem�nd,be entided to immcdia�e possession uf dre murtgaged premises and the mur[gagur hercby �ssigns, trans(ers and sets over lu Ihe .
<br /> � murtgagee all ihe renis,rovenues and income�u 6e derived(rom the mortgaged promises during such time as the murtgage indebtedness shall romau�
<br /> � unpaid:anJ ihc murig�gec shall Imve the puwrr to appuint any apem or agrnts it may dcsirc(or the purpuse ol rep�iring said premises and centing
<br /> the same and collecling the rems,revenues and income,and it may p�y out of s:�id income all expenses oC repairing said ptemises and necessary .
<br /> commissiuns and expenms incurred in renting und m�naging Q�e s�me and o(cullecting rentals there(rum;the baiance remaining,i(any,to be .
<br /> � applied toward the dischuFe o(said murtgagr indebtednrss:them richts uf the mortg�gec may be exercised at any tinte du�ing lht exisletice of such � .
<br /> � default,irrespeciive u(any temporary waivrr of the same. .
<br /> ` � These Piesen�s,however,are upon the Condition,That i(the said lfurtgagu�shall repay said loan on or beforc:he maturity o(said sharcs by
<br /> s. � payment;pay munthly to saiJ ASSOCIATIOV uf the sum speci�icd in ihe Bund securcd hercby as interest and principal on said loan,on or befure
<br /> ihe T��'entietlid�y of cach and every month,until said luan�s lully paid;pay all taxes aud assesm�enis�evied against said premises and on this!1lurtgage
<br /> and the Bond secu�ed thercby,lefu�e delinyuency;lurnisl�approved insurance upun ehe buildings ihereun in the sum o(S 26�QQQ.QQ pa}'able
<br /> � to said ASSO('IATIOV;rep�q�o said ASSOCIA7'101 upon dem�nd all monry by it paid ib�such taxes,assessments and insurance with interes�at .
<br /> ihe maximum Irgal nte thercon Gom date uC payment all uf ahich M1fo�tgagm hzreny�grecs m pay;pennit nu waste on said premises;keep and comply �
<br /> - N�idi all the agreemen�s and cundiiiuns of'd�e Itond I'ur S 26�QQQ.�Q dus day gi�en by'thr ssid pfurt�gor to said ASSO(:IATION,and comply
<br /> with ull ihc requiremants uf thc Cunstitution and I3y-LuH�s of said ASSOCIATION;dien tliese presents sh�l!bzcome null and vuid,otherwise they
<br /> � shall remain in fult force and m�y be(u�cc!umd at the oplion ol'Ihe said ASSOCIA7lON after failure lor three muNhs w make any ol'said
<br /> payments or be threc munths in s�rears in making said monthly pa}�mcnts,ur w Acep and cumply a�id�thc agreements and wnditiuns uf said Bund;
<br /> and M11artg�gur agrces to h�ve a receirer appointed lo�thwith in such(oreclosure proceedings.
<br /> If therc is any d�angc in owncrship ol the real csta�c mortgagcd hercin,by s�le or otherwise,then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> � secured shall,at the option o(The liyuitable 13uildiny,and Lo�n Aswcistiun uf f,rand Islsnd,Kebruska,become immediately due�nd p�yable without
<br /> � furlher nutice,and the amuunt remaining�due under said bond,and any u�her bund for anq additional ad�anas made thereunJer,shall,(rom the
<br /> date of exercise u(said option,bear interest ai the m�ximum legal rate,and ihis mortgage may then he(u¢clused to satisfy the umount due on said
<br /> bond,and any ofher bond for additional advances,tugether with all sums paid by said The Equitxble Building and Luan Aswcixlion o(Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska lor insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting estension charges,with interesl thereon,Irom date u(p:�ytnenl at the maximum
<br /> legalrete. .
<br /> As pruviJed in Ihe Bond secured hereby,while diis murtgage remains in rffect the mu�tga�:e m�y hemaCter aSvance additional sums to Ihe
<br /> � makers uf said Bond,their assigns ur successors m interest,which sums shall be with:n the secu�ity of this murtgage the sama as the funds originxlly
<br /> secured thereby,ihe rotal amounl oP principal debt no�tn exn:ed at any iime the original amuunt of dus mortgagm .
<br /> D• d this �4t{�) a�y�>r June n °..» 76
<br /> �" /.�-
<br /> RobEr;t �. Lee��
<br /> �1zL �'
<br /> - Mary Jane ee�
<br /> ✓
<br /> STATE OP NEBRASI:A,�ss. On this �Qth Jay of June 19 ]( ,before mt, .
<br /> COUNTY OF NALL �� .
<br /> the undersigned,a�otarv Public in and for said Cuuntv,personally eame
<br /> Robert E. Lee and Mary Jane Lee, each in his and her own right and as spouse o� each N `�
<br /> other, �°hO are pecsonallyknownto
<br /> L ._ . �
<br /> mo l0 6a the ideneical peisu0.S L �f�7§SSe�name5 dP2 affixed lo thc nbove instrument as morlgagor 5 and they sevcrallV
<br /> � '�`
<br /> acknowleJged the satdvlitrumetlt��t$bu.�:!�H,PrI l' vuluNaq�act and deed. ti •
<br /> R(TN�SS my hand edcl Ty Sti�Seal the da�e afuresaid. � %, �
<br /> C) • n L� �,
<br /> !�1V Commission expiru; 7 �9]� .(f/ -�'J�i3'1G-� ..
<br /> � ����� ` -
<br /> Notary Public
<br />`� 5.1.7A1 RI `'��
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