� ?j atr ;��
<br />:4 �Y . .. ^_� .
<br />�� �6. n�n ,� l � 4
<br /> • ,e�d thed in case anY ���i6 is bvqun ln [o�rclusi� 16is mortga�;r. the n4orlRngue, ils reproscululiv�s or acsigna.
<br /> IL is furlh�•r e�,n
<br /> � ,h�ll n6 nnce be enlitled lo lhc poaseasion of suid premises. nnd upnn upplicalio�i there(or, thr conrt in whu�h such ucliun shull
<br /> � be brou�;Lt or uny Judgo of such cuurL either iu term limr ur vncation, is hureby amthurized tu appoinf it roceiver to luke p��s�y-
<br /> sion of said premisus. or tu coliect !he rents therclrom, and tu du �ud P�rfonn Such nther ncts ns nm}' bo n�uired by lhe order
<br /> of the court m¢king thc uppointment: nnd said Mo� lga�;or Lcreby wiiiven anl' nnlire ut such iipplicabnn and ronsents to Ihr np-
<br /> -� � � pnintment of a receiver iipon �he �voduction nf lhis mnrfgaRe. ��'ilhout uther evidcnce. � � . �
<br /> 'I'he Mortgngce shall be eubrogated to ull of the righls, privileges, pri��tities. and equities o[ any lien6older ��'hose lien umy . .
<br /> • h��vu 6een dischar�ed from Ihe pnnreds o( tLis lomi, or by miy funds I�ereby Ptiid or furnished by ihe I�4ortgagee. . � . :
<br /> IT IS F.XPRESSI.Y AGR�PD thnt iI th� t�fortgaFor shnll sell, mnvey or a:iennfe �aid property, or nny pnrt thereof,
<br /> or nny intereat therein, nr shnll be divested o[ his title ur i�ny interest therein in any manner or �eny, whether voluntnrily or � � .
<br /> . involuntarily, without writt.en consent ot the htortgagcr heing firet had nnd obtninal, rlurtgngee sh�dl huvr thr. ri�;ht, at its option. . � �
<br /> to declure any indebtcKlness or oblig.�tinns secured hereby, irrespective u[ the mut�aity dute specified in auy nole e��idencing the �
<br /> � same, immedi¢telY due �nd p��yable without notim, nnd w�id debt shull the�mupon become nbeolute. I[ lhe ownerahip nf tl�e morL ,.. .
<br /> . gaged ptoperty bec.'omes w�:;tcd iu u pe�un other than lhe AAortgagor, lhe Diortg:�gee may, without nolicc tu tl�e Mortgagor, denl
<br /> with such successor or auccessors in intere,t wifli reference to this mortK+�Fe and the debt hrreby �ecumd as with the rlortgagor, , . � .
<br /> ❑nd may furbenr to sue or muy extend lime [or the payment o[ the di�bt h�rnby securcd wilhout dischnrging or in any way afTecting
<br /> the 1in6ilily uf the originnl lturtgnqor hereunder or upon the de6t securrd.
<br /> - In lhis instrument the singular includes the plurnl �nd the mnsculine includes lhc feminine nnd Ihe n�'uler and [his im � . � .
<br /> �lrument shall be bindin�: upon the m1dersiRned, his lieirs. persnn �l reprrsentntivev, saccevsors mid assiFns. - � � �
<br /> IN WITNliSS WHGREOF, �+'e have herrunto set our hnnds nnd Sral, Ihn dny nnd yrrv first aim�•e �vritten. �.
<br /> � � In the presence oL• � .
<br /> . ,���/� � � :.c� � .1�1' � _ __..._
<br /> Keith D . Obrecht
<br /> : � �w � . ��� �
<br /> ; _ _ _ _
<br /> , , �Tielen f,4 . �Obrecht
<br /> 4.,
<br /> S'PATl Or N�BRASKA j
<br /> } ss.
<br /> H811 . .._ .. . ... ..County, )
<br /> �', On this ....... I.Y......... doy ot ....... .. .�"""-'._. . ._ .... .., 19..7� tx•fore me. thc undersikntY3, a Notnry� Yublic, in and tor said ��.�� . ..
<br /> �
<br /> • Cuunty, personnlly can,e Keith D Obrecht and Helen M Obrecht , 3iusband and wife _ . , ._ ,.. ..
<br /> , .. .. _ . _ . _ _ .. . . _ ... . . _ ..... _ _ ._ _. . .
<br /> �xrsonnlly known to me to be tl�e iden4cat persons �ehose n�vnes are a(tixe�i Lo the nbo��e and foregoing inytrument, as morl„atiore. - �
<br /> i
<br /> - and each acknow�led�;ed said instn�ment lo be Lis or her vuluntary nct nnd dced. -
<br /> � Nilness my hund and notaria! seal at... ._ _..G.I'&Ild.. �S).&R�� .IJ.ebxaslca. _ .. ..... ..... . . . ... . .. _._ _ .... . . . ... . . .......
<br /> �� the date Inst nbove written. � .
<br /> ROBERT D. PUICZEK � -
<br /> GENERAL NOTARY • 6tete ot Nobr. / /�� ) �
<br /> . � MY Cam�bNon Expins _ _ . . ... . .. ....��1� .�./..�. . /....�� . .. .. _ .. .....
<br /> �t$iiy'"'S Notan' Public.
<br /> NOVEMBER 26, 1878
<br /> ' \ty commisyiun expires... . /�. 15 - 7 � , _ _ .
<br /> ; . ......... ... .. _. _ . _ _.. . _ . . ...
<br /> `
<br /> STATEOF.. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. ... ... . ... . . .. .... . ... . . ... ... ..._ j{
<br /> �. . � . . . _ .. . . . . . _ .. . . . . .. . . .. _ . } 55.
<br /> I
<br /> County _ _ . . . _ . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . �
<br /> lintered on numerical index a�id filed tor record in the Register ot Deeds 011ice of snid County the
<br /> - _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . .day of.. ... . . ... ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . . , 19. . . . . . . ... , at . . _ _ _. . . . . . . . . . o'dcxk und . _ . _ minutes . . . . .. . . . . _M,.
<br /> ' and recorded in Book... .. . .... . . . . . .. . _. . _ _ of biortgages at. page. . . . . . _ _ . . . , as Instrumeni I�To. . . . . . . _ _ . _ . . . ....
<br /> . ', . . � . :1:.
<br /> . . . _ . _ . . _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... _.. ..'. ' u; • ., .
<br /> . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . .. . . _ . .
<br /> Reg. of Deeds N ,,,
<br /> By _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . . . . .. Deputy � : ,
<br /> L _ _ _ _ .� ;
<br /> ,. �-
<br /> When recorded to be returned to thc
<br /> r7HS'I' FEDF:It:\L S:IVINGS :1tiD I,OAN :\ tiSOCI .11'ION UI� L[ '� COLN k-
<br /> p n 12.i� .. fy .. Streef i._ .' �': lGS Pd, .,� ..:: '.-: L � ,
<br /> i: . . . � . - , . . . . � _ _ .
<br /> 13i P70. Go1nCr NPid . � .' li? i : • .!
<br />=_� LIhCOL(J ',, .� .;i� i . , r ; . . - . � i � . . .
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